FroMage / jax-doclets

Set of JavaDoc doclets for modern Java annotations APIs
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Java 8 compatibility #61

Open youribonnaffe opened 10 years ago

youribonnaffe commented 10 years ago

It seems that with Java 8 every is broken.

I started to do some changes but it feels like this is going to be a lot of rework, the doclet API has been through massive changes..

Unfortunately I cannot find a lot of details about this API online. I'd like to contribute but I wondering what the best solution would be.

FroMage commented 10 years ago

Aw, damn. That would also mean we need to break Java < 8 compatibility if we support it, no?

youribonnaffe commented 10 years ago

It seems so. The options I see for now are:

What bothers me is that I quickly looked for information about API changes for doclets and did not find anything. Isn't it used a bit, by other people writing custom doclets?...

FroMage commented 10 years ago

I don't think anybody writes doclets anymore ;)

wikier commented 10 years ago

Same issue in Apache Marmotta (MARMOTTA-513), where the doclet is used to generate documentation form the JAX-RS web services.

Any plan to support Java>=8 ?

FroMage commented 10 years ago

The truth of the matter is that I don't have time to maintain this project anymore. If you want to make it work for both Java 7 and Java 8 I can grant you commit access.

wikier commented 10 years ago

For us (Marmotta) the urgent think would be to get 0.10.1 released and pushed to maven central as soon as possible,

I have no time either to maintain it, but I do have some time to keep it running and manage some fixes.

FroMage commented 10 years ago

Well, I'm not using this project for work anymore, which is also why I don't have time to maintain it. If you have time to put at least your fixes, and perhaps other contributors's fixes that work for you, I can let you push to maven central too (if I figure out how that works again). Let me know if that would work for you and I'll arrange it.

wikier commented 10 years ago

If you give me the credentials, I can help to get 0.10.1 out (issue #63).

FroMage commented 10 years ago

You should have push access now. For Maven Central it's trickier: I just checked and you need to create a JIRA to ask for permission to publish jax-doclets like me. I can't grant you that permission in the UI myself.

wikier commented 10 years ago

@FroMage, are you publishing via Sonatype OSS, right? Then you should open an issue, referencing OSSRH-855, asking to grant me (wikier) over the com.lunatech.jax-doclets groupId.

Please, comment issue #63 whatever should be taken into account for publishing 0.10.1 (what contains, etc)

FroMage commented 10 years ago

OK done:

FroMage commented 10 years ago

As for what went in, you can see the list here: and what should go in, I don't really care. Release when you need it released ;) Releasing often is never a bad thing.

FroMage commented 10 years ago

Permission granted apparently.

wikier commented 10 years ago

continue this thread at issue #63

dpalic commented 9 years ago

I am wondering if this project is still alive? This issue is very old and still not closed. Also JDK7 has this month it last month about any public updates. So the pressure is here to move to JDK8. Can someone tell more about the project status and about any further interest on the project?

wikier commented 9 years ago

not really... I jumped in to solve a concrete an quick issue, but @FroMage is not maintaining it anymore, I guess.

FroMage commented 9 years ago

No, this is pretty much looking for a brave maintainer :)

dpalic commented 9 years ago

Is there any idea of how many users are using this doclet project? I am willing to support, but only if a community is in the background to help us too...

FroMage commented 9 years ago

I've no idea TBH.

wikier commented 9 years ago

We use it in Apache Marmotta, that's why I needed released 0.10.1 (see issue #63). So I may help.

dpalic commented 9 years ago

FroMage, are you willing to support us with your knowledge? If so, we are already 3 persons to maintain ;-)

FroMage commented 9 years ago

What little knowledge I have I will share gladly ;)