Frodriguez116 / website

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Please make Website in flask from this #1

Open Frodriguez116 opened 4 months ago

Frodriguez116 commented 4 months ago

from openai import OpenAI from github import Github, InputFileContent from dotenv import load_dotenv import os

load_dotenv() openai_key = os.getenv("openai_key") github_token = os.getenv("githubToken")

client = OpenAI(api_key=openai_key) g = Github(github_token)

last_repo_name = None

def get_issue_details(repo_name, issue_number, conversation_history): repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.get_issue(number=issue_number) issue_details = f"Issue: {issue.title}. Issue body: {issue.body}"

if conversation_history:
    gist_content = "\n".join([f"{i + 1}. {msg['role']}: {msg['content']}" for i, msg in enumerate(conversation_history)])
    gist = g.get_user().create_gist(public=True, files={f"conversation_{issue_number}.txt": InputFileContent(content=gist_content)})
    issue.create_comment(f"Conversation history: {gist.html_url}")

return issue_details

def select_messages_for_upload(conversation_history): print("Conversation History:") for i, msg in enumerate(conversation_history): print(f"[||{i + 1}||]. {msg['content']}") upload_choices = input("Enter the numbers of messages you want to upload (comma-separated): ").split(",") upload_indices = [int(choice.strip()) - 1 for choice in upload_choices if choice.strip().isdigit()] selected_messages = [conversation_history[i]["content"] for i in upload_indices if 0 <= i < len(conversation_history)] return selected_messages

def create_gist_with_selected_messages(conversation_history, repo_name, issue_number): if conversation_history: selected_messages = select_messages_for_upload(conversation_history) file_name = input("Enter the name for the gist text file: ") gist_content = "\n".join(selected_messages) gist_files = {f"{file_name}.txt": InputFileContent(content=gist_content)} gist = g.get_user().create_gist(public=True, files=gist_files) repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.get_issue(number=issue_number) issue.create_comment(f"Gist URL: {gist.html_url}") print("Gist URL:", gist.html_url) else: print("No conversation history available to create a gist.")

def chat_with_gpt(prompt, upload_last_response=False): messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "Previous messages:"}, *conversation_history, ] if upload_last_response: previous_responses = [msg for msg in conversation_history if msg["role"] == "system"] messages.extend([ {"role": "system", "content": f"[||{i + 1}||]. {msg['content']}"} for i, msg in enumerate(previous_responses) ]) messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})

response =
return response.choices[0].message.content.strip()

if name == "main": conversation_history = [] while True: user_input = input("You: ").lower() if user_input in ["quit", "exit", "bye"]: break elif user_input == "gitchat": if last_repo_name is None: repo_name = input("What is the repo name: ") else: use_last_repo = input(f"Use last repo '{last_repo_name}'? (y/n): ").lower() repo_name = last_repo_name if use_last_repo == "y" else input("What is the repo name: ") issue_number = int(input("Issue number: ")) last_repo_name = repo_name git_details = get_issue_details(repo_name, issue_number, conversation_history) user_input = git_details response = chat_with_gpt(user_input) print("Chatbot: ", response) elif user_input == "gistpush": create_gist_with_selected_messages(conversation_history, repo_name, issue_number) else: response = chat_with_gpt(user_input) print("Chatbot: ", response) conversation_history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) conversation_history.append({"role": "system", "content": response}) create a separate file that uses flask to create a website that uses this script

Frodriguez116 commented 4 months ago

Conversation history:

Frodriguez116 commented 4 months ago

Gist URL:

Frodriguez116 commented 4 months ago

Gist URL: