FrogTheFrog / moondeck-buddy

A server-side part of the MoonDeck plugin for the SteamDeck.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
173 stars 10 forks source link

Nothing is wrong (game launches, stream visible) but MoonDeck thinks something is wrong? #41

Closed philhzss closed 1 year ago

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Hey FrogTheFrog,

New PC, old one died so trying to re-setup MoonDeck. Decided to finally ditch GFE and going with Sunshine this time. I think I've set up everything right, but I'm getting a strange popup on my PC, when I try to launch a game from the Deck:


No idea if it's related to the Xbox Gamebar or something? I have that all turned off (as far as I know, it's a recent build and fresh Windows install).

The weird thing is, other than that popup, Steam launches, the game launches, and I even get to see the game for a split second on the Deck, before the error "Failed to launch Steam via Buddy" shows up. The game is then running on the host, if I just open the Moonlight app (on the Deck), I can join into the game MoonDeck launched and it works.

Does anything make sense, do you know if I did something wrong in the setup? Here's buddy's log, don't think it will help you much though

[01:58:45.554] INFO     buddy.utils: Log location: "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/moondeckbuddy.log"
[01:58:45.554] INFO     buddy.main: startup.
[01:58:45.554] INFO     buddy.utils: Saving default settings to "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/settings.json"
[01:58:45.715] INFO     buddy.server: Server started listening at port 59999
[01:58:45.715] INFO     buddy.main: startup finished.
[01:59:03.914] INFO     buddy.server: Finished saving: "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/clients.json"

Thank you!! This is my first time using Sunshine so I might have missed something. The streaming does seem to work though, its just something weird with the shortcut-launcher

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Heyo. Can you please enable the debug logs for buddy and paste the log here?

As for the gamebar, I have no idea what this is 🤔 . Maybe Windows tries to hijack Steam protocol or something?

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Sure, here you go! I also just tried to delete all hosts on Moonlight (Steam Deck), on MoonDeck (Deck), and deleted the pairing between Sunshine and my Deck. Sadly it didn't change anything.

Oh, and if it makes a difference. There's quite a big delay. I select the shortcut on the Deck, then it says "Starting MoonDeckStream", then it kicks me out, says "Failed to launch Steam app via Buddy", and then about ~10 secs later, BPM appears, and then another 10 secs later, the game launches. It's like if its too slow for MoonDeck to realise it launched?? But if I recall correctly, on my old PC with GFE it was instant, as soon as I'd hit the shorctut on the Deck, the game would launch on the PC. Here's the log!

[15:28:21.036] INFO     buddy.utils: Log location: "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/moondeckbuddy.log"
[15:28:21.036] INFO     buddy.main: startup.
[15:28:21.092] INFO     buddy.server: Server started listening at port 59999
[15:28:21.092] INFO     buddy.main: startup finished.
[15:28:21.092] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAppName() >>  "MoonDeckBuddy"
[15:28:21.092] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogDir() >>  "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin"
[15:28:21.094] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogName() >>  "moondeckbuddy.log"
[15:28:21.094] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogPath() >>  "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/moondeckbuddy.log"
[15:28:21.094] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsDir() >>  "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin"
[15:28:21.094] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsName() >>  "settings.json"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsPath() >>  "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/settings.json"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartDir() >>  "C:/Users/phili/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartPath() >>  "C:/Users/phili/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup/MoonDeckBuddy.lnk"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartExec() >>  "C:/ProgramData/Programs/MoonDeckBuddy/bin/MoonDeckBuddy.exe"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.os: Steam exec path: "p:/program files (x86)/steam/steam.exe"
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.os: Steam is running!
[15:28:21.095] DEBUG    buddy.os: Handling Steam start.
[15:28:44.208] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"version\":3}"
[15:28:44.230] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Paired\"}"
[15:28:44.244] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Normal\"}"
[15:28:48.252] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"version\":3}"
[15:28:48.260] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Paired\"}"
[15:28:48.269] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Normal\"}"
[15:28:49.299] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"version\":3}"
[15:28:49.303] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Paired\"}"
[15:28:49.310] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Normal\"}"
[15:28:54.670] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"version\":3}"
[15:28:54.692] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Paired\"}"
[15:28:54.734] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Normal\"}"
[15:28:54.800] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"steamIsRunning\":true,\"steamRunningAppId\":0,\"steamTrackedUpdatingAppId\":null,\"streamState\":\"Streaming\"}"
[15:28:54.821] DEBUG    buddy.os: Trying to change resolution.
[15:28:54.969] DEBUG    buddy.os: Changed resolution for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY1"
[15:28:54.969] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY2"
[15:28:54.970] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY3"
[15:28:54.970] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY4"
[15:28:54.970] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY5"
[15:28:54.970] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY6"
[15:28:54.971] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY7"
[15:28:54.971] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY8"
[15:28:54.971] DEBUG    buddy.os: Failed to get display settings for "\\\\.\\DISPLAY9"
[15:28:54.971] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"), ("Content-Length": "30"), ("Content-Type": "application/json"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 30)) | "{\"width\": 1280, \"height\": 800}" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"result\":true}"
[15:28:55.216] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"steamIsRunning\":true,\"steamRunningAppId\":0,\"steamTrackedUpdatingAppId\":null,\"streamState\":\"Streaming\"}"
[15:28:55.227] DEBUG    buddy.os: Trying to hide cursor.
[15:29:26.240] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"), ("Content-Length": "19"), ("Content-Type": "application/json"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 19)) | "{\"app_id\": 1167630}" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"result\":true}"
[15:29:27.297] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 1167630
[15:29:27.297] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: true
[15:29:41.853] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 0
[15:29:41.853] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: false
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

What I see is the lack of logs in here:

[15:29:27.297] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 1167630
[15:29:27.297] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: true
[15:29:41.853] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 0
[15:29:41.853] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: false

MoonDeck is supposed to ask every 1 sec whether the game is running or not, but it seems it is not doing it 🤔

Can you grab the MoonDeck logs from Decky? I need the runner log: /tmp/moondeck-runner.log (or something like that).

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Sidenote: I fixed the ms-gamebar thing by reinstalling Xbox Gamebar and just turning it off. I didn't want it so I had uninstalled it, I guess Windows didn't like that.

Here's the log from the Deck;

2023-07-06 12:09:00,948 INFO Resetting runner result
2023-07-06 12:09:00,948 INFO Getting app id
2023-07-06 12:09:00,948 INFO Getting current host settings
2023-07-06 12:09:00,949 INFO Will try to apply 2560x1440 (90000 kbps) resolution on host.
2023-07-06 12:09:00,949 INFO Trying to run the game using the app MoonDeckStream
2023-07-06 12:09:00,950 INFO Establishing connection to Buddy
2023-07-06 12:09:01,005 INFO Checking if GameStream service is running
2023-07-06 12:09:01,027 INFO Waiting for a initial stream conditions to be satisfied
2023-07-06 12:09:01,045 INFO Notifying Buddy to change resolution
2023-07-06 12:09:01,058 INFO Checking if Moonlight flatpak is installed
2023-07-06 12:09:01,319 INFO Terminating all Moonlight instances if any
2023-07-06 12:09:01,372 INFO Starting Moonlight
2023-07-06 12:09:01,374 INFO Waiting for Steam to be ready to launch games
2023-07-06 12:09:01,375 INFO Starting to save Moonlight output.
2023-07-06 12:09:01,387 INFO Sending request to launch app 1167630
2023-07-06 12:09:06,887 ERROR Failed to launch Steam app via Buddy!

But wait a second, something is wrong. I just noticed that my MoonDeckBuddy log was not updating.. thought it was strange. Went to Task Manager, found MoonDeckBuddy and MoonDeckStream, selected "show location", and it seems I have Buddy installed twice in two places?!?

One is in C:\Users\phili\AppData\Local\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin Another one in C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin

Which is strange because even though I did try to reinstall it at some point, I thought I had always used the default location to install. I will delete all instances of Buddy from my PC and try to reinstall in one place only, standby.....

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Sadly, same result. The logs are also the same, just reran it and now here are logs generated at the same time, moondeckbuddy.log:

[12:19:07.570] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"), ("Content-Length": "19"), ("Content-Type": "application/json"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 19)) | "{\"app_id\": 1167630}" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"result\":true}"
[12:19:08.663] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 1167630
[12:19:08.663] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: true
[12:19:17.729] DEBUG    buddy.os: Running appID change detected (via global key): 0
[12:19:17.729] DEBUG    buddy.os: App 1167630 "running" value change detected: false
[12:19:23.093] DEBUG    buddy.os: Stream has ended.


2023-07-06 12:18:31,992 INFO Resetting runner result
2023-07-06 12:18:31,992 INFO Getting app id
2023-07-06 12:18:31,992 INFO Getting current host settings
2023-07-06 12:18:31,992 INFO Will try to apply 2560x1440 (90000 kbps) resolution on host.
2023-07-06 12:18:31,992 INFO Trying to run the game using the app MoonDeckStream
2023-07-06 12:18:31,994 INFO Establishing connection to Buddy
2023-07-06 12:18:32,083 INFO Checking if GameStream service is running
2023-07-06 12:18:32,097 INFO Waiting for a initial stream conditions to be satisfied
2023-07-06 12:18:32,102 INFO Notifying Buddy to change resolution
2023-07-06 12:18:32,112 INFO Checking if Moonlight flatpak is installed
2023-07-06 12:18:32,176 INFO Terminating all Moonlight instances if any
2023-07-06 12:18:32,225 INFO Starting Moonlight
2023-07-06 12:18:32,227 INFO Waiting for Steam to be ready to launch games
2023-07-06 12:18:32,228 INFO Starting to save Moonlight output.
2023-07-06 12:18:39,409 INFO Sending request to launch app 1167630
2023-07-06 12:18:44,928 ERROR Failed to launch Steam app via Buddy!

I also noticed that after the Deck shows the Desktop for one second and closes (with the error Failed to launch Steam app via Buddy), then 10-15 seconds later BPM and the game open, if I quit the game and return to regular Steam, MoonDeckStream.exe is still running in Task Manager, I have to close it myself. Still does not work though, even after manually closing it

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Please find this file on decky (somewhere in /home/deck/homebrew/*/moondeck) and set the log level from INFO to DEBUG. Try streaming again and then paste the runner log.

philhzss commented 1 year ago
2023-07-06 13:25:10,026 DEBUG Using selector: EpollSelector
2023-07-06 13:25:10,026 INFO Resetting runner result
2023-07-06 13:25:10,027 INFO Getting app id
2023-07-06 13:25:10,027 INFO Getting current host settings
2023-07-06 13:25:10,027 INFO Will try to apply 2560x1440 (90000 kbps) resolution on host.
2023-07-06 13:25:10,028 INFO Trying to run the game using the app MoonDeckStream
2023-07-06 13:25:10,029 INFO Establishing connection to Buddy
2023-07-06 13:25:10,184 INFO Checking if GameStream service is running
2023-07-06 13:25:10,295 INFO Waiting for a initial stream conditions to be satisfied
2023-07-06 13:25:10,321 INFO Notifying Buddy to change resolution
2023-07-06 13:25:10,343 INFO Checking if Moonlight flatpak is installed
2023-07-06 13:25:10,396 INFO Terminating all Moonlight instances if any
2023-07-06 13:25:10,438 INFO Starting Moonlight
2023-07-06 13:25:10,440 INFO Waiting for Steam to be ready to launch games
2023-07-06 13:25:10,442 INFO Starting to save Moonlight output.
2023-07-06 13:25:16,993 INFO Sending request to launch app 1167630
2023-07-06 13:25:22,977 DEBUG Timeout while executing request: 
2023-07-06 13:25:23,036 ERROR Failed to launch Steam app via Buddy!

There is not much difference. Timeout while executing request:

It does take quite some time before Steam switches to BPM. If I recall correctly, it used to instantly open the game on my other PC when I was using GFE, before the Deck even showed "Loading MoonDeckStream", the game was launching. Perhaps there's something wrong with the PC

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

What this tells me that MoonDeck does not receive a response from the host, however the host can receive requests.

In quick access menu, does it show that the Buddy is online?

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Yes, it shows that both GameStream and Buddy are Online.

I tried reinstalling Buddy on the PC a few times, it didn't help. Perhaps I should try deleting everything and starting from scratch? Uninstalling Moonlight from the Deck, uninstalling MoonDeck, removing Sunshine and MoonDeckBuddy from the PC, etc

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

I don't think it will help uninstalling Sunshine as it's completely unrelated. I looks like some sort of a network issue to me... The MoonDeck simply does not receive a response that Buddy is sending out:

Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl(""))(Headers: ("Host": ""), ("authorization": "basic Yjc0ZDc5NTQtYTMxNS00YjEzLTliZDQtNWRkYzk3NjAwMGNh"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"), ("Content-Length": "19"), ("Content-Type": "application/json"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:"))(BodySize: 19)) | "{\"app_id\": 1167630}" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"result\":true}"
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Try uninstalling Buddy, manually removing whatever is left and go to the firewall settings and remove anything related to Buddy so that it can be re-added.

philhzss commented 1 year ago

That didn't work, also tried completely disabling the Windows Firewall temporarily and it also didn't work.

However, I might be on to something. I just tried force closing NVIDIA whatever in the taskbar (the button that allows access to GeForce Experience and NVIDIA control panel, and now I'm getting a different error? Its just saying "Moonlight has been closed", and the game/BPP does not launch anymore.

GFE has been turned off during all this time... I'm curious as to why its doing this now. Ill check Moonlight directly. Standby

philhzss commented 1 year ago

I think something is wrong with Sunshine. I can stream my desktop fine, but when I select MoonDeckStream (manually in Moonlight on the Deck), it tries to load and kicks me out. I tried adding a game directly in Sunshine (Teardown), and I saw my desktop for a few secs, then it kicked me out, then the game launched? Similar to the problems I'm having with MoonDeck, but now happening directly in Moonlight on the Deck.

I will keep updating you here, let me know if you have other ideas, but I'm fairly sure there is nothing wrong with MoonDeck, it's something with my setup here. Working on it

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

GFE stream thingy (shield or something) needs to be disabled if you're using Sunshine as they will fight over the same ports. If you do that and still have issues then please paste the Sunshine logs from the web UI.

(I'm going to sleep now btw)

philhzss commented 1 year ago

GFE shield thing (Gamestream / NVIDIA shield) is turned off but I still have GeForce experience installed, perhaps the next step would be to uninstall that? I turned on DEBUG on Sunshine and tried to launch again via MoonDeck shortcut. The log is quite long, there was a lot of "refresh" lines (from Sunshine webui refreshing in my browser) so I tried to clean it up a bit to make it more useful for you. Do you see anything special here?

Hmm, noticed a few references to AMD in there, I don't know Sunshine so perhaps it doesn't mean anything. But my AMD CPU has a built in GPU.. I don't even think that would support sunshine/streaming, but do you think its related to the problem?

Just to clarify what I did here, I completely uninstalled Sunshine and reinstalled from scratch. Gave the machine a different name than before to avoid confusion. Removed old machine from Moonlight on Deck, added new one. Remove Buddy and repaired it after reinstalling. Added MoonDeckStream to the sunshine applications page. Tried to run the game "Teardown" from the Deck using MoonDeck's shortcut. It did as usual; showed my Desktop for 2-3 seconds on the Deck, then closed with the "Failed to launch Steam from Buddy" message, then about 10 seconds later BPM opened on the desktop, and 10 secs after that, Teardown finally opened.

Thank you for time, I know this is taking a lot of it. I'll keep trying tomorrow (going to sleep now) or this weekend and will let you know if I discover anything

The log is long so I tried to collapse it, if you can open it for some reason let me know and I will repaste it.

Sunshine log (click) ```` [2023:07:07:01:34:34]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: /CN=NVIDIA GameStream Client -- verified [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: TUNNEL :: HTTPS [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /launch [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en,* [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Connection -- Keep-Alive [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Host -- [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: localAudioPlayMode -- 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: gcmap -- 1 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: remoteControllersBitmap -- 1 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: rikeyid -- -979904896 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: surroundAudioInfo -- 196610 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: rikey -- 33894d9e59372a796ae4a5ad78618839 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: sops -- 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: mode -- 2560x1440x60 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: appid -- 1189640638 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: uuid -- 2790cd9019fe42ebab9878d60ff69ce8 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: additionalStates -- 1 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: uniqueid -- 0123456789ABCDEF [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. // [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Info: Trying encoder [nvenc] [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: TUNNEL :: NONE [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /serverinfo [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en,* [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Connection -- Keep-Alive [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: Host -- [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: uuid -- 1640d714f34c4fc5b30c721c1d1313a1 [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: uniqueid -- 0123456789ABCDEF [2023:07:07:01:34:35]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002208 Device Video Mem : 12100 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002208 Device Video Mem : 12100 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2023:07:07:01:34:36]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002208 Device Video Mem : 12100 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. // [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ------ h264 ------ [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: PASSED: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: REF_FRAMES_RESTRICT: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CBR: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: DYNAMIC_RANGE: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: VUI_PARAMETERS: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ------------------- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ------ hevc ------ [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: PASSED: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: REF_FRAMES_RESTRICT: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CBR: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: DYNAMIC_RANGE: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: VUI_PARAMETERS: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ------------------- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Found encoder nvenc: [h264_nvenc, hevc_nvenc] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Parsed executable [C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe] from command [C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Resolved executable [C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe] to path ["C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe"] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Executing: [C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe] in ["C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin"] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: C:\ProgramData\Programs\MoonDeckBuddy\bin\MoonDeckStream.exe running with PID 23120 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: /CN=NVIDIA GameStream Client -- verified [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: TUNNEL :: HTTPS [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /serverinfo [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en,* [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Connection -- Keep-Alive [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host -- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: uuid -- 9ff9adac1c74488c8273a90c6c0f3645 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: uniqueid -- 0123456789ABCDEF [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 99 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [1] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: OPTIONS [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: rtsp:// [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 1 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- OPTIONS ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 1 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 175 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [2] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: DESCRIBE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: rtsp:// [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 2 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Accept :: application/sdp [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: If-Modified-Since :: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- DESCRIBE ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 2 sprop-parameter-sets=AAAAAU a=fmtp:97 surround-params=21101 a=fmtp:97 surround-params=21101 a=fmtp:97 surround-params=642012453 a=fmtp:97 surround-params=660012345 a=fmtp:97 surround-params=85301245367 a=fmtp:97 surround-params=88001234567 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 188 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [3] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: SETUP [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: streamid=audio/0/0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 3 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Transport :: unicast;X-GS-ClientPort=50000-50001 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: If-Modified-Since :: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- SETUP ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 3 Session: DEADBEEFCAFE;timeout = 90 Transport: server_port=48000 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 212 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [4] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: SETUP [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: streamid=video/0/0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 4 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Session :: DEADBEEFCAFE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Transport :: unicast;X-GS-ClientPort=50000-50001 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: If-Modified-Since :: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- SETUP ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 4 Session: DEADBEEFCAFE;timeout = 90 Transport: server_port=47998 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 215 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [5] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: SETUP [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: streamid=control/13/0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 5 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Session :: DEADBEEFCAFE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Transport :: unicast;X-GS-ClientPort=50000-50001 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: If-Modified-Since :: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- SETUP ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 5 Session: DEADBEEFCAFE;timeout = 90 Transport: server_port=47999 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 536 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 363 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Found Content-Length: 1346 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 983 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Found Content-Length: 1346 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [6] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: v=0 o=android 0 14 IN IPv4 s=NVIDIA Streaming Client a=x-nv-video[0].clientViewportWd:2560 a=x-nv-video[0].clientViewportHt:1440 a=x-nv-video[0].maxFPS:60 a=x-nv-video[0].packetSize:1392 a=x-nv-video[0].rateControlMode:4 a=x-nv-video[0].timeoutLengthMs:7000 a=x-nv-video[0].framesWithInvalidRefThreshold:0 a=x-nv-video[0].initialBitrateKbps:67125 a=x-nv-video[0].initialPeakBitrateKbps:67125 a=x-nv-vqos[0].bw.minimumBitrateKbps:67125 a=x-nv-vqos[0].bw.maximumBitrateKbps:67125 a=x-nv-vqos[0].fec.enable:1 a=x-nv-vqos[0].videoQualityScoreUpdateTime:5000 a=x-nv-vqos[0].qosTrafficType:5 a=x-nv-aqos.qosTrafficType:4 a=x-nv-general.featureFlags:167 a=x-nv-general.useReliableUdp:13 a=x-nv-vqos[0].fec.minRequiredFecPackets:2 a=x-nv-vqos[0].bllFec.enable:0 a=x-nv-vqos[0].drc.enable:0 a=x-nv-general.enableRecoveryMode:0 a=x-nv-video[0].videoEncoderSlicesPerFrame:1 a=x-nv-clientSupportHevc:1 a=x-nv-vqos[0].bitStreamFormat:1 a=x-nv-video[0].dynamicRangeMode:0 a=x-nv-video[0].maxNumReferenceFrames:1 a=x-nv-video[0].clientRefreshRateX100:0 a=x-nv-audio.surround.numChannels:2 a=x-nv-audio.surround.channelMask:3 a=x-nv-audio.surround.enable:0 a=x-nv-audio.surround.AudioQuality:0 a=x-nv-aqos.packetDuration:5 a=x-nv-video[0].encoderCscMode:0 t=0 0 m=video 47998 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: ANNOUNCE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: streamid=control/13/0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 6 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Session :: DEADBEEFCAFE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Content-type :: application/sdp [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Content-length :: 1346 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- ANNOUNCE ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Found Host: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 6 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_read(): Handle read of size: 96 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: handle_payload(): Handle read of size: 0 bytes [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [REQUEST] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: sequence number [7] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: protocol :: RTSP/1.0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: payload :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: command :: PLAY [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: target :: / [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: CSeq :: 7 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: X-GS-ClientVersion :: 14 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Host :: [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Session :: DEADBEEFCAFE [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin MessageBuffer--- PLAY ---End MessageBuffer--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ---Begin Response--- RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 7 ---End Response--- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: RAISE: :: VIDEO [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Received ping from [474E4950] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Start capturing Video [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Detecting monitors... [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ====== ADAPTER ===== Device Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002208 Device Video Mem : 12100 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB ====== OUTPUT ====== [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Output Name : \\.\DISPLAY1 AttachedToDesktop : yes Resolution : 1280x800 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: CLIENT CONNECTED [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [IDX_REQUEST_IDR_FRAME] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: type [IDX_START_B] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: --begin relative mouse move packet-- deltaX [1] deltaY [1] --end relative mouse move packet-- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: --begin relative mouse move packet-- deltaX [-1] deltaY [-1] --end relative mouse move packet-- [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ====== ADAPTER ===== Device Name : AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x0000164E Device Video Mem : 485 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB ====== OUTPUT ====== [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: ====== ADAPTER ===== Device Name : Microsoft Basic Render Driver Device Vendor ID : 0x00001414 Device Device ID : 0x0000008C Device Video Mem : 0 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB ====== OUTPUT ====== [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: largeMotor: 0 smallMotor: 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: largeMotor: 0 smallMotor: 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: largeMotor: 0 smallMotor: 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002208 Device Video Mem : 12100 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 32336 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Capture format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Info: Color range: [MPEG] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Send gamepadnr [0] with lowfreq [0] and highfreq [0] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Send gamepadnr [0] with lowfreq [0] and highfreq [0] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Send gamepadnr [0] with lowfreq [0] and highfreq [0] [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Sent HDR mode: false [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: largeMotor: 0 smallMotor: 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:37]: Debug: Send gamepadnr [0] with lowfreq [0] and highfreq [0] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: type [IDX_REQUEST_IDR_FRAME] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: RAISE: :: AUDIO [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Received ping from [474E4950] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Start capturing Audio [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Stereo]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Stereo: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Surround 5.1]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 5.1: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Surround 7.1]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Surround 7.1: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Trying audio format [Stereo] [2023:07:07:01:34:38]: Debug: Found audio format [Stereo] [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: largeMotor: 0 smallMotor: 0 [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Send gamepadnr [0] with lowfreq [0] and highfreq [0] [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /api/logs [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8 [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Host -- localhost:47990 [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Accept -- */* [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Connection -- keep-alive [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate, br [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Authorization -- CREDENTIALS REDACTED [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: sec-ch-ua -- "Not.A/Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="114", "Google Chrome";v="114" [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-mobile -- ?0 [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Site -- same-origin [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Mode -- cors [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Dest -- empty [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-platform -- "Windows" [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: Referer -- https://localhost:47990/troubleshooting [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:39]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /api/logs [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8 [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Host -- localhost:47990 [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Accept -- */* [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Connection -- keep-alive [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate, br [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Authorization -- CREDENTIALS REDACTED [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: sec-ch-ua -- "Not.A/Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="114", "Google Chrome";v="114" [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-mobile -- ?0 [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Site -- same-origin [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Mode -- cors [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Dest -- empty [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-platform -- "Windows" [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: Referer -- https://localhost:47990/troubleshooting [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:44]: Debug: [--] [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Info: CLIENT DISCONNECTED [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:48]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Stereo: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 5.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 7.1: supported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Stereo]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Stereo: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Surround 5.1]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 5.1: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Couldn't initialize audio client for [Surround 7.1]: [0x8889000A] [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Surround 7.1: unsupported [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for video to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for audio to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for control to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Resetting Input... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Removing references to any connections... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Session ended [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for main listening thread to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for main video thread to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for main audio thread to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Waiting for main control thread to end... [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: All broadcasting threads ended [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: METHOD :: GET [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: DESTINATION :: /api/logs [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Accept-Language -- en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8 [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Host -- localhost:47990 [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Accept -- */* [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Connection -- keep-alive [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Accept-Encoding -- gzip, deflate, br [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Authorization -- CREDENTIALS REDACTED [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: sec-ch-ua -- "Not.A/Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="114", "Google Chrome";v="114" [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-mobile -- ?0 [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: User-Agent -- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Site -- same-origin [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Mode -- cors [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Sec-Fetch-Dest -- empty [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: sec-ch-ua-platform -- "Windows" [2023:07:07:01:34:49]: Debug: Referer -- https://localhost:47990/troubleshooting ````
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Just clarify, launching Desktop directly via Moonlight works or do you get kicked out?

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Lauching Desktop directly via Moonlight actually works, I do not get kicked out. Launching "MoonDeckStream" directly from Moonlight also "works".. not sure if MoonDeckStream opens, but I mean I see the Desktop and do not get kicked out. Interestingly, the "Steam" shortcut (that comes with Sunshine) doesn't seem to launch Steam nor BPM, I just get shown the Desktop, and do not get kicked out.

Finally, even more interestingly, selecting the shortcut for the game I added to test (Teardown) does the same thing as buddy. It shows the Desktop for about 10 secs, then I get kicked out. Then, another 10-15 secs later, Teardown opens on the PC. It's like if it takes waaaay too long for it to open apps, and it timesout?

This is how I setup the Teardown test shortcut, I think it's ok?


FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Disable DEBUG logs for sunshine and run the Teardown via Moonlight, then please paste the logs. There should be an error if it's not happy about something.

philhzss commented 1 year ago

It just goes for "process terminated"

[2023:07:08:14:12:49]: Info: Registered Sunshine mDNS service
[2023:07:08:14:22:34]: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. //
[2023:07:08:14:22:34]: Info: Trying encoder [nvenc]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: 
Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Device Vendor ID   : 0x000010DE
Device Device ID   : 0x00002208
Device Video Mem   : 12100 MiB
Device Sys Mem     : 0 MiB
Share Sys Mem      : 32336 MiB
Feature Level      : 0x0000B100
Capture size       : 2560x1440
Offset             : 0x0
Virtual Desktop    : 2560x1440
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1440]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: 
Colorspace         : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
Bits Per Color     : 8
Red Primary        : [0.639648,0.330078]
Green Primary      : [0.299805,0.599609]
Blue Primary       : [0.149414,0.0595703]
White Point        : [0.3125,0.329102]
Min Luminance      : 0.5 nits
Max Luminance      : 270 nits
Max Full Luminance : 270 nits
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: Color range: [JPEG]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: 
Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Device Vendor ID   : 0x000010DE
Device Device ID   : 0x00002208
Device Video Mem   : 12100 MiB
Device Sys Mem     : 0 MiB
Share Sys Mem      : 32336 MiB
Feature Level      : 0x0000B100
Capture size       : 2560x1440
Offset             : 0x0
Virtual Desktop    : 2560x1440
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1440]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]
[2023:07:08:14:22:35]: Info: 
Colorspace         : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
Bits Per Color     : 8
Red Primary        : [0.639648,0.330078]
Green Primary      : [0.299805,0.599609]
Blue Primary       : [0.149414,0.0595703]
White Point        : [0.3125,0.329102]
Min Luminance      : 0.5 nits
Max Luminance      : 270 nits
Max Full Luminance : 270 nits
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Color range: [JPEG]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: 
Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Device Vendor ID   : 0x000010DE
Device Device ID   : 0x00002208
Device Video Mem   : 12100 MiB
Device Sys Mem     : 0 MiB
Share Sys Mem      : 32336 MiB
Feature Level      : 0x0000B100
Capture size       : 2560x1440
Offset             : 0x0
Virtual Desktop    : 2560x1440
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1440]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: 
Colorspace         : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
Bits Per Color     : 8
Red Primary        : [0.639648,0.330078]
Green Primary      : [0.299805,0.599609]
Blue Primary       : [0.149414,0.0595703]
White Point        : [0.3125,0.329102]
Min Luminance      : 0.5 nits
Max Luminance      : 270 nits
Max Full Luminance : 270 nits
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Color range: [JPEG]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: 
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. //
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: 
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Found encoder nvenc: [h264_nvenc, hevc_nvenc]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: Executing: [P:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Teardown\teardown.exe] in ["P:\"]
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: P:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Teardown\teardown.exe running with PID 3172
[2023:07:08:14:22:36]: Info: CLIENT CONNECTED
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: 
Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
Device Vendor ID   : 0x000010DE
Device Device ID   : 0x00002208
Device Video Mem   : 12100 MiB
Device Sys Mem     : 0 MiB
Share Sys Mem      : 32336 MiB
Feature Level      : 0x0000B100
Capture size       : 2560x1440
Offset             : 0x0
Virtual Desktop    : 2560x1440
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1440]
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: 
Colorspace         : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
Bits Per Color     : 8
Red Primary        : [0.639648,0.330078]
Green Primary      : [0.299805,0.599609]
Blue Primary       : [0.149414,0.0595703]
White Point        : [0.3125,0.329102]
Min Luminance      : 0.5 nits
Max Luminance      : 270 nits
Max Full Luminance : 270 nits
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: Capture format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601]
[2023:07:08:14:22:37]: Info: Color range: [MPEG]
[2023:07:08:14:22:52]: Info: Process terminated

I'll try to see how I can get Moonlight logs from the Deck, in case something is there. Just noticed, Moonlight (on Deck) even shows "quitting teardown" right before it disconnects me, and then the PC just launches teardown (once Moonlight is disconnected). It's almost like if I was forcing it to close myself. I do further testing, will keep you posted! Thank you

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Okay progress; if I add a random not-game non-steam application to Sunshine (for example Notepad++), everything is fine, it opens instantly, no problem. I don't get kicked out from Moonlight either. I'm thinking slow app launches make Moonlight timeout.

I also noticed that double clicking a Steam game exe (double clicking teardown.exe) takes 10-15 secs before the game opens. However, if I just click "play" on the game's page in my library in Steam, it opens immediately.

It's like if something is wrong with Steam??!

philhzss commented 1 year ago

I have fixed the "slow launching shortcuts" by completely disabling my AMD integrated GPU in the BIOS, believe it or not.... Standby for more info!!!

philhzss commented 1 year ago


Everything works now!!!

Sorry for bugging you with this because it had nothing to do with Buddy nor MoonDeck after all. I hope I didn't waste too much of your time. The solution, as weird as it sounds, was to disabled the integrated GPU completely. I thought it didn't matter that it was not "disabled" because I am plugged into my GPU on the PC. But it was causing a strange bug where Steam shortcuts were launching so slow that everything was timing out. Now that it is disabled, they launch quickly.. so everything is alright.

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

I'm glad you managed to solve it! Will inform Sunshine team about this, maybe they can add it to the wiki :)

philhzss commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your support and help!!!!

ReenigneArcher commented 1 year ago

You may not need to disable the integrated gpu if you set Sunshine to specifically use the AMD one. If you don't set one we (Sunshine) probe all the encoders.

philhzss commented 1 year ago

No but I think this is actually a Steam problem, without having Sunshine running, launching Steam shortcuts (from the Desktop, from anywhere except Steam) takes 10-15 secs before the game launches. However launching the game directly through Steam makes it launch instantly. Disabling the integrated GPU fixes this.. I feel like something is wrong with Steam? Sunshine/Moonlight might be just timing out because a 15 sec delay to launch a program is too slow, but that would be Steam's fault anyway right?

francois-pasquier commented 1 year ago

Just so you know, I had the same issue

I tried to set the gpu in sunshine as @ReenigneArcher suggested. It didn't fix the issue.

The only fix was to disable the integrated gpu.

dcuellar commented 9 months ago

So this is only happening when using moondeck and it’s not an issue with moondeck? I had to disable the iGPU but I’d rather not. I’m splitting my PC to be used in multiple instances and having that extra bandwidth with the iGPU is essential.

FrogTheFrog commented 9 months ago

So this is only happening when using moondeck and it’s not an issue with moondeck? I had to disable the iGPU but I’d rather not. I’m splitting my PC to be used in multiple instances and having that extra bandwidth with the iGPU is essential.

You have 3 options:

  1. Get AMD/Steam/Windows to fix this bug.
  2. Find a workaround and make a PR.
  3. Stop using MoonDeck.
dcuellar commented 9 months ago

What is a PR?

FrogTheFrog commented 9 months ago

Pull Request - you make changes to the code/docs/whatever and create PR. Then I review it and merge it into the main branch.

dcuellar commented 9 months ago

Understood. Wish I knew how. I’ll shut up now and just wait for someone else to fix it one day.