FrogTheFrog / moondeck-buddy

A server-side part of the MoonDeck plugin for the SteamDeck.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Issue with fuse + sunshine + containers? #52

Closed xangma closed 1 year ago

xangma commented 1 year ago


Firstly, I love the program, so thanks for creating it. I've been trying to debug MoonDeckStream for a while now and I have finally figured out the issue. I'm using MoonDeckBuddy in a docker container (modified version of SteamHeadless), and it wouldn't run MoonDeckStream through Sunshine for some reason ... I could run it myself in a terminal fine. Both Sunshine and MoonDeckStream were being run as the same user.

The only way I managed to get any useful debugging logs out was by setting the "output" section of sunshine/apps.json which produced this:

fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted

Cannot mount AppImage, please check your FUSE setup.
You might still be able to extract the contents of this AppImage 
if you run it with the --appimage-extract option. 
for more information

I then changed the MoonDeckStream command in sunshine/apps.json to this:

"name": "MoonDeckStream",
"output": "/home/user/mds_sunshine.log",
"cmd": "\/home\/user\/MoonDeckStream --appimage-extract-and-run",

And now I can at least see the desktop, but steam still isn't opening anything :-(

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago


what is \/home\/user\/MoonDeckStream exactly? AppImage, symlink?

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

I assume it's AppImage. Have you tried this: ./MoonDeckBuddy-1.5.4-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run --exec MoonDeckStream ?

xangma commented 1 year ago

It's a symlink.

Ah it's cause FUSE and therefore appimages can't easily run in Docker containers.

Yeah my current commands look like this: /home/user/MoonDeckBuddy --appimage-extract && squashfs-root/usr/bin/MoonDeckBuddy

Then in steam the shortcut says it's running, but nothing opens, then cause Buddy doesn't detect it's running, the stream is terminated. The game I'm trying to run does have its own launch options though ... I hope that's ok. Looking at the shortcut created by MoonDeck on the deck there are MOONDECK_STEAM_APP_ID and MOONDECK_AUTO_RES launch options there, but not on the host machine. I don't think that would make a difference though?

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

The problem with symlinks is that I've implemented what they have recommended:

$ ln -s <some_path>/MoonDeckBuddy.AppImage ./MoonDeckStream
$ ./MoonDeckStream # This will invoke MoonDeckStream binary

In short, symlink will directly execute the binary and might not work as expected.

Can you try calling the AppImage directly, like I've posted above? No symlink or anything in between.

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

The logic for this magic is in here:

xangma commented 1 year ago

Thanks for replying by the way :-) The --extract-and-run argument removes the files after exiting, which would be fine for Buddy, but not fine if Stream closes. There's the NO_CLEANUP=1 environment variable which will only extract them which could work?

Anyway, forgetting this for a second, it's the same behaviour with the commands above :-( It connects all fine, I see the desktop, see steam is running the shortcut, then the stream is killed and Moonlight closes.

xangma commented 1 year ago

Here's the moondeck-runner.log:

2023-08-17 18:32:48,570 INFO Resetting runner result
2023-08-17 18:32:48,570 INFO Getting app id
2023-08-17 18:32:48,570 INFO Getting current host settings
2023-08-17 18:32:48,571 INFO Auto resolution from MoonDeck: {'width': 1280, 'height': 800}
2023-08-17 18:32:48,571 INFO Will try to apply 1280x800 resolution on host.
2023-08-17 18:32:48,571 INFO Trying to run the game using the app MoonDeckStream
2023-08-17 18:32:48,573 INFO Establishing connection to Buddy
2023-08-17 18:32:49,111 INFO Checking if GameStream service is running
2023-08-17 18:32:49,214 INFO Waiting for a initial stream conditions to be satisfied
2023-08-17 18:32:49,316 INFO Notifying Buddy to change resolution
2023-08-17 18:32:49,629 INFO Checking if Moonlight flatpak is installed
2023-08-17 18:32:49,691 INFO Terminating all Moonlight instances if any
2023-08-17 18:32:49,743 INFO Starting Moonlight
2023-08-17 18:32:49,745 INFO Waiting for Steam to be ready to launch games
2023-08-17 18:32:49,746 INFO Starting to save Moonlight output.
2023-08-17 18:33:20,556 ERROR Stream failed to start!
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

What is the output of MoonDeckStream's Sunshine log thingy, if you use <some_path>/MoonDeckBuddy-1.5.4-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run --exec MoonDeckStream as the command?

xangma commented 1 year ago
File exists and file size matches, skipping
File exists and file size matches, skipping
File exists and file size matches, skipping
File exists and file size matches, skipping
File exists and file size matches, skipping
[18:43:56.020] INFO     buddy.utils: Log location: "/tmp/moondeckstream.log"
[18:43:56.020] INFO startup. Version: 1.5.4
[18:43:56.020] INFO startup finished.

Seemingly not much going on :-(

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Well, it's all it is supposed to log :thinking: So it is working at least.

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

What about Buddy's logs? Can you enable debug logs for it and paste them after you have started streaming?

xangma commented 1 year ago

Here's it running in my processes using ps aux | grep Mo:

user    15176  0.0  0.0   2972  1024 ?        S    18:43   0:00 /home/user/MoonDeckBuddy-1.5.4-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run --exec MoonDeckStream
user    15177  0.0  0.0  81964 17408 ?        S    18:43   0:00 /tmp/appimage_extracted_1a008707231a5994a403594d12f6aed5/usr/bin/MoonDeckStream
xangma commented 1 year ago

Ooops, didn't mean to close.

Here's the Buddy logs (can remove and upload file if unwieldy):

[18:42:20.757] INFO     buddy.utils: Log location: "/tmp/moondeckbuddy.log"
[18:42:20.757] INFO     buddy.main: startup. Version: 1.5.4
[18:42:20.764] WARNING  buddy.os: logind bus is invalid!
[18:42:20.781] INFO     buddy.server: Server started listening at port 59999
[18:42:20.781] INFO     buddy.main: startup finished.
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAppName() >>  "MoonDeckBuddy"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogDir() >>  "/tmp"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogName() >>  "moondeckbuddy.log"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getLogPath() >>  "/tmp/moondeckbuddy.log"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsDir() >>  "/home/user/.config/moondeckbuddy"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsName() >>  "settings.json"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getSettingsPath() >>  "/home/user/.config/moondeckbuddy/settings.json"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartDir() >>  "/home/user/.config/autostart"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartPath() >>  "/home/user/.config/autostart/moondeckbuddy.desktop"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.shared: getAutoStartExec() >>  "/home/user/MoonDeckBuddy-1.5.4-x86_64.AppImage"
[18:42:20.781] DEBUG    buddy.utils: Mapped "SecureProtocols" to 4
[18:42:21.737] DEBUG    buddy.os: Steam is running!
[18:42:21.742] DEBUG    buddy.os: Handling Steam start.
[18:42:39.506] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/apiVersion"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"version\":3}"
[18:42:39.813] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/pairingState/<redacted>"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Paired\"}"
[18:42:39.916] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/pcState"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"state\":\"Normal\"}"
[18:42:40.134] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/hostInfo"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"steamIsRunning\":true,\"steamRunningAppId\":0,\"steamTrackedUpdatingAppId\":null,\"streamState\":\"NotStreaming\"}"
[18:42:40.164] DEBUG    buddy.os: Trying to change resolution.
[18:42:40.164] DEBUG    buddy.os: XDG_SESSION_TYPE not present in the ENV. Checking for WAYLAND_DISPLAY!
[18:42:40.165] WARNING  buddy.os: No ENV found to determine session type, assuming X11 session.
[18:42:40.175] DEBUG    buddy.os: Screen "0" already has the requested resolution - skipping.
[18:42:40.175] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/changeResolution"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"), ("Content-Length": "30"), ("Content-Type": "application/json"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 30)) | "{\"width\": 1280, \"height\": 800}" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"result\":true}"
[18:42:40.332] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/hostInfo"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"steamIsRunning\":true,\"steamRunningAppId\":0,\"steamTrackedUpdatingAppId\":null,\"streamState\":\"NotStreaming\"}"
[18:42:41.368] DEBUG    buddy.main: 
Request: QHttpServerRequest((Url: QUrl("https://<my_host_ip>:59999/hostInfo"))(Headers: ("Host": "<my_host_ip>:59999"), ("authorization": "basic <redacted>"), ("Accept": "*/*"), ("Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"), ("User-Agent": "Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.3"))(RemoteHost: QHostAddress("::ffff:<my_remote_ip>"))(BodySize: 0)) | "" 
Response: QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode::Ok | "{\"steamIsRunning\":true,\"steamRunningAppId\":0,\"steamTrackedUpdatingAppId\":null,\"streamState\":\"NotStreaming\"}"
etc ...

The logind bus failure is because the Docker image is running its own dbus and has permissions against org.freedesktop.login1.

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

This etc is rather important :D

xangma commented 1 year ago

Apologies, I put etc. because it just repeats that last message.

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Can you just start the MoonDeckStream app via Moonlight?

The Buddy should contain these logs:

DEBUG    buddy.os: Stream started.
DEBUG    buddy.os: Stream has ended.
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

MoonDeckStream has a "heartbeat" that Buddy listens to via shared memory. Maybe it cannot get access to it for whatever reason?

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Ugh, that seems not to be the case, because if MoonDeckStream is started as sudo, Buddy fatals: FATAL Failed to lock shared memory 5733e87023cd3876e67e90798d97990e1761b9c8

xangma commented 1 year ago

Aha! I didn't know about this and have never seen it in the logs. I just started Stream through Moonlight and can't see anything about a heartbeat in the Buddy logs. I'm assuming the lock or whatever is stored in /tmp too?

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

There is no lock, Qt Framework takes care of it

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

I have created PR with more logs:

once it's green please, download the new appimage and check the heartbeat

xangma commented 1 year ago

Aha! Thanks for this. I've gotten a bit further through actually reading the documentation haha!

I'm running sunshine using flatpak and now Buddy can see Stream. After changing my sunshine command to include the flatpak-spawn --host Buddy logs is now saying this:

[20:04:49.495] DEBUG    buddy.os: Trying to hide cursor.
[20:04:49.495] WARNING  buddy.os: Steam EXEC path is not available yet!
FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

This is your next issue: image

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

Most of the paths were hardcoded for Linux, since by Valve's own words "they didn't want to break compatibility". However, they broke it anyway a few months ago, so this is the only hardcoded path remaining.

What I'm saying is to symlink it.

xangma commented 1 year ago

This is your next issue: image

You are correct:

$ which steam

That is a great idea and I'm glad you said it because I probably would have rebuilt your code cause my brain is frazzled.

xangma commented 1 year ago

Yep, symlinking and restarting has fixed it.

Just for reference, this is my flatpak sunshine command now:

/usr/bin/flatpak-spawn --host /home/user/MoonDeckBuddy-1.5.4-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run --exec MoonDeckStream

The NO_CLEANUP=1 env var might be needed to not ruin things. I'll do some testing later. Thanks so much for your help. I might put a PR in with some docs on this :-)

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

I might put a PR in with some docs on this :-)

Please do, if you figure out how to do this :D. I have no idea how to create PR for wikis

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

If you can't, just post the changes here so I can copy it

xangma commented 1 year ago

Haha! Didn't even think about that. I'll see what I can do :-) Thanks again!

FrogTheFrog commented 1 year ago

@xangma I have created a repo for wiki:

Please feel free to create a PR if you want ;)

That aside, it seems that the issue is resolved, so I'm closing it.