Frogging-Family / linux-tkg

linux-tkg custom kernels
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.25k stars 157 forks source link

version 6.8.2 not able to compile #914

Closed Hyphaed closed 3 months ago

Hyphaed commented 3 months ago

I'm not being able to use the main version not either the 6.8.2 version

if I download 6.8.2 source file and I run ./ I get the error:

`ferran@z590i:~/Documents/PersonalPackages/linux-tkg-6.8.2$ ./ linux-tkg-config/prepare: line 26: 7033999ecd7b8cf9ea59265035a0150961e023ee: command not found ==> WARNING: unreachable or too long to respond Defaulting to git mirror -> Argument not recognised, options are:

same if I clone and I do ./

Shouldn't the installer get the local sources in case of using the file you've released that contains the sources?

sometimes I get this error instead:

ferran@z590i:~/Documents/PersonalPackages/linux-tkg_old$ ./ 
 -> Argument not recognised, options are:
        - config : interactive script that shallow clones the linux 5.x.y git tree into the folder $_kernel_work_folder, then applies extra patches and prepares the .config file
                   by copying the one from the currently running linux system and updates it.
        - install : does the config step, proceeds to compile, then prompts to install
                    - 'DEB' distros: it creates .deb packages that will be installed then stored in the DEBS folder.
                    - 'RPM' distros: it creates .rpm packages that will be installed then stored in the RPMS folder.
                    - 'Generic' distro: it uses 'make modules_install' and 'make install', uses 'dracut' to create an initramfs, then updates grub's boot entry.
        - uninstall-help : [RPM and DEB based distros only], lists the installed kernels in this system, then gives hints on how to uninstall them manually.
 -> exit cleanup done

as you can see the mirrors are not working, none of them

yet I do not have problems accessing those domains.

Tk-Glitch commented 3 months ago

You need to give an argument. Either config, install or uninstall-help, as is explained in that "error". Please check the readme: currently has known issues. Other mirrors are fine but torvalds repo comes with limitations.

Shouldn't the installer get the local sources in case of using the file you've released that contains the sources?

No. The script patches upstream trees to allow the user to select its own personalization and fitting optimizations.

Hyphaed commented 3 months ago

thanks @Tk-Glitch

your scripts are amazing

*sometimes I got tired and get stuck into little errors like this

Hyphaed commented 3 months ago


btw, you could add the option to compile vmware modules after installation of the new kernel (not I really miss it, yet I guess could be an interesting option), even if it needs a tag to be passed, about the tags I guess would be about getting last 5 tags or the option to specify 1 manually)

git clone cd vmware-host-modules git checkout tags/w17.5.1 make make install