Frogging-Family / nvidia-all

Nvidia driver latest to 396 series AIO installer
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Can't install 550.40.07 on Kernel 6.8.9 #236

Closed Rune580 closed 1 month ago

Rune580 commented 1 month ago

I know it's a weird combo, but that's the last version of 550 that still worked with Unity Editor 2022+.



ProgAchr commented 1 month ago

I updated my archlinux install, my system boot but KDE run in low resolution, and nvidia-settings is empty (driver not recognized) I tried to downgrade from kernel 6.8.9 with no luck. I had to wipe my system and re-install. I found others having the same problem with the latest kernel in the archlinux forums: System stopped booting with non-latest NVIDIA drivers nvidia-390xx-dkms build failure

mkfyi commented 1 month ago

Same with 525xx and kernel 6.9.1 and 6.8.9, my make.log throws the same warnings as for @Rune580. Had no issues before upgrading my system from 6.8.2.

Tk-Glitch commented 1 month ago

Please give the new option a try by setting _gcc14_fix="false" to _gcc14_fix="true". Considering the logs it should work.

Make sure to run git pull in your clone dir to update the nvidia-all tree first ;)

ProgAchr commented 1 month ago

i set _gcc14_fix="true" in customization.cfg, driver 525.147.05 work correctly with archlinux kernel 6.8.9 now, issu solved.

Tk-Glitch commented 1 month ago

Great news! Closing.