Frogging-Family / wine-tkg-git

The wine-tkg build systems, to create custom Wine and Proton builds
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[Wine-tkg-git-7.x] [Arch Linux] ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). when using makepkg -si #1066

Open RedrcknRbn opened 1 year ago

RedrcknRbn commented 1 year ago
prepare.log ```  ->(B Cleaning wine-staging source code tree...(B HEAD is now at b8296970 Rebase against 1b987bfde68b75da3b718ba065826b01b5d6736e.  ->(B Cleaning wine source code tree...(B HEAD is now at 81c05589afa shell32: Use a signed value to assign single signed bitfields values. ```
customization.cfg ```cfg # 'Wine-to-rule-them-all' - Wine-TkG simple config file ## ## This config file contains the basic settings of your build. ## For deeper configuration, see wine-tkg-profiles/advanced-customization.cfg ## #### NON-MAKEPKG OPTIONS (Won't affect makepkg builds) #### # Set to the desired installation path for your build(s). A versioned dir containing your build will be created inside that target. # Example: _nomakepkg_prefix_path="/home/frog" will install your build in /home/frog/wine-tkg-******** _nomakepkg_prefix_path="/home/redd/wine-tkg/protonify" # Set to true to get a prompt after the 64-bit part is built, enabling package switching before building the 32-bit side. # This is a workaround for distros shipping broken devel packages that can't coexist as multilib _nomakepkg_midbuild_prompt="false" # Set to the distro of your choice to attempt dependency resolution. Valid options are "debuntu" (for debian, ubuntu and similar), "fedora" or "archlinux". _nomakepkg_dep_resolution_distro="" #### EXTERNAL INSTALLATION SETTINGS - !! ONLY AFFECTS MAKEPKG !! #### # Set to true to install into external path instead of /usr. This allows you to install multiple different versions in parallel. # !!! Don't forget that you'll have to use /opt/wine-something/bin/wine instead of just wine (same for winecfg etc.) !!! _EXTERNAL_INSTALL="false" #### GENERATE DEBIAN PACKAGE #### # Set to true if you want to generate a debian package after building. Currently doesn't work with _EXTERNAL_INSTALL option. # This generates a debian package from build files ready to be packaged. _GENERATE_DEBIAN_PACKAGE="false" #### WINE FLAVOUR SETTINGS #### # plain wine commit or version tag if you want to use a specific wine version. Can use e.g. "64d9f30", "wine-3.16" or "wine-4.0" # !!! Only affects non-staging builds (you want to edit the staging_version below for staging builds) !!! # Leave empty to use latest master - _plain_version="" # staging _use_staging="true" # staging commit or version tag if you want to use a specific staging version. Can use e.g. "7cfceb7", "v3.16" or "v4.0" # Leave empty to use latest master - _staging_version="" # fastsync - disable at runtime with WINE_DISABLE_FAST_SYNC=1 envvar - Set to true to enable winesync/fastsync support - # !! on plain: Disables esync / fsync support !! # !! on staging: Requires fsync support !! _use_fastsync="false" # esync - Enable with WINEESYNC=1 envvar - Set to true to enable esync support on plain wine or wine-staging <4.6 (it got merged in wine-staging 4.6). The option is ignored on wine-staging 4.6+ # You may need to raise your fd limits -> _use_esync="false" # fsync - Enable with WINEFSYNC=1 envvar - Set to true to enable fsync support, an experimental replacement for esync introduced with Proton 4.11-1 - Requires Wine Mainline 4.7.r168.g29914d583f / Staging 4.9.r7.g197e08b4 or newer # _use_fsync="true" # futex_waitv() API for fsync - Requires 5.16 kernel or kernel with backported patches - # !! Replaces previous fsync interfaces support !! _fsync_futex_waitv="true" # vkd3dlib - We don't want to use vkd3d native library by default to allow for vkd3d-proton usage # Set to "true" to enable explicit mainline vkd3d library support - default is "false" _use_vkd3dlib="false" # Set to false to add DXVK configuration support to Wine's DXGI, allowing for VKD3D to run while keeping DXVK dxgi functionalities. # !! For DXVK to work properly with this option set to false, you'll need a DXVK build that comes with dxvk_config.dll !! # Keep in mind Wine's dxgi can be more unstable and less compatible when used with DXVK. _dxvk_dxgi="true" #### GAME-SPECIFIC PATCHES #### # Fix for Warframe Launcher failing to update itself - # - Merged in staging 8b930ae (4.6 devel) # It made a comeback with 5.5 (5e218fe7) _warframelauncher_fix="true" # Mechwarrior Online fix - _mwo_fix="false" # Resident Evil 4 hack - _re4_fix="false" # Child window support for vk - Fixes World of Final Fantasy, CEMU vulkan renderer and others - _childwindow_fix="true" # Fix for LoL 9.20+ crashing - Depends on _use_staging="true" - & - Requires vdso32 disabled (as root: `echo 0 > /proc/sys/abi/vsyscall32`) # lol depends on the following staging patches : # winebuild-Fake_Dlls, ntdll-RtlCreateUserThread, ntdll-NtContinue, ntdll-SystemExtendedProcessInformation, ntdll-SystemModuleInformation, ntdll-ThreadHideFromDebugger, wow64cpu-Wow64Transition, user32-InternalGetWindowIcon, ntdll-Pipe_SpecialCharacters, ntdll-NtDevicePath, ntdll-NtQueryVirtualMemory, fonts-Missing_Fonts, crypt32-CMS_Certificates, bcrypt-ECDHSecretAgreement, winex11-ime-check-thread-data _lol920_fix="false" # Fix for Assetto Corsa performance drop when HUD elements are displayed - - Create all kind of issues since b7b1ad0 (5.9 devel), so be careful with that. _assettocorsa_hudperf_fix="false" # Fixes for Mortal Kombat 11 - Requires staging, _proton_fs_hack="true", native mfplat (win7) or staging mfplat support and a different GPU driver than RADV # On Wine 5.2 (up to b1c748c8) and lower, it needs to be toogled on with the WINE_LOW_USER_SPACE_LIMIT=1 envvar _mk11_fix="true" # Workaround for Final Fantasy XIV Launcher 404 error - Thanks @varris1 ! - Fixed by d535df42f665a097ec721b10fb49d7b18f899be9 (4.10) # Found to also enable the new launcher (that came with the 5.1 update) to work *with issues* _ffxivlauncher_fix="false" # Background music on King of Fighters 98 and 2002 is silent on Wine-staging and the `xactengine-initial` patchset was found to introduce the issue. Set to "true" to disable it as a workaround. _kof98_2002_BGM_fix="false" # Fix for Quake Champions by Paul Gofman for Proton - Depends on _protonify="true" and _use_staging="true" # This patchset breaks Genshin Impact _quake_champions_fix="false" #### OTHER PATCHES #### # launch with dedicated gpu desktop entry patch - makes an additional desktop entry which launches app with DRI_PRIME set to 1 (only for switchable graphics with mesa drivers) _launch_with_dedicated_gpu="false" # Update winevulkan to whatever version I have pushed last, til next time, for new shiny and tasty vk extensions support. Thanks dadドイツ人 ! _update_winevulkan="true" # Joshua Ashton's take on making wine dialogs and menus less win95-ish - _use_josh_flat_theme="true" #### PROTON PATCHES #### # Bypass compositor in fullscreen modes - Typically reduces stuttering and improves performance - _FS_bypass_compositor="true" # Proton Fullscreen patch - Requires 3.16+ for staging and 5.0+ for mainline - Allows resolution changes for fullscreen games without changing desktop resolution # You can optionally use nearest neighbour upscaling with the WINE_FULLSCREEN_INTEGER_SCALING envvar _proton_fs_hack="true" # Proton compatible rawinput patchset - Only effective when _proton_fs_hack is set to "true" - Requires a tree containing 6d7828e8df68178ca662bc618f7598254afcfbe1 (4.20+) _proton_rawinput="true" # Enforce mscvrt Dlls to native then builtin - from Proton _msvcrt_nativebuiltin="true" # Set the default wine version to win10 (instead of win7) - Necessary to enable d3d12 (for use with vkd3d) in some games _win10_default="true" # Other misc proton patches and hacks - Notably contains fixes for some native vk games (such as Doom Eternal) as well as Rockstar launcher # Also enables some winevulkan performance optimizations - (fs hack) - (no fs hack) _protonify="true" #### USER PATCHES - See README in ./wine-tkg-userpatches dir for instructions #### # community patches - add patches (separated by a space) of your choice by name from the community-patches dir - # example: _community_patches="amdags.mypatch GNUTLShack.mypatch" _community_patches="roblox_mouse_fix-fshack.mypatch" # Automatically update community-patches from git - set to false if you don't want this behaviour, useful for example if you have your own fork. _community_patches_auto_update="true" ```
makepkg -si ```bash [redd@archlinux wine-tkg-git]$ makepkg -si -> -> .---.` `.---. -> `/syhhhyso- -osyhhhys/` -> .syNMdhNNhss/``.---.``/sshNNhdMNys. -> +sdMh.`+MNsssssssssssssssNM+`.hMds+ -> :syNNdhNNhssssssssssssssshNNhdNNys: -> /ssyhhhysssssssssssssssssyhhhyss/ -> .ossssssssssssssssssssssssssssso. -> :sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss: -> /sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss/ -> :sssssssssssssoosssssssoosssssssssssss: -> osssssssssssssoosssssssoossssssssssssso -> osssssssssssyyyyhhhhhhhyyyyssssssssssso -> /yyyyyyhhdmmmmNNNNNNNNNNNmmmmdhhyyyyyy/ -> smmmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmms -> /dNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNd/ -> `:sdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNds:` -> `-+shdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdhs+-` -> `.-:///////:-.` -> -> ################################################################# -> -> You can configure your wine build flavour (right now for example) -> by editing the customization.cfg file next to this PKGBUILD, -> or by creating a custom config, for example -> ~/.config/frogminer/wine-tkg.cfg (path set in config file) -> to override some or all of its values. -> -> Current path is '/home/redd/Downloads/wine-tkg-git-7.x-/wine-tkg-git' -> -> If you are rebuilding using the same configuration, you may want -> to delete/move previously built package if in the same dir. -> -> ###################################TkG##########was##########here When you are ready, press enter to continue. -> No _LOCAL_PRESET set in .cfg. Please select your desired base (or hit enter for default) : -> 0 - default -> 1 - mainline -> 2 - mwo -> 3 - osu -> 4 - protonified -> 5 - staging -> 6 - valve -> 7 - valve-exp-bleeding -> 8 - valve-exp choice [0-8]: 4 -> Preset configuration protonified will be used to override customization.cfg values. -> -> Overriding default pkgname. New pkgname: wine-tkg-git-protonified -> -> ccache was not found and will not be used ==> Making package: wine-tkg-git-protonified 0-327 (Wed 13 Sep 2023 10:25:59 PM CDT) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... -> Updating wine-mirror-git git repo... -> Updating wine-staging-git git repo... -> Found 30-win32-aliases.conf -> Found wine-binfmt.conf ==> Validating source files with md5sums... wine-mirror-git ... Skipped wine-staging-git ... Skipped 30-win32-aliases.conf ... Passed wine-binfmt.conf ... Passed ==> Extracting sources... -> Creating working copy of wine-mirror-git git repo... Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' -> Creating working copy of wine-staging-git git repo... Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting prepare()... -> ==> WARNING: ! Staging has disabled mfplat support on this revision, so video playback will not work in games using mfplat unless a hotfix is available (last staging commit with it was bcfed21ea1925e06c1f0db0e86cb2380300b8aa9) ! -> Changing wine HEAD to the wine-staging base commit... /home/redd/Downloads/wine-tkg-git-7.x-/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-scripts/ line 520: ../wine-staging-git/patches/ No such file or directory fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec. please use . instead if you meant to match all paths ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). Aborting... -> Removed BIG_UGLY_FROGMINER - Ribbit -> Removed Proton-tkg token - Valve Ribbit -> exit cleanup done ```

I'm trying to use a version of Wine with Protonify to fix an issue I'm having with another application as this user suggested yet I'm getting this issue. Any help?