Frogging-Family / wine-tkg-git

The wine-tkg build systems, to create custom Wine and Proton builds
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Is `mold` not compatible? #1160

Open Impeta opened 2 months ago

Impeta commented 2 months ago

Screenshot_20240425_194353 For those who don't know, mold is a quicker more efficient alternative to ld.

Artewar67 commented 2 months ago

Yes, you can compile with mold Find file "advanced-customization.cfg" in folder wine-tkg-profiles and change two strings _GCC_FLAGS="-O2 -ftree-vectorize" and _CROSS_FLAGS="-O2 -ftree-vectorize" to _GCC_FLAGS="-O2 -ftree-vectorize -fuse-ld=mold" and _CROSS_FLAGS="-O2 -ftree-vectorize -fuse-ld=mold"

(Sorry for bad english)

Impeta commented 2 months ago

You're perfectly talking it fine. :)

But yes, I moved it to both_GCC_FLAGS strings and that went through. I thought the flag -fuse-ld=mold was supposed to be on _LD_FLAGS? Arch Wiki says so. I'm doing my .cfg tweaks off my external placed text file (~/.config/frogminer) if that matters.

Tk-Glitch commented 2 months ago

Your error is thrown by mingw-gcc, so _CROSS_FLAGS seems mandatory here. It might be fine with _CROSS_FLAGS + _LD_FLAGS I guess?

Impeta commented 2 months ago

Your error is thrown by mingw-gcc, so _CROSS_FLAGS seems mandatory here. It might be fine with _CROSS_FLAGS + _LD_FLAGS I guess?

I did initially put -fuse-ld=mold on both _CROSS_FLAGS + _LD_FLAGS, despite so causing the error on the very first screenshot I put up there. Just to be absolutely sure, this time I went with including -fuse-ld=mold on all four strings respectively, the GCC and LD and their respective CROSS flags. It still throws an error, as pictured below.


Impeta commented 2 months ago

Looks like building wine in any way at all, is none compatible through the usage of mold, allegedly from this 2022 post off Reddit.

Raised an issue on mold's repository just in case.