Frogging-Family / wine-tkg-git

The wine-tkg build systems, to create custom Wine and Proton builds
836 stars 146 forks source link

ntsync5 patch failed #1191

Closed damachine closed 3 weeks ago

damachine commented 3 weeks ago

helllo become this failed message: (last week compiling was succesfull) any help what did wrong?

` Install Wine-tkg. . . Klone nach 'wine-tkg-git'... remote: Enumerating objects: 19337, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3299/3299), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (738/738), done. remote: Total 19337 (delta 2753), reused 2860 (delta 2561), pack-reused 16038 Empfange Objekte: 100% (19337/19337), 14.47 MiB | 5.18 MiB/s, fertig. Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (14706/14706), fertig. git version 2.45.2

Project: wine-tkg-git (1 branch, 42 tags) HEAD: ccf50d0a (master, origin/master) Version: 7.x+ Created: 4 years ago Languages:
● BASH (48.5 %) ● Shell (32.3 %) ● Python (19.2 %) Authors: 93% Tk-Glitch 2221 1% Dmitry Skvortsov 33 0% Torge Matthies 7 Last change: 17 hours ago Contributors: 62 URL: Commits: 2379 Churn (18): …/childwindow/childwindow-proton 4 …/childwindow/childwindow-proton.patch 4 …/childwindow/childwindow-proton-mainline.patch 3 Lines of code: 11011 Size: 228.89 MiB (1684 files) -> -> .---.`.---. ->/syhhhyso- -osyhhhys/ -> .syNMdhNNhss/``.---.``/sshNNhdMNys. -> +sdMh.+MNsssssssssssssssNM+.hMds+ -> :syNNdhNNhssssssssssssssshNNhdNNys: -> /ssyhhhysssssssssssssssssyhhhyss/ -> .ossssssssssssssssssssssssssssso. -> :sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss: -> /sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss/ -> :sssssssssssssoosssssssoosssssssssssss: -> osssssssssssssoosssssssoossssssssssssso -> osssssssssssyyyyhhhhhhhyyyyssssssssssso -> /yyyyyyhhdmmmmNNNNNNNNNNNmmmmdhhyyyyyy/ -> smmmNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmmms -> /dNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNd/ ->:sdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNds: ->-+shdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdhs+- ->.-:///////:-.` -> -> External configuration file /home/damachine/.config/frogminer/wine-tkg.cfg will be used to override customization.cfg values. -> -> Initial prompt skipped. Do you remember what it said? 8) -> No _LOCAL_PRESET set in .cfg. Please select your desired base (or hit enter for default) : ==> WARNUNG: ! "mainline" and "staging" options will make clean & untouched wine and wine-staging builds, ignoring your .cfg settings ! ==> WARNUNG: ! "valve" profiles will use Valve proton wine trees instead of upstream, ignoring many incompatible .cfg settings ! ==> WARNUNG: ! "default-tkg" profile will use the main customization.cfg and wine-tkg-profiles/advanced-customization.cfg files ! -> 0 - default-tkg -> 1 - mainline -> 2 - protonified -> 3 - staging -> 4 - valve -> 5 - valve-exp-bleeding -> 6 - other & legacy choice [0-6]: 0 -> Overriding default pkgname. New pkgname: wine-tkg-git -> Installing to /opt/wine-tkg-git-opt ==> Erstelle Paket: wine-tkg-git-opt 0-327 (Di 11 Jun 2024 01:42:17 CEST) ==> Prüfe Laufzeit-Abhängigkeiten... ==> Prüfe Buildtime-Abhängigkeiten... ==> Empfange Quellen... -> Klone das wine-git git Repo... Klone in Bare-Repository '/home/damachine/.tkg/temp/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/wine-git' ... remote: Enumerating objects: 1324056, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (40046/40046), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7546/7546), done. remote: Total 1324056 (delta 36928), reused 33343 (delta 32500), pack-reused 1284010 (from 1) Empfange Objekte: 100% (1324056/1324056), 375.61 MiB | 3.25 MiB/s, fertig. Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (1089496/1089496), fertig. -> Klone das wine-staging-git git Repo... Klone in Bare-Repository '/home/damachine/.tkg/temp/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/wine-staging-git' ... remote: Enumerating objects: 53494, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (1512/1512), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (979/979), done. remote: Total 53494 (delta 827), reused 787 (delta 428), pack-reused 51982 (from 1) Empfange Objekte: 100% (53494/53494), 39.36 MiB | 3.76 MiB/s, fertig. Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (35782/35782), fertig. -> 30-win32-aliases.conf gefunden -> wine-binfmt.conf gefunden ==> Überprüfe source Dateien mit md5sums... wine-git ... Übersprungen wine-staging-git ... Übersprungen 30-win32-aliases.conf ... Erfolg wine-binfmt.conf ... Erfolg ==> Entferne existierendes $srcdir/ Verzeichnis... ==> Entpacke Quellen... -> Erstelle Arbeitskopie des wine-git git Repos... Klone nach 'wine-git'... Fertig. -> Erstelle Arbeitskopie des wine-staging-git git Repos... Klone nach 'wine-staging-git'... Fertig. ==> Beginne prepare()... ==> WARNUNG: Disable ntdll-Syscall_Emulation patchset for WoW64 builds (on staging 2e9f2387+) ==> WARNUNG: Proton Fullscreen Hack is forcefully disabled on this revision. Please use either a 5.20 or lower base, or a wine staging 6.3 or newer base. ==> WARNUNG: Hotfix: Fix for Riot Client updates ==> WARNUNG: Hotfix: Remove a TRACE in the DXGIGetDebugInterface1 stub causing segfaults. ==> WARNUNG: Hotfix: Fix for CL/opencl.h header recognition ==> WARNUNG: Hotfix: Fix NosTale mouse bug -> cherry picking... -> Hotfixing... -> Applying ntsync5-mainline.patch patch: **** malformed patch at line 4271: static const dump_func req_dumpers[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] = {

==> FEHLER: Patch application has failed. The error was logged to /home/damachine/.tkg/temp/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/prepare.log for your convenience. ==> FEHLER: Ein Fehler geschah in prepare(). Breche ab... -> Removed BIG_UGLY_FROGMINER - Ribbit -> Removed Proton-tkg token - Valve Ribbit -> exit cleanup done `

The Log: -> Cleaning wine source code tree... 2 │ HEAD ist jetzt bei 8ba51a6f711 win32u: Call NtUserMapWindowPoints with per-monitor DPI from the drivers. 3 │ 4 │ ntsync5-mainline.patch 5 │ patching file configure 6 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 7995 (offset 16 lines). 7 │ patching file 8 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 384 (offset 1 line). 9 │ patching file dlls/kernel32/tests/sync.c 10 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/file.c 11 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 6457 (offset 85 lines). 12 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/process.c 13 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/server.c 14 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/sync.c 15 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/thread.c 16 │ patching file dlls/ntdll/unix/unix_private.h 17 │ patching file dlls/webservices/tests/channel.c 18 │ patching file include/ 19 │ patching file include/wine/server_protocol.h 20 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 5654 (offset 5 lines). 21 │ Hunk #2 succeeded at 6022 (offset 4 lines). 22 │ Hunk #3 succeeded at 6319 (offset 4 lines). 23 │ Hunk #4 succeeded at 6614 (offset 4 lines). 24 │ patching file server/ 25 │ patching file server/async.c 26 │ patching file server/atom.c 27 │ patching file server/change.c 28 │ patching file server/clipboard.c 29 │ patching file server/completion.c 30 │ patching file server/console.c 31 │ patching file server/debugger.c 32 │ patching file server/device.c 33 │ patching file server/directory.c 34 │ patching file server/event.c 35 │ patching file server/fast_sync.c 36 │ patching file server/fd.c 37 │ patching file server/file.c 38 │ patching file server/file.h 39 │ patching file server/handle.c 40 │ patching file server/hook.c 41 │ patching file server/mailslot.c 42 │ patching file server/mapping.c 43 │ patching file server/mutex.c 44 │ patching file server/named_pipe.c 45 │ patching file server/object.c 46 │ patching file server/object.h 47 │ patching file server/process.c 48 │ Hunk #11 succeeded at 804 (offset -6 lines). 49 │ Hunk #12 succeeded at 837 (offset -6 lines). 50 │ Hunk #13 succeeded at 1011 (offset -6 lines). 51 │ patching file server/process.h 52 │ patching file server/protocol.def 53 │ Hunk #1 FAILED at 3888. 54 │ 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file server/protocol.def.rej 55 │ patching file server/queue.c 56 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 146 (offset 1 line). 57 │ Hunk #2 succeeded at 165 (offset 1 line). 58 │ Hunk #3 succeeded at 192 (offset 1 line). 59 │ Hunk #4 succeeded at 230 (offset 1 line). 60 │ Hunk #5 succeeded at 319 (offset 1 line). 61 │ Hunk #6 succeeded at 607 (offset 1 line). 62 │ Hunk #7 succeeded at 624 (offset 1 line). 63 │ Hunk #8 succeeded at 1105 (offset 1 line). 64 │ Hunk #9 succeeded at 1167 (offset -1 lines). 65 │ Hunk #10 succeeded at 1217 (offset -1 lines). 66 │ Hunk #11 succeeded at 1228 (offset -1 lines). 67 │ Hunk #12 succeeded at 2887 (offset 42 lines). 68 │ Hunk #13 succeeded at 2915 (offset 42 lines). 69 │ Hunk #14 succeeded at 3106 (offset 42 lines). 70 │ Hunk #15 succeeded at 3162 (offset 42 lines). 71 │ Hunk #16 succeeded at 3925 with fuzz 2 (offset 62 lines). 72 │ patching file server/registry.c 73 │ patching file server/request.c 74 │ patching file server/request.h 75 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 403 (offset -1 lines). 76 │ Hunk #2 succeeded at 699 (offset -1 lines). 77 │ Hunk #3 succeeded at 2347 with fuzz 1 (offset -6 lines). 78 │ patching file server/semaphore.c 79 │ patching file server/serial.c 80 │ patching file server/signal.c 81 │ patching file server/sock.c 82 │ patching file server/symlink.c 83 │ patching file server/thread.c 84 │ Hunk #8 succeeded at 1165 (offset 4 lines). 85 │ Hunk #9 succeeded at 1202 (offset 4 lines). 86 │ Hunk #10 succeeded at 1218 (offset 4 lines). 87 │ Hunk #11 succeeded at 1318 (offset 4 lines). 88 │ Hunk #12 succeeded at 2062 (offset 4 lines). 89 │ patching file server/thread.h 90 │ patching file server/timer.c 91 │ patching file server/token.c 92 │ Hunk #1 succeeded at 157 (offset 2 lines). 93 │ patching file server/trace.c