Frogging-Family / wine-tkg-git

The wine-tkg build systems, to create custom Wine and Proton builds
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Build failure: No such file or directory #1204

Open SunilPaul174 opened 1 week ago

SunilPaul174 commented 1 week ago

cp: target '/home/pc/tkg/wine-tkg-git/proton-tkg/proton_dist_tmp/share/': No such file or directory On arch, non makepkg build and makepkg build both error out. ntsync patches on. using the 4.Wine upstream Proton customization.txt uploaded customization.cfg as txt because github doesnt allow it.

SunilPaul174 commented 1 week ago

proton-tkg.txt Wrong config file: oops

Username404-59 commented 1 week ago

I'm having this issue too with mostly the same config

Tk-Glitch commented 1 week ago

The build failed during wine's compilation, leading to that missing dir. It should be fixed as of 4 hours ago with the last two commits. Please run git pull to update your tree and give it another go.

Username404-59 commented 1 week ago

The build failed during wine's compilation, leading to that missing dir. It should be fixed as of 4 hours ago with the last two commits. Please run git pull to update your tree and give it another go.

You're right, the issue I'm having is a different one with

cp: cannot create regular file '/home/doggo/repos_divers/wine-tkg-git/proton-tkg/proton_dist_tmp/include/wine/': No such file or directory which I mistook for this issue's error

That was caused by wrong ldflags in my config

SunilPaul174 commented 1 week ago

It has started to build correctly now. Just one question, how should i build it so that it can also be used by lutris? The proton-tkg build does not show up in the options for runners (does show up in proton) and wine-tkg is failing to launch anything when installed system wide. I am building wine-tkg again to external directory using the makepkg option.

Tk-Glitch commented 1 week ago

how should i build it so that it can also be used by lutris

Terrible idea but non-makepkg should work. Not sure where lutris scans for those but should work in the same spot as regular proton or proton-GE builds.

wine-tkg is failing to launch anything when installed system wide

That's not supposed to happen. Got a log of that?

I am building wine-tkg again to external directory using the makepkg option.

That'll likely only get worse. System-wide should be the safest option.