Frogging-Family / wine-tkg-git

The wine-tkg build systems, to create custom Wine and Proton builds
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Nightly builds description. #934

Open begin-theadventure opened 1 year ago

begin-theadventure commented 1 year ago

In the description it's written: You must be logged in to GitHub in order to download Wine or Proton nightly builds. But wouldn't it be useful to mention Or even provide links in Wine nightly builds to download the latest action builds.

Tk-Glitch commented 1 year ago

As a third party tool I don't know GH's stance on, I'm not sure we want that. It's not ideal, sure, but it's also not the worst situation ever. The "more extreme" yet unaware of that alternative solution can most definitely create an account with a fake/temporary email and be done with it if the CI builds are all they want from us. I feel like it was a bad idea overall to make these available, that's unfortunate.

The CI builds aren't what the project is about, for which the whole idea and goal is "build your own to suit your needs". You don't need a GH account for that (and if that had to change, we'd move away from GH and drop the CI builds altogether).

I'll leave this open so people can share opinions on the matter and I will take a decision accordingly.