Frommi / miniz_oxide

Rust replacement for miniz
MIT License
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Increase the license options. #87

Closed Lokathor closed 3 years ago

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

Per, this adds the Zlib license as a possible license for users of the crate. While we're at it, it's probably best to also add the Apache-2.0 license as an option.

I expect this to be fairly uncontroversial, but this would need sign off from past code contributors (alphabetical order):

If @Frommi is still on board with the idea then we can start pinging the rest of people.

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

Frommi checked their box, so I'll ping everyone else: @arbitrix @ctjhoa @dholbert @dingelish @eminence @FauxFaux @fhanau @golddranks @ignatenkobrain @jonas-schievink @matklad @oyvindln @RReverser @Shnatsel @srijs @vlad20012 @wehlutyk

dingelish commented 3 years ago

Signed-off by Yu Ding @dingelish :p

ignatenkobrain commented 3 years ago

Fine with me. But please add texts of those licenses into the tree.

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

Ah, can do.

ctjhoa commented 3 years ago

I'm ok too

matklad commented 3 years ago

I agree to adding Zlib and Apache 2.0 licenses

FauxFaux commented 3 years ago

I don't even remember contributing, which probably means that my contribution is too small for you to even ask.

But, yes, please do.

golddranks commented 3 years ago

I agree to adding Zlib and Apache 2.0 licenses.

Shnatsel commented 3 years ago

I license past and future contributions under Zlib OR Apache-2.0 or MIT license, allowing licensees to chose any one at their option.

jonas-schievink commented 3 years ago

I'm fine with this too

oyvindln commented 3 years ago

I'm fine with this.

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

Apologies, there was apparently a copy/paste mixup and @alexcrichton wasn't initially on the list, so you get a ping too.

srijs commented 3 years ago

👍 fine by me

eminence commented 3 years ago

I agree to adding Zlib and Apache 2.0 licenses

dholbert commented 3 years ago

I've only contributed one commit which was a 1-character typo-fix, so I'm arguably not really a code contributor. :) But, setting that aside: sure, I'm fine with this license change.

fhanau commented 3 years ago

I also agree to adding the licenses.

vlad20012 commented 3 years ago

I agree to adding Zlib and Apache 2.0 licenses

RReverser commented 3 years ago

No problem from my side.

alexcrichton commented 3 years ago

I agree to this change of licenses.

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

I made a gaffe and would like to apologize to everyone.

The PR had been set to affect the miniz_oxide_c_api. I intended to change things for the miniz_oxide crate. I was not clear on the repo organization at the time (the intended crate is in a sub-directory), and so I altered the wrong Cargo.toml and added the new licenses all at the repository root.

I have pushed the proper changes so that this PR now applies to just the miniz_oxide crate.

Since the relicense has been signed off on by everyone who has touched that crate specifically:

oyvindln commented 3 years ago

Okay, so the remaining two contributors, @arbitrix and @wehlutyk contributed to the C API part only so I think this should be fine to merge, looks like both have not been active lately. (@arbitrix contribution was just removing a line, so I don't know if that is something that counts as needing approval either.)

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

@oyvindln i resolved the merge conflicts that came up recently. Can you merge and publish yourself? Or do we need to keep waiting for @Frommi ?

oyvindln commented 3 years ago

I can do that, may wait a bit with publishing unless it's urgent, would like to get #97 in.

Lokathor commented 3 years ago

Understandable. I'll subscribe to that PR too.

Thanks for getting to this!

arbitrix commented 3 years ago

I agree to this change of licenses.