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Time Based Blind SQL Injection in "filterType" Parameter #37

Closed carlcj closed 5 years ago

carlcj commented 5 years ago

Vulnerability Name: Time Based Blind SQL Injection in "filterType" Parameter

Vulnerability Description: filterType Parameter in admin/attachments.php file suffer from the Blind SQL Injection, By using the an attacker can grab the Backend Database Information


POST /frontaccounting/admin/attachments.php? HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Referer: http://localhost/frontaccounting/admin/attachments.php?
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 365
DNT: 1
Connection: close
Cookie: user_auth=eyJpdiI6Iit2SUhqY0JUSzNxUjd3ZnVNUHhodVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaHdFNVo3MkhUNTVVcmRFMGFkK01meURSZXhFank3dHUzajZQd3hOZlNSaFdBOUNBQm1aQ2JOU2lLZ1VGYllLOXc0S2hXVXRVcCtqMUZcL3pZUmRXSkJLcGQ3U3RGanE2MVZBa0Y3UnZST2RqQVoxVXd0NXJoaWVDekZpODJWdUJSIiwibWFjIjoiZDQ5YTEzYWM0MzkxMDA4YWMzYjE1ODMwMzViODA0YWJiN2Y3N2I3NGQ1NzE4MTM4NTBhODg5NDVjYzRhN2I4YiJ9; sidenav_treesearch=; sidenav_treegroupStatus=%7Csystem%3A%3Alang.system.categories.mail; xoadmstyle=dark; phpbb3_6s8qf_k=; phpbb3_6s8qf_u=2; phpbb3_6s8qf_sid=32cc1d499e0c4a892a18c7f94a7260c0; postfixadmin_session=chgajr17kqam68bkgo3jd43a7o; FAea2c25b156a4d770f5eb3b4a876d1c4a=rt053p1poe6cvniu5qg6t01omc; FAinstall=akcghq3qcueic1f0nevsn63qcm
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1


Step1: Open the Burp Suite go to the Repeater tab copy the above Contents Step2: Click on the right side penlike icon configure the your ipaddress and port address and click save Step3: Click on "Go" Button you will see the response cause the time delay 20 seconds. Step4: Change the sleep function value what ever you want and click on "go" you will see the time delay what ever you give value to the sleep function.

PoC Video:

time based blind sql injection

Mitigation: See the OWASP SQL Injection Prevention sheet on this

FrontAccountingERP commented 5 years ago

I cannot replicate the problem testing current version on ubuntu 16.04, mysql 5.5.62 and php 7.0.33.

What FA/mysql/php version did you test on?

Did you find any other point where the vulnerability exists? The field is sanitized in exactly the same manner as in all other inputs in FA, so if the problem really appears on some special server configuration, it should appear in many places of FA interface.

carlcj commented 5 years ago

I'm using PHP/7.2.4, 10.1.31-MariaDB, XAMPP version 3.2.2 in Windows 10 64bit.

Did you change the user_name_entry_field and password field according to your configuration ?

Can i know what you get ?

carlcj commented 5 years ago

I'm Using Version FA v2.4.5 Build 06.12.2018

itronics commented 5 years ago

Finally I reproduced the problem (the PoC didn't worked as I overlooked you marked filterType POST with asterisks). The problem has been fixed in just released 2.4.6 version. Thank you for pointing this out.

carlcj commented 5 years ago

Thank you..