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Initial setup fails #12

Closed mustafasakalli closed 2 years ago

mustafasakalli commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, While I'm trying to setup project, it throws Error: Cannot find module 'esbuild' error. How can I fix this? remix

Eslam3bed commented 2 years ago

@mustafasakalli check the node version if it fulfilles the required versions

dtauer commented 2 years ago

@mustafasakalli can you run node -v in your terminal? What version of Node are you using?

dtauer commented 2 years ago

Recreated the issue on a windows machine that had Node v14.x.x. Updated to current LTS (16.17.1) and the setup script ran successfully. Will remove Node 14.x.x from the prerequisites.

mustafasakalli commented 2 years ago

Updating npm version 6 to 8 solved my problem. Thanks everyone