Frontify / sketch

Frontify Sketch Plugin
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Screen Pixel Ratio #2

Open Tschotscho99 opened 6 years ago

Tschotscho99 commented 6 years ago

Hello Developers,

can you fix the problem, that the images are always uploaded with the "screen pixel ration = @2x". Even better, you can choose between "@1x; 2@x;..." and so on.

Thank's a lot, kind regards Johannes

brunschgi commented 6 years ago

Hi Johannes Thanks for you message. As most designers design in @1x (vectors renders fine anyway) we intentionally export the artboards in @2x to make them look good on retina. However, you are right, it would make sense to make this setting configurable for the rare cases 😺 . There is a good chance that we'll add this feature in the future. Best, Remo