Frost-Phoenix / nixos-config

❄️ NixOs / Hyprland rice with Home-Manager ❄️
MIT License
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Visual Studio Code #20

Open codeskin-r opened 2 weeks ago

codeskin-r commented 2 weeks ago

First of all, I really like the configuration you made! It's just that I can't know how to change the Visual Studio Code configuration as I want. I need help with that, I thank you very much in advance.

Frost-Phoenix commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Happy you like it.

To change the vscode config you need to edit the modules/home/vscodium.nix file. In there you can add you extensions, configuration and keybinds.

To make the process easier you can change your settings in vscode which will generate a new settings.json file from which you can take the new line and put it in the home manager config, (because vscode will not be able to save the file as it is "own" by home manager).

Hope this can help you and have fun with you config :)