Frostyant / screeps

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🟣Advanced Creeps #8

Open Frostyant opened 4 years ago

Frostyant commented 4 years ago

Once extensions build, gain the ability to design/build advanced creeps.

Frostyant commented 4 years ago

Added a "dumb" way of doing it for upgraders.

Once you have at least 3 upgraders the spawn will try and spawn better upgraders.

This WILL fail if you don't have 5 extensions, but if you do you now have better upgraders.

Still needs to be implemented for other stuff though.

Frostyant commented 4 years ago

All Further Updates fall into the Multi-Room Branch, Using upgraded Creeps is essential for Multi-Rooming CURRENTLY.

Once ability to expand has been succesfully implemented, Multi-Room Branch will close and new Branch for Advanced Creeps opened ?

Frostyant commented 4 years ago

Ability implemented, further changes are in the feature/templates branch.

Templates branch will try and generate on the fly designs suitable to the current situation for econ creeps as opposed to pre-defined upgrades from before.

Efficiency loss due to lack of specialisation should be offset by efficiency gain due to overall higher-performance screeps.

Specialisation issue should be mitigated to a certain extent by templates, although some issues will persists (eg MINERS only needing 1 move yet still getting additional move at each upgrade level).