FrozenCanuck / Ki

A Statechart Framework for SproutCore
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isCurrentState still not observable #3

Closed devinus closed 13 years ago

devinus commented 13 years ago

With the latest Ki I must still notifyPropertyChange('isCurrentState') on my state's enterState/exitState to notify things bound to isCurrentState. It appears isCurrentState is still a .property() that doesn't observe anything:

isCurrentState: function() {
  return this.stateIsCurrentSubstate(this);
FrozenCanuck commented 13 years ago

Sorry. I made a silly mistake when invoking a state's notifyPropertyChange method. The statechart is responsible for calling the state's notifyPropertyChange method. The isCurrentState computed property is now observable. All unit tested and working.

devinus commented 13 years ago

Awesome! Just trying to do my part with bug reporting. :)

FrozenCanuck commented 13 years ago

Bug reporting is more than welcome :-)