FrozenCanuck / Ki

A Statechart Framework for SproutCore
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'currentStates' property is not observable/bindable #33

Open erichocean opened 13 years ago

erichocean commented 13 years ago

This works:

  valueBinding: SC.Binding.transform(function() {
    return "State: " + App.statechart.get('currentStates').map(function(state) { return state.get('fullPath'); }).join(', ');

This does not:

valueBinding: SC.Binding.transform(function(currentStates) {
  return "State: " + { return state.get('fullPath'); }).join(', ');

I would expect currentStates to be observable for changes the same way that firstCurrentState is.

erichocean commented 13 years ago

By "works", I mean that value updates as the statechart changes state in the first case, but not in the second.