FrozenNode / Laravel-Administrator

An administrative interface package for Laravel
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SQL Server throws invalid column error on select list #460

Open edgji opened 10 years ago

edgji commented 10 years ago

In Laravel 4.1 I managed to set up administrator with a model for a table I replicated from SQL Server into MySQL for basic testing and setup. I got to the point where I needed to have this running on the existing SQL server data so I tried to connecting but I'm getting the following error

Column 'COLUMN' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. (SQL: SELECT COUNT(id) AS aggregate FROM (select [TABLENAME].* from [TABLENAME] group by [TABLENAME].[id]) AS agg) (Bindings: array ( ))

*(COLUMN and TABLENAME replace their respective actual property names)

janhartigan commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately I have no access to SQL Server, so I can't debug this. I suspect this is happening because SQL Server doesn't like having a GROUP BY clause when there is no grouping function. This is the offending bit of code:

Could you try running this same query but with a grouping function on the subselect?

edgji commented 10 years ago

It took me a while but I hacked my way through the issue last night. In reference to I figured SQL server was more strict with the formatting of the GROUP BY clause and ended up appending each of the columns to the GROUP BY which ends up working.

pablomaurer commented 10 years ago

Can you show how you solved it? I'm having the same problem.. how far i came:

pablomaurer commented 10 years ago

First make a BaseModel.php i can get all columns names from all tables.

// New File
class BaseModel extends \Eloquent {

    public static function getTableName()
        return with(new static)->getTable();

    public function getColumnsNames() {
        $table = with(new static)->getTable();

        $connection = DB::connection();
        //$s = DB::getSchmema();

        $grammar = $connection->getSchemaGrammar();
        $table = $connection->getTablePrefix().$table;
        $results = $connection->select($grammar->compileColumnExists($table));
        return array_unique($connection->getPostProcessor()->processColumnListing($results));

Second All models have to extend from BaseModel... instead of \Eloquent Third in DataTable.php :

//grab the model instance
$model = $this->config->getDataModel();
$cols = $model->getColumnsNames(); // ------> New Line around Line 110

// ----> at line 119/120 instead of  $query = $model->groupBy($table . '.' . $keyName);
foreach ($cols as $col) {
    $model = $model->groupBy($table.'.'.$col);
$query = $model;

And then some Pages work an other ar saying SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Argument data type int is invalid for argument 2 of format function. (SQL: select distinct top 20 [l_theaters].*, (SELECT COUNT( FROM l_theaters AS num_films_l_theaters LEFT JOIN l_films_theaters AS num_films_l_films_theaters ON num_films_l_films_theaters.theater_id = LEFT JOIN l_films AS num_films_l_films ON = num_films_l_films_theaters.film_id WHERE = num_films_l_films_theaters.theater_id) AS [num_films], (SELECT CONCAT('$', FORMAT(SUM(box_office_l_box_office.revenue), 2)) FROM l_box_office AS box_office_l_box_office WHERE = box_office_l_box_office.theater_id) AS [box_office] from [l_theaters] group by [l_theaters].[id], [l_theaters].[name], [l_theaters].[created_at], [l_theaters].[updated_at] order by [l_theaters].[id] desc)

ricksuggs commented 10 years ago

@janhartigan @edgji I've experienced the same issue and initially used the workaround of adding each column to the group by clause, however I would like to find a solution that does not require adding functions in a BaseModel as @mnewmedia has shown. I would like to find a solution that only requires modifying the source code of this (FrozenNode/Laravel-Administrator) project.

If the following generated SQL statement is being used to count the number of rows in the table, why is a group by on the primary key added to the statement? Since the primary key is inherently unique, adding a group by for this column should not have any effect.

SELECT COUNT(id) AS aggregate FROM (select [table_name].[id] from [table_name] group by [table_name].[id]) AS agg

Is another possible solution to just remove the group by statement since it appears to only by grouping by a unique primary key? I've been using the following:

//get things going by grouping the set
$table = $model->getTable();
$keyName = $model->getKeyName();
//$query = $model->groupBy($table . '.' . $keyName);
$query = $model->newQuery();

//get the Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder instance and set up the count query
$dbQuery = $query->getQuery();
//$countQuery = $dbQuery->getConnection()->table($table)->groupBy($table . '.' .$keyName);
$countQuery = $dbQuery->getConnection()->table($table);


wenihal commented 10 years ago

@ricksuggs: thanks!! That worked for me.