FrozenSand / UrbanTerror4

Official bug tracker for the game Urban Terror 4.x -
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[4.2.010+] Wrong "Default" skin in selector #324

Open IyeOnline opened 7 years ago

IyeOnline commented 7 years ago

reading remembering #214 i thought fixing/improving the skin selector couldnt be that hard... ( i was wrong btw) i noticed that the "DEFAULT" skin fore "Ally team" on fixed skins(? aka the button says "relative" shows red skins. "Ally team" always is blue team in this mode however.

Its an easy fix (2 line changes), but im working on a few changes that may make this menu less confusing (if i get it to work in a reasonable way), so i just put this up here.

IyeOnline commented 7 years ago

Why again is this so complicated? I need like 2 more levels of logic than ui scripts can offer........ :S

(also wrong button on that close - damnit mouse)

IyeOnline commented 7 years ago

Ok. i nailed it down to a version that actually is closer to the original than my other tries. but it works. ill do a few fine tweaks for mouse interactions (fields to close together) and then upload it.

Barbatos commented 7 years ago

sup? :)

IyeOnline commented 7 years ago

right. i should probably upload that one... :)

Problem was, it broken in the way described, but i got confused by this "relative" and "fixed" button. (Really cant deal with buttons saying what they would do NOW, instead of showing you the state the system is in)

Additionally, some race selects were off for racefree iirc.