Frstrm / TokenLightCondition

Determine the lighting conditions of a token based on placed lights and token lights
MIT License
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[Feature request] Condition renaming #21

Open ZhornLegacy opened 1 year ago

ZhornLegacy commented 1 year ago

I had previously been doing this in the module's code myself; but after seeing someone else in express wanting a similar thing it might be worth having a simpler means of achieving it built in like Stealthy's 'changing localization keys'.

What I was doing was changing the module's code to reference the condition effects as Dim > Lightly Obscured Dark > Heavily Obscured as per PHBp183 with what underlying the light levels are actually imposing. Both as to utilize the condition for scenarios not related to lighting while still using the same mechanics the module helps replicate, and also when doing so the players are able to note the effects as per the game text and not keep translating what the module labels differently (Lightly/Heavily obscured are referenced a lot with many different features, many having nothing to do with light).

Understandable if this change is outside your intended scope for the module and you would rather not.

Frstrm commented 1 year ago

Seems worth looking at. I saw the post in stealthy. In the mean time, If your just changing things locally, you only need to edit the en.json for: tokenlightcond-effect-dark, and -dim since those are the keys used for searching for and generating the effects. doing that and everything 'should' just work.

Frstrm commented 1 year ago

I'll work to get something that allows you to customize the label's for those effects, and thus you can define them for your own use. However, be aware that the effects are based on lighting conditions of the tokens position, and not based on the 'viewer' of the token.

So the use of Lightly Obscured or Heavily Obscured in my mind are conditions based on the viewers perspective... ( token is the dark, but I have darkvision, therefore, I see them as 'lightly obscured'... but for someone else without darkvision, they are 'heavily obscured' ). I may be misinterpreting the intended usage of that rule you called out.

I don't plan on getting into the position of changing effects on tokens based on parameters of the currently selected token.

ZhornLegacy commented 1 year ago

No worries, the use of applying lightly/heavily obscured in non-light related scenarios can be achieved through manual means, or even by Active Auras for spell effects. Preliminary testing with Dim/Dark doesn't appear to cause any issues.