Frug / AJAX-Chat

A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, FluxBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.
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blank chat board after deleting messages and reloading the page. #220

Open Alexufo opened 8 years ago

Alexufo commented 8 years ago

2) edit chat files for integration with phpbb3.0 (standart alone version).
a) autologin custom.php, CustomAJAXChat.php b) disable session refresh CustomAJAXChat.php

3) all works fine but then i delete my message and refresh page i see blank chat board until i write something again.

look at picture ajaxchatbug

renom commented 8 years ago

Hi Alexufo. I found a solution for the problem. I think it was bug. I changed function getMessageFilter in file lib/class/AJAXChat.php on line 1932 to:

function getMessageFilter() { $filterChannelMessages = ''; if(!$this->getConfig('showChannelMessages') || $this->getRequestVar('shoutbox')) { $filterChannelMessages = ' AND NOT ( text LIKE (\'/login%\') OR text LIKE (\'/logout%\') OR text LIKE (\'/channelEnter%\') OR text LIKE (\'/channelLeave%\') OR text LIKE (\'/kick%\') OR text LIKE (\'/delete%\') )'; } return $filterChannelMessages;

Just added this lines:

OR text LIKE (\'/delete%\')

Frug commented 8 years ago

I can confirm this is an issue with core chat.