Frug / AJAX-Chat

A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, FluxBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.
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Mod remove chatters problem #255

Open qwertzuhgfds opened 7 years ago

qwertzuhgfds commented 7 years ago

Hello, if i try to insert the "Mod remove chatters" on index.php from my phpbb3 forum, nothing happens. I clear cache etc. I think there is a problem, but i dont know who i can find this.

I have got actual phpbb3 forum and the last version from blbueimps ajax chat. I have got a snippet to display online users in my header from my template from phpbb. All is perfect, but my useres dont use the logout-button and so there are displayed online-users who are not online. If i go to the chat the online-user who displayed lged automatical out.

Can help me someone?