Frug / AJAX-Chat

A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, FluxBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.
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Messages Clearing #286

Closed lolzland closed 1 year ago

lolzland commented 1 year ago

how to prevent the messages cleaning after some time?

zwiebus commented 1 year ago

you can define in config.php if and how long messages are stored in the database:

// Defines if old messages are purged from the database: $config['logsPurgeLogs'] = false; // Max time difference in days for old messages before they are purged from the database: $config['logsPurgeTimeDiff'] = 1;

if you mean the retrograde display of messages in the chat is also there:

// Defines if messages are shown which have been sent before the user entered the channel: $config['requestMessagesPriorChannelEnter'] = true; // Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) for which the previous setting is always true (will be ignored if set to null): $config['requestMessagesPriorChannelEnterList'] = null; // Max time difference in hours for messages to display on each request: $config['requestMessagesTimeDiff'] = 2; // Max number of messages to display on each request: $config['requestMessagesLimit'] = 15;