Frumph / comic-easel

Comic Easel is a plugin for WordPress that let's you have a WebComic with any WordPress theme.
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"First in Chapter" navigation not working correctly #10

Closed WanderingMask closed 10 years ago

WanderingMask commented 10 years ago

On my site I have two separate comic chapters ("Colour Wheel" and "Sketch Comics") running. I'm currently experiencing a minor problem with the navigation:

1) The "first in chapter" link inevitably goes to the first comic chronologically, in the "Colour Wheel" chapter. This happens even when it is clicked from a "Sketch Comic" comic. <- This is the first comic in the "sketch comic" Chapter, but the "first (in chapter)" link still leads to the first "Colour Wheel" comic. The other "____ within chapter" nav links are functioning fine. I have tried both the default navigation and the widget and this problem persists in both cases.

As I am quite new to this and have very little programming experience, any help would be appreciated. My site is currently running the comicpress theme with the comic easel plugin.

Frumph commented 10 years ago

There's an option for traversing comic chapters in the comic->config, disable that and clear cache and look if that problem goes away

WanderingMask commented 10 years ago

That worked; However with that option disabled the individual chapters under Colour Wheel naturally stop being able to lead to/from each other's first/last pages. Reactivating it just brings the problem back.

Also, I recently changed the chapter order of Sketch Comics from 1000 to 0, thinking that might be part of the problem, only now the "next(in chapter)" leads from the most recent (Sketch) Comic to the first Colour Wheel comic as well. Currently Sketch Comics and Colour Wheel are both ordered 0, and Colour Wheel has 3 chapters ordered 1, 2, 3(Sketch Comics has no individual chapters). Am I doing something wrong there?

WanderingMask commented 10 years ago

Never mind, I created a sub-chapter for Sketch Comics and the problem was resolved. Thanks for the help!