Looking to have the permalink return as for each post.
Current: /comic/post_slug
Want: /comic/chapter_slug/post_slug
current: /feed/
works as intended - has both in it (with pre_get_posts parser) however ?post_type=comic&chapter=tubular&feed=rss2 will contain both as well.
Want: /comic/feed/
only the feed for that specific post type - currently returns to the current page
bug in my post type registering, I'm guessing
current: /2012/05/25/?post_type=comic
for archive
want: /comic/2012/05/25/
or any combination for dates of the archives, just don't want ?post_type=comic to be written out on the url line
want: Anything more productive then having the ?post_type=comic being written on the url line for normal operations
Looking to have the permalink return as for each post.
Current: /comic/post_slug
Want: /comic/chapter_slug/post_slug
current: /feed/
current: /2012/05/25/?post_type=comic
want: Anything more productive then having the ?post_type=comic being written on the url line for normal operations
Current Rewrite Rules:
As reported by rewrite rules inspector.