FuPeiJiang / VD.ahk

Windows Virtual Desktop, AutoHotkey, Windows 11 support, Windows Server 2022, switch desktop, move window(wintitle) to current desktop; createDesktop, PinWindow, getCount, getDesktopNumOfWindow -> mute all windows in Virtual Desktop
MIT License
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New Windows Build 23606: VD.getCurrentDesktopNum() always returns 0 #61

Open phazei opened 6 months ago

phazei commented 6 months ago

Yesterday my windows just did an update and my script stopped working. I'm now on Insider Build 23606. I was previously on 23451 and it's been working just fine there.

phazei commented 6 months ago

I took a look at the comments and it seems the GUID's changed for the later versions of Win11:


I'm going to try switching those and see if it works or if it needs new win11 23h2 functions

phazei commented 6 months ago

So, I'm really hoping the 23606 build I'm on matches the 23H2 build that has the new GUIDs. It took me a bit to understand, but I see now that the _vtable method is mapping the methods from the COMs. I updated the COM GUIDs to match the updated ones, but that didn't work by itself. I think the parameters for 23H2 so I changed the call back to: DllCall(this.GetCurrentDesktop, "UPtr", this.IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal, "Ptr*", IVirtualDesktop_ofCurrentDesktop)

GetCurrentDesktop doesn't seem to return anything though, it seems to have been sharing the same _vtable 6 position so I didn't want to change that. But how exactly did you find out what # it was in the list? Is it possible to see the list of how the vtable looks like? I only have SciTE4AutoHotKey to debug this all and it only shows a long number for the values. Also, it seems GetCurrentDesktop returns an item of type IVirtualDesktop eg 3F07F4BE-B107-441A-AF0F-39D82529072C, so how does it get GetId() from it? I don't quite see where that comes from.

phazei commented 6 months ago

So, it seems like the MScholtes/VirtualDesktop repo probably wouldn't work either. I'm not sure if this repo needed to be updated to match 23H2.

What I did find is a solution though. I found this https://github.com/itzjakm/VirtualDesktopAccessor (I'm guessing there's a typo and the submitter meant 23601). Seems to be a similar project but uses rust and compiles a DLL to be used with AHK. But they seem to have fixed it and found that there was an even more updated GUID. I updated that GUID and a couple others, then reverted the Win11 Insider build _vtable numbers back to stable Win11 numbers, and reverted a few Win11 method calls back to their Win10 equivalent, and it seems to be working now!

JanChec commented 5 months ago

The version from ↑ PR works! Thanks! 🥇