FuPeiJiang / ahk_parser.js

find func, string, everything in AHK_L v1; convert v1 to AHK_H v2; converter
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Can't convert clr.ahk #22

Open krasnovpro opened 3 years ago

krasnovpro commented 3 years ago


FuPeiJiang commented 3 years ago


I've cloned the repo https://github.com/GirkovArpa/ahk-sciter-js

I've downloaded sciter.dll 8.23MB SciterSharpWindows.dll 161.50KB I've copied these files into the folder ahk-sciter-js\

I run using AutoHotkeyU64.exe with WorkingDir ahk-sciter-js\ note: that was AHK_L v1 version

I'm getting this error

Error:  0x80004003 - Invalid pointer
Source:     SciterSharpWindows
Description:    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
HelpFile:       (null)
HelpContext:    0

Specifically: CreateMainWindow

    148: {
    149: VarSetCapacity(GUID, 16, 0)  
    150: Return,DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", sGUID, "ptr", &GUID) >= 0 ? &GUID : ""
    151: }
    011: FileRead,html,main.html
    013: sci := Clr_LoadLibrary("SciterSharpWindows.dll")
    014: sciwin := Clr_CreateObject(sci, "SciterSharp.SciterWindow")
--->    015: sciwin.CreateMainWindow(400, 300)  
    016: sciwin.CenterTopLevelWindow()  
    017: sciwin.Title := "Using SciterSharp in AutoHotkey"  
    018: sciwin.LoadHtml(html)  
    019: sciwin.Show()  
    020: Return
    022: Return
    024: Return

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if AHK_L v1 doesn't work, v2 cannot work

you said you Can't convert clr.ahk what errors are you getting ? can you try again? I've fixed some things

krasnovpro commented 3 years ago

I got it here: https://misoftware.com.br/Home/Post/TheLibrary