FuXiii / Turbo

Turbo is rendering engine base Vulkan
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请不要使用submodule #1

Open GuoZiyangTYUST opened 2 months ago

GuoZiyangTYUST commented 2 months ago

warning: redirecting to https://github.com/KhronosGroup/KTX-Software.git/ remote: Enumerating objects: 35616, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (805/805), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (427/427), done. remote: Total 35616 (delta 403), reused 686 (delta 355), pack-reused 34811 MiB | 13.89 MiB/s Receiving objects: 100% (35616/35616), 211.77 MiB | 13.33 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (23135/23135), done. git-lfs filter-process: line 1: git-lfs: command not found fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed. You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

submodule 这个功能很难用,问题很多

FuXiii commented 2 months ago


确实,submodule 在下载和同步 KTX-Software 的时候经常会失败,其实有时 git clone 都会克隆不下来。应该是国内网络“特色“。可以使用浏览器下载源码压缩包,再将文件解压缩到固定目录下就行。

考虑使用 submodule 是因为这是一种自动化配置 Turbo 编译依赖的方式。为了开发者方便配置选择的该方式。

如果您有更好的方式,愿意恭听。 ๐•ᴗ•๐

FuXiii commented 2 months ago
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

我看有这个提示。说是 克隆 成功了,但是 checkout 失败了。提示执行 git restore --source=HEAD :/ 进行尝试。

GuoZiyangTYUST commented 2 months ago


当年还在学校的时候,有个同学在国内期刊上发表了一片英文论文。 老师笑话他的论文:"这种文章老外不看,中国人也不看。"



FuXiii commented 2 months ago



paopa commented 2 months ago

hey, 我看到錯誤訊息中有個 git-lfs filter-process: git-lfs: command not found 或許可以試試先去安裝這個 command. 近期剛好有遇到一樣的錯誤訊息在其他專案上,後來也是在安裝後重新進行 git clone 就可以使用了