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CP-18847: KeyNotFoundException with OfflineLeastCommonAncestorTarjan Algorithm #105

Open fubar-coder opened 6 years ago

fubar-coder commented 6 years ago

From unknown CodePlex user on Tuesday, 28 September 2010 01:53:20

I am trying to use Tarjan Offfline Least Common Ancestor Algorithm , but a KeyNotFoundException is occurring. It seem that it search the root node in a graph made of the 2 vertex that are present in the pair.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using QuickGraph;
using QuickGraph.Algorithms;

namespace QuickGraphTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /// <summary>
            /// Current revision graph
            /// </summary>
            AdjacencyGraph<Entity, Edge<Entity>> graph = new AdjacencyGraph<Entity, Edge<Entity>>();

            Entity root = new Entity() { Value = "Root" };
            Entity node1 = new Entity() { Value = "Node1" };
            Entity node2 = new Entity() { Value = "Node2" };

            graph.AddEdge(new Edge<Entity>(root, node1));
            graph.AddEdge(new Edge<Entity>(root, node2));

            var pairs=new List<SEquatableEdge<Entity>>(){};
            pairs.Add(new SEquatableEdge<Entity>(node1,node2));


        public class Entity
            public string Value { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using QuickGraph.Collections;
using QuickGraph.Algorithms.Search;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using QuickGraph.Algorithms.Services;

namespace QuickGraph.Algorithms
    /// <summary>
    /// Offline least common ancestor in a rooted tre
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Reference:
    /// Gabow, H. N. and Tarjan, R. E. 1983. A linear-time algorithm for a special case 
    /// of disjoint set union. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium 
    /// on theory of Computing STOC '83. ACM, New York, NY, 246-251. 
    /// DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/800061.808753 
    /// </remarks>
    /// <typeparam name="TVertex">type of the vertices</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TEdge">type of the edges</typeparam>
    public sealed class TarjanOfflineLeastCommonAncestorAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
        : RootedAlgorithmBase<TVertex , IVertexListGraph<TVertex, TEdge>>
        where TEdge : IEdge<TVertex>
        private SEquatableEdge<TVertex>[] pairs;
        private readonly Dictionary<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>, TVertex> ancestors =
            new Dictionary<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>, TVertex>();

        public TarjanOfflineLeastCommonAncestorAlgorithm(
            IVertexListGraph<TVertex, TEdge> visitedGraph)
            : this(null, visitedGraph)
        { }

        public TarjanOfflineLeastCommonAncestorAlgorithm(
            IAlgorithmComponent host,
            IVertexListGraph<TVertex, TEdge> visitedGraph)
            : base(host, visitedGraph)
        { }

        public bool TryGetVertexPairs(out IEnumerable<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>> pairs)
            pairs = this.pairs;
            return pairs!=null;

        public void SetVertexPairs(IEnumerable<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>> pairs)
            Contract.Requires(pairs != null);

            this.pairs = new List<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>>(pairs).ToArray();

        public void Compute(TVertex root, IEnumerable<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>> pairs)
            Contract.Requires(root != null);
            Contract.Requires(pairs != null);

            this.pairs = Enumerable.ToArray(pairs);

        public IDictionary<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>, TVertex> Ancestors
            get { return this.ancestors; }

        protected override void Initialize()

        protected override void InternalCompute()
            var cancelManager = this.Services.CancelManager;

            TVertex root;
            if (!this.TryGetRootVertex(out root))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("root vertex not set");
            if (this.pairs == null)
                throw new InvalidProgramException("pairs not set");

            var gpair = GraphExtensions.ToAdjacencyGraph(this.pairs);
            var disjointSet = new ForestDisjointSet<TVertex>();
            var vancestors = new Dictionary<TVertex, TVertex>();
            var dfs = new DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>(this, this.VisitedGraph, new Dictionary<TVertex, GraphColor>(this.VisitedGraph.VertexCount));

            dfs.InitializeVertex += v => disjointSet.MakeSet(v);
            dfs.DiscoverVertex += v => vancestors[v] = v;
            dfs.TreeEdge += edge =>
                    disjointSet.Union(edge.Source, edge.Target);
                    vancestors[disjointSet.FindSet(edge.Source)] = edge.Source;

            dfs.FinishVertex += v =>
                    IEnumerable<SEquatableEdge<TVertex>> edges;
                    if (gpair.TryGetOutEdges(v, out edges))
                        foreach (var e in edges)
                            if (dfs.VertexColors[e.Target] == GraphColor.Black)
                                this.ancestors[EdgeExtensions.ToVertexPair<TVertex, SEquatableEdge<TVertex>>(e)] = vancestors[disjointSet.FindSet(e.Target)];

            // go!
fubar-coder commented 6 years ago

Form unknown CodePlex user on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 02:45:54

Hello, I have some news about this:

The reason why i have had this exception is that the FinishVertex event don't check if the current vertex is contained in the collection of pairs before trying to access to the edges. This bug wasn't detected by the Test because every vertices combination are added to the collection of pairs so every vertex is include in the collection of pairs. I have attached a corrected version of the Algorithm.

I have also found an other bug : if we use a pair (Vertex1->Vertex2) it don't give the same result as (Vertex2->Vertex1). I think that the problem come from the use of SEquatableEdge in order to represent the pairs, this class implement a comparison that compare source together and destination together but don't make a cross comparison.

I have also found a turnaround for this : Add every pairs in each order and make the search of the ancestor in both order.