From unknown CodePlex user on Sunday, 13 May 2012 12:17:02
First of all, this isn't a bug report, its more like a feature proposal and a big thank you.
Quickgraph was really helpful in so many places and now its time to give something back.
The graphviz output currently has a few bugs and limitations.
Within the last project i needed to fix most of them and to produce a somewhat more flexible output.
You'll find the result of these efforts attached to the issue.
So these changes include:
Removed no longer existing graph, edge and node attributes.
Fixed attribute spelling errors.
Fixed edge head/tail-port output.
Added some missing graph,edge and node attributes.
Unified serialization.
Added support for clusters. (needs the fix from Issue: #134)
Added support for composite vertex/edge styles (e.g. Filled | Dashed | Bold )
From unknown CodePlex user on Sunday, 13 May 2012 12:17:02
First of all, this isn't a bug report, its more like a feature proposal and a big thank you. Quickgraph was really helpful in so many places and now its time to give something back. The graphviz output currently has a few bugs and limitations. Within the last project i needed to fix most of them and to produce a somewhat more flexible output. You'll find the result of these efforts attached to the issue. So these changes include: