FubarDevelopment / QuickGraph

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CP-14539: yEd files deserialization #94

Open fubar-coder opened 6 years ago

fubar-coder commented 6 years ago

From unknown CodePlex user on Tuesday, 27 October 2009 06:53:41


  First of all I'd like to say that QuickGraph is a impressive piece of work. Congratuations!   I'm looking for a way to read graphml files generated by yEd, a free graph editor. www.yworks.com/products/yed/   I can't easily figure out how to customize the Deserializer to read such Nodes, I get a not very meaningful error when trying to deserialize a graph (see xml below) with this code  

      var g = new AdjacencyGraph<string, Edge>(); using (var xreader = XmlReader.Create("z:/test.graphml")) { g.DeserializeFromGraphML(xreader, id => id, (source, target, id) => new Edge(source, target) ); }             <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


        What would be the minimum steps to read succesfully the graph, without data attached, and possibly with the data nodes as well?   Thanks for your help!   Alexandre

fubar-coder commented 6 years ago

Form unknown CodePlex user on Tuesday, 01 February 2011 07:40:26

Hi, Alexandre -- I am not sure what your error is, but I solved some Namespace difficulties when reading such files with Linq-to-XML. Here is sample code that works over yEd graphml files

var graph = new AdjacencyGraph<string, Edge>(true);

var file = @". . . your file path here . . ."; var theDoc = XDocument.Load(file);

(from node in theDoc.Descendants() where node.Name.LocalName == "node" select graph.AddVertex(node.Attribute("id").Value)).Run();

var edges = (from edge in theDoc.Descendants() where edge.Name.LocalName == "edge" select new Edge( edge.Attribute("source").Value, edge.Attribute("target").Value));

edges.Select(graph.AddEdge).Run(); var edgeCost = new Dictionary<Edge, double>(); graph.Edges.Do(e => edgeCost.Add(e, 1)).Run();

var dijkstra = new DijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm<string, Edge>( graph, AlgorithmExtensions.GetIndexer<Edge, double>( edgeCost));

var predObsvr = new QuickGraph.Algorithms.Observers .VertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<string, Edge>(); predObsvr.Attach(dijkstra);

var distObsvr = new VertexDistanceRecorderObserver<string, Edge>( AlgorithmExtensions.GetIndexer<Edge, double>(edgeCost)); distObsvr.Attach(dijkstra);