FubuMvcArchive / ripple

Super charged dependency management with Nuget without the merge hell
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Strategize the ISolutionLoader #201

Closed jmarnold closed 10 years ago

jmarnold commented 11 years ago
  1. NugetSolutionLoader (matches when packages.config files are found and no ripple.dependencies.config are found)
  2. XmlSolutionLoader (matches when any ripple.dependencies.config files are found and the ripple.config contains xml)
  3. SolutionLoader (matches when any ripple.dependencies.config files are found and uses the object block notation)

This additional condition of there not being any ripple.dependencies.config files for 1 is only because some of the FubuMVC bottles end up packaging up a packages.config file if you're not careful. The deep search sees the packages.config file and hilarity ensues.

We might also consider a hybrid loader to handle the scenario for the NServiceBus folks.