FubuMvcArchive / ripple

Super charged dependency management with Nuget without the merge hell
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Intermittent NRE when downloading nugets from TeamCity feeds #266

Open andreasohlund opened 10 years ago

andreasohlund commented 10 years ago

We get a NRE now and then on ripple restore. This failing nuget is always one of the floats provided by the buildserver it selg.

I looked at the code but I couldn't see any obvious issues. Any pointers on how to debug this?

[23:12:36][RippleRestoreTarget] RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask (7s)
[23:12:36][RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask] Found 'ripple.config' in at 'Y:\BuildAgent\work\3e0c79eb07d58469\ripple.config'.
[23:12:36][RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask] Restoring dependencies for solution NServiceBus.SqlServer to Y:\BuildAgent\work\3e0c79eb07d58469\src\packages
Missing Nugets: Could not find nugets
     ** Nugets
        * NServiceBus.AcceptanceTesting     Float
     ** Problems
        * NullReferenceException     Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
String: Could not restore dependencies

An unhandled exception occurred:
Could not restore dependencies
String: Error executing DownloadMissingNugets

An unhandled exception occurred:
Could not restore dependencies
   at ripple.RippleAssert.Fail(String message, Object[] substitutions)
   at ripple.Steps.DownloadMissingNugets.Execute(RippleInput input, IRippleStepRunner runner)
   at ripple.RippleOperation.Execute(Boolean throwOnFailure)
Void Fail(System.String, System.Object[])
String: Error occurred: 

An unhandled exception occurred:
Could not restore dependencies
   at ripple.RippleAssert.Fail(String message, Object[] substitutions)
   at ripple.Steps.DownloadMissingNugets.Execute(RippleInput input, IRippleStepRunner runner)
   at ripple.RippleOperation.Execute(Boolean throwOnFailure)
   at ripple.Commands.RestoreCommand.Execute(RestoreInput input)
   at ripple.RippleOperation.CommandExecutionExpression.Execute[TInput,TCommand](TInput input, TCommand command)
   at RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask.InnerExecute(ILogListener logListener, String targetDirectory) in c:\dev\Particular\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask.cs:line 68
   at RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Execute>b__0() in c:\dev\Particular\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask.cs:line 35
   at Locker.ExecuteLocked(String name, Action action) in c:\dev\Particular\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask\Locker.cs:line 20
   at RippleRestoreTask.RestoreTask.Execute() in c:\dev\Particular\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask\RippleRestoreTask.cs:line 35
Void Fail(System.String, System.Object[])

Full build log:


jmarnold commented 10 years ago

@andreasohlund Are you able to reproduce that locally?

jmarnold commented 10 years ago

If so, I think I would start by modifying this guy: https://github.com/DarthFubuMVC/ripple/blob/master/src/ripple/Nuget/NugetProblem.cs#L26

You could try shoving the stacktrace into the description that you get more info.

andreasohlund commented 10 years ago

I can't repro locally. I'll add the callstack and see what that gives

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Josh Arnold notifications@github.comwrote:

If so, I think I would start by modifying this guy:


You could try shoving the stacktrace into the description that you get more info.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/DarthFubuMVC/ripple/issues/266#issuecomment-33022248 .