Fuco1 / smartparens

Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wrong behavior in C-like modes (at least with default configuration) #1166

Open doublep opened 12 months ago

doublep commented 12 months ago

Default behavior of sp-forward-slurp-sexp and related functions in C-like modes is wrong, at least unless you apply special configuration to fix it. In comparison, everything works correctly out-of-the-box if you open a JavaScript file, despite JS having a pretty C-like or Java-like syntax.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Open a file with text

foo.bar (42);

in a C-like mode (extensions .c, .cpp, .java and likely others associated with C-like modes).

Type ( then M-x sp-forward-slurp-sexp RET several times (or whatever keybinding you use for that).

Expected behavior

After (:

()foo.bar (42);

After consecutive slurping:

(foo).bar (42);
(foo.bar) (42);
(foo.bar (42));

Actual behavior

()foo.bar (42);     // As expected
(foo.)bar (42);     // Wrong
(foo.bar) (42);     // As expected
(foo.bar (42);)     // Wrong

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