FugiTech / google-meet-grid-view

Userscript to offer a grid-view layout in Google Meets
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Google Meet grid view has stopped working today suddenly #133

Open dipchoksi opened 4 years ago

dipchoksi commented 4 years ago

Describe what is broken A clear and concise description of what isn't working.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

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dipchoksi commented 4 years ago

The google meet grid view was working perfectly uptil yesterday but today suddenly, it has stopped working. I have even tried to reinstall the grid view several times but to no avail. Please fix it as soon as possible.

debcut commented 4 years ago

same problem ,until yesterday work's perfectly...is about 10 hours from now.How can I do?

artur-trzesiok commented 4 years ago

same problem. Google Meet provided native support to grid view (up to 16 users). Probably they change HTML structure and extension right now have problems.

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

Please make sure you're using v1.31

LibraryLadyNOLA commented 4 years ago

Same problem. We have been using it for the past two months and love it! But, we need it for a schoolwide meeting tomorrow, and the grid view is not working. I had v.1.31, and the other three people in my test meeting had an older version. Then I signed out of the meeting, came back in, and I had the older version again but one of the other three people suddenly had v.1.31. It was almost as if we could not all three have it at the same time. Members could not see themselves (even when include myself in grid view was checked), and sometimes other participants could not be seen at all. At one point, the participants videos were stacked on top of each other in a layout that I have not ever seen.

bforbis commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem, but reinstalling to the latest release v1.31 has fixed it for me. Does this extension not automatically upgrade itself?

Either way, I'm glad that I was able to fix the problem.

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

If you installed it from the chrome web store it should eventually auto-update. Please also ensure you only have one copy of grid view installed at chrome://extensions/ as that can also cause issues

LibraryLadyNOLA commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I had been uninstalling and reinstalling. It turns out there were two copies of grid view...One was showing up in my extension bar as a lot of boxes, and the other was four boxes. I had deleted the multiple boxes one, but the 4 box one kept making things glitchy. I think it works now! Thank you so much! It is super amazing that you created this extension--thank you!!!

TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago

I have the very same problem. But I do not have any other extensions. How do I check that I am using v1.31?

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

You can see which version you're using in the grid view menu or by visiting chrome://extensions/ and enabling "developer mode"

TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago

It says that I am using 1.31.0 So what else could be the problem that is making this happen?

Xinne commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman i don't know if it's google's silent update or the new version, but the gridview plugin is broken. Only 5 participants are showing, stacked ttb in the y direction, 100% stretched over the x axis.

Already tried reinstalling, no result.

Xinne commented 4 years ago

It seems commit 932ae836705bf6686aa95b8699e64b1824df92df (version 1.26) is the last one working on chrome v81.0.4044.138 and macos v10.15.1

edit: version 1.30 is partly working

Asawid commented 4 years ago

After I updated Chrome it worked again. Worth a try!

Xinne commented 4 years ago

After I updated Chrome it worked again. Worth a try!

What version of chrome are you running now? I just updated to 83.0.4103.61, still not working

Asawid commented 4 years ago

Version 83.0.4103.61

PiervitoCreanza commented 4 years ago

What version of chrome are you running now? I just updated to 83.0.4103.61, still not working

Are you using the v1.31.0?

Xinne commented 4 years ago

What version of chrome are you running now? I just updated to 83.0.4103.61, still not working

Are you using the v1.31.0?

Yes, and also tried disabeling all other extensions. Still no luck.

kohld-basilicom commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Fugiman ! The reason was a new extension with the same name inside of my extension collection. Strange!

Xinne commented 4 years ago

Good to hear the extension is working for some of you!

After some digging, i think i found the problem.

The condition in https://github.com/Fugiman/google-meet-grid-view/blob/018f6e25c68e34825ebcd89fdd850a53d33d4baa/grid.user.js#L781

is never met. Only four hooks are found, the "reflow trigger" is never found in my browser.

I assume the function we are looking for is not matching to the regex, at least not in my browser.. How do you know what function to look for?

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

@Xinne I was about to reply and then you posted the root cause - Thank you so much!

My guess at this point is that v1.26 works for you since it's the last release that has a separate "UI loop". Later versions do all the work in the rendering pipeline hook which never gets set in v1.31 if it doesn't find the reflow trigger. I'm not sure why it's not finding it and you'll experience minor issues without it, but for now I can work around it.

The hooks are based on me manually reading the minified Google Meet source code, so it's very possible they fail for some people. I'm going to make a slight tweak to that one and see if it helps.

I'm also going to change the hook code to match v1.30 which should avoid this issue. Please let me know if v1.32 fixes the issue for you. Thanks!

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

Buenas tardes Me pasa lo que a ustedes. Yo trabajo desde un Chromebook, por tanto siempre estoy conectado a Google Chrome y por tanto se me actualiza solo. He buscado actualizaciones, pero al parecer mi Google meet, me lo actualiza la empresa. La vista del Grid me parece de la siguiente manera: Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 12 07 25 He buscado el archivo de actualización y me ha saltado el siguiente: google-meet-grid-view-master.zip Si fuera otro el archivo, por favor comuniquenmelo. Gracias.

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I had been uninstalling and reinstalling. It turns out there were two copies of grid view...One was showing up in my extension bar as a lot of boxes, and the other was four boxes. I had deleted the multiple boxes one, but the 4 box one kept making things glitchy. I think it works now! Thank you so much! It is super amazing that you created this extension--thank you!!!

@LibraryLadyNOLA - the one with the 4-box icon was an early, unofficial version and is no longer being updated regularly. The one with the 9-box icon is the official, regularly updated version. You should probably swap those extensions.

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

@Gass-by-Revi What version are you running? It should be visible in the extension menu. The zip file you linked doesn't look like the contents of the extension, it looks like the git repo itself, so I'm unsure what you mean by it. That said, it contains v1.31, the latest version is v1.32.

Please let me know if v1.32 does not solve your issue.

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 18 44 00 @Fugiman ahi aparece la versión y demás, no sé si será necesario algo más. ¿Dónde se encuentra la última versión? Es decir, desde donde la descargo. Gracias

PiervitoCreanza commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman ahi aparece la versión y demás, no sé si será necesario algo más. ¿Dónde se encuentra la última versión? Es decir, desde donde la descargo.

I think you are using an unofficial extension, go to the Chrome Web store and download the one from Chris Gamble

jahsonbda commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 18 44 00 @Fugiman ahi aparece la versión y demás, no sé si será necesario algo más. ¿Dónde se encuentra la última versión? Es decir, desde donde la descargo. Gracias

Latest version is up here --> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman ahi aparece la versión y demás, no sé si será necesario algo más. ¿Dónde se encuentra la última versión? Es decir, desde donde la descargo.

Creo que está utilizando una extensión no oficial, vaya a la tienda web de Chrome y descargue la de Chris Gamble

vale, muchas gracias

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

Captura de pantalla 2020-05-25 a las 18 44 00 @Fugiman ahi aparece la versión y demás, no sé si será necesario algo más. ¿Dónde se encuentra la última versión? Es decir, desde donde la descargo. Gracias

La última versión está aquí ---> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

gracias, pero desde ahi no me deja

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

@Gass-by-Revi But also be sure to uninstall the old extension, as it has been reported that having both installed causes other issues.

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

@Gass-by-Revi @jahsonbda The link was not formed correctly. Try this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

@ Gass-by-Revi @jahsonbda El enlace no se formó correctamente. Pruebe esto: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

@Eagle-Man vale muchas gracias, ahora sí. en cuanto lo haga les informo si me funciona. Muchas gracias.

jahsonbda commented 4 years ago

@Gass-by-Revi @jahsonbda The link was not formed correctly. Try this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

Sory...not sure what happened when I posted it. I've fixed it

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

@ Gass-by-Revi @jahsonbda El enlace no se formó correctamente. Pruebe esto: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip?hl=en

Sory ... no estoy seguro de lo que sucedió cuando lo publiqué.

@jahsonbda No te preocupes, tranquilo. Son cosas que pasan a veces. Debiste copiar el link que no era, pero vamos que no te preocupes. Gracias aun así

TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago

How long do you reckon this problem will be active for?

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

@TheDeathStar3 I believe it has been fixed (worked fine for me today with 50+ people). Make sure you have the latest version from Chris Gamble. If you're still having issues, be sure to include the information from the template at the top.

TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago

OS: Mac Browser: Chrome Grid View Version: 1.31.0

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

v1.32 is the newest version.

TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago


TheDeathStar3 commented 4 years ago

It works now thanks

Xinne commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman Awesome, works like a charm. Thanks!

I assumed you were reading the minified js, damn.. Kudo's!

tmeadows197 commented 4 years ago

Grid View in Meets is not working in our district. All users on the meet today had the view of all stacked when grid was on. Had to turn grid off. Never can see yourself in grid even with it turned on.

FugiTech commented 4 years ago

If you are using v1.32 and have ensured you have no other grid view extensions at chrome://extensions please 1) Share a screenshot of what you see 2) Press CTRL+SHIFT+J and share all lines starting with [google-meet-grid-view]

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

@tmeadows197 If it's your whole district is your Chrome account managed by your district? They may have installed a grid view extension for you, which may not be the official version, or which may prevent it somehow from updating properly. Contact your tech support to ensure it is Chris Gamble's extension, that all other Grid Views are uninstalled and that it is updated to v1.32. Once this has been done, you may need to restart your browser for it to take effect. For a Chromebook, this may require a full power down and restart.

dnicolaev commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman It is really what kind of extension you have installed

So I have extension v.2020.4.30 Offered by: stgnola.org. I don't recall - but maybe I installed it myself without paying attention to details. I removed it.

And installed a proper one v.1.32.0. Offered by: Chris Gamble.

Will see tomorrow how it works.

Alonso84 commented 4 years ago

The same happened to me a couple of days ago. It stopped working and I really need it for my online lessons. I have removed the extension and tried to download it again, but for whatever reason it is not letting me download it. Every time I try, an error message appears on screen.

Xinne commented 4 years ago

The same happened to me a couple of days ago. It stopped working and I really need it for my online lessons. I have removed the extension and tried to download it again, but for whatever reason it is not letting me download it. Every time I try, an error message appears on screen.

Sounds like the same problem as #153 ?

JuanCondeGarrido commented 4 years ago

I had a similar problem today in the class I had to attend, using Chrome+Google Meet Grid. I could only see either myself or the teacher. Never the other participants. Joining the meeting with Firefox (with no extension installed), I could see the grid of all the participants but me. Maybe the changed something on Meet itself, so the extension stopped working fine...

mackinven commented 4 years ago

Making sure I had the latest version of Grid View (Thanks Chris), and also updating Chrome fixed it for me. It didn't work properly until I had the latest version of Chrome (Go to "About Google Chrome" menu and check for updates)

Gass-by-Revi commented 4 years ago

@Fugiman thanks, i have made what you said and now goes perfectly to me. thanks