FugiTech / google-meet-grid-view

Userscript to offer a grid-view layout in Google Meets
623 stars 272 forks source link

grid view not support my window 10 #289

Open ponbell opened 4 years ago

ponbell commented 4 years ago

// ==UserScript== // @name Google Meet Grid View // @namespace https://fugi.tech/ // @version 1.37 // @description Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets // @author Chris Gamble // @include https://meet.google.com/* // @grant none // @run-at document-idle // @inject-into content // ==/UserScript==

;(function () { // If included by our extension's icon page, export translation factory if (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src === window.location.href.replace('popup.html', 'grid.user.js')) { // If imported, export the translation factory window.TranslationFactory = TranslationFactory } else if (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') { // If running in a sandbox, break out of the sandbox const scriptData = (function(){ Main(); ${TranslationFactory.toString()}; ${Main.toString()}; })()

const s = document.createElement('script')
s.setAttribute('data-version', GM.info.script.version)
s.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([scriptData], { type: 'text/javascript' }))

} else { // Otherwise we're running as an unsandboxed user script // and we should just do the thing Main() }

function TranslationFactory() { const translations = { ca: { showOnlyVideo: 'Mostra només els participants amb vídeo', highlightSpeaker: 'Ressalta els que parlen', includeOwnVideo: 'Inclou el propi vídeo a la graella', autoEnable: 'Habilita la visualització en graella de manera predeterminada', notRunning: "La visualització en graella no s'està executant en aquesta pàgina", noMeeting: "La visualització en graella no s'executarà fins que no us uniu a una reunió", enabled: 'Activa la visualització en graella', sourceCode: 'Codi font disponible a GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Activa el mode captura de pantalla', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Força 16:9, desactiva els noms, bloqueja els vídeos al seu lloc', unauthorizedWarning: "ATENCIÓ: es tracta d'una extensió no autoritzada. Instal·leu l'extensió oficial fent clic aquí.", hideParticipant: 'Amaga el participant', showParticipant: 'Mostra el participant', advancedSettingsLink: 'Mostra la configuració avançada', advancedSettingsTitle: 'Configuració avançada de Google Meet Grid View', bottomToolbarBehavior: "Comportament de la barra d'eines inferior", btbNative: "Tapa la graella quan es mostri la barra d'eines", btbResize: "Canvia la mida de la graella quan es mostri la barra d'eines", btbForce: "Mostra sempre la barra d'eines i canvia la mida de la graella", rightToolbarBehavior: 'Comportament del xat i el llistat de persones', rtbNative: 'Tapa la graella quan es mostri el xat', rtbResize: 'Canvia la mida de la graella quan es mostri el xat', ownVideoBehavior: 'Comportament del propi vídeo', ovbNative: "Mantén l'efecte mirall", ovbFlip: 'Capgira el vídeo tal com et veuen els altres', presentationBehavior: 'Comportament de la pròpia presentació', pbNever: 'No mostris mai la presentació a la graella', pbOwnVideo: 'Mostra la presentació a la graella quan s\'hagi seleccionat "Inclou el propi vídeo a la graella"', pbAlways: 'Mostra sempre la presentació a la graella', modifyNames: 'Canvi dels noms dels participants', mnNative: 'Sense canvis ("Marta Vila Puig")', mnFirstSpace: 'Mou la primera paraula al final ("Vila Puig, Marta")', mnLastSpace: 'Mou l\'última paraula al principi ("Puig, Marta Vila")', }, da: { showOnlyVideo: 'Vis kun deltagere med video', highlightSpeaker: 'Fokuser på talene personer', includeOwnVideo: 'Vis mig selv i Grid', autoEnable: 'Tænd for Grid automatisk', notRunning: 'Grid View kører ikke på denne side', noMeeting: 'Grid View kører ikke indtil du deltager i et møde', enabled: 'Aktiver Grid View', sourceCode: 'Kildekoden er tilgængelig på GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Aktiver skærmoptager', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Gennemtvinger 16:9, Deaktiverer navne, Låser video-positioner', unauthorizedWarning: 'Advarsel: Dette er ikke en autoriseret tilføjelse. Installer venligst den officielle, ved at klikke her.', }, de: { showOnlyVideo: 'Nur Teilnehmer mit Video anzeigen', highlightSpeaker: 'Sprecher hervorheben', includeOwnVideo: 'Mich im Raster anzeigen', autoEnable: 'Rasteransicht automatisch aktivieren', notRunning: 'Rasteransicht ist für diese Seite nicht aktiv', noMeeting: 'Rasteransicht ist solange nicht aktiv, bis Sie dem Meeting beitreten', enabled: 'Rasteransicht einschalten', sourceCode: 'Der Quellcode ist auf GitHub zugänglich', screenCaptureMode: 'Aktiviere Bildschirmaufnahmemodus', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Erzwingt 16:9, entfernt Namen, fixiert Videoposition', unauthorizedWarning: 'WARNUNG: Dies ist keine autorisierte Erweiterung. Bitte installieren Sie die offizielle Version. Klicken Sie dafür hier.', hideParticipant: 'Teilnehmer verbergen', showParticipant: 'Teilnehmer anzeigen', }, en: { showOnlyVideo: 'Only show participants with video', highlightSpeaker: 'Highlight speakers', includeOwnVideo: 'Include yourself in the grid', autoEnable: 'Enable grid view by default', notRunning: 'Grid View is not running on this page', noMeeting: 'Grid View does not run until you join the meeting', enabled: 'Enable Grid View', sourceCode: 'Source code available on GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Enable Screen Capture Mode', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Forces 16:9, Disables names, Locks videos in place', unauthorizedWarning: 'WARNING: This is an unauthorized extension. Please install the official release by clicking here.', duplicateWarning: 'Multiple Grid View extensions detected. Please uninstall duplicates.', hideParticipant: 'Hide Participant', showParticipant: 'Show Participant', advancedSettingsLink: 'View Advanced Settings', advancedSettingsTitle: 'Google Meet Grid View Advanced Settings', bottomToolbarBehavior: 'Bottom Toolbar Behavior', btbNative: 'Obscure grid when toolbar is showing', btbResize: 'Resize grid when toolbar is showing', btbForce: 'Always show toolbar and resize grid', rightToolbarBehavior: 'Chat & People Behavior', rtbNative: 'Obscure grid when chat is showing', rtbResize: 'Resize grid when chat is showing', ownVideoBehavior: 'Own Video In Grid Behavior', ovbNative: 'Keep video mirrored', ovbFlip: 'Flip video to match what others see', presentationBehavior: 'Own Presentation Behavior', pbNever: 'Never show presentation in grid', pbOwnVideo: 'Show presentation in grid when "Include yourself in the grid" is selected', pbAlways: 'Always show presentation in grid', modifyNames: 'Modify Participant Names', mnNative: 'No modification ("Alpha Bravo Charlie")', mnFirstSpace: 'Move first word to end ("Bravo Charlie, Alpha")', mnLastSpace: 'Move last word to start ("Charlie, Alpha Bravo")', forceQuality: 'Video Quality', fqAuto: 'Automatic based on video size and number of participants', fqGood: 'Good', fqMediocre: 'Mediocre', fqBad: 'Bad', fqWorst: 'Worst', }, es: { showOnlyVideo: 'Mostrar solo participantes con vídeo', highlightSpeaker: 'Resaltar los que hablan', includeOwnVideo: 'Incluir mi vídeo en la cuadrícula', autoEnable: 'Habilitar vista en cuadrícula por defecto', notRunning: 'La vista en cuadrícula no funciona en esta página', noMeeting: 'La vista en cuadrícula no funciona hasta que no estés en una llamada', enabled: 'Habilitar vista en cuadrícula', sourceCode: 'Código fuente disponible en GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Habilitar modo captura de pantalla', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Forzar 16:9, deshabilita nombres, fija el vídeo en su lugar', unauthorizedWarning: 'ATENCIÓN: Esta es una extensión no autorizada. Por favor, instale la versión oficial haciendo clic aquí.', }, fr: { showOnlyVideo: 'Ne montrer que les participants avec caméra', highlightSpeaker: 'Surligner ceux qui parlent', includeOwnVideo: 'Vous inclure dans la grille', autoEnable: 'Activer la vue grille par défaut', notRunning: 'La vue grille ne fonctionne pas sur cette page', noMeeting: 'La vue grille ne fonctionne pas tant que vous ne rejoignez pas de réunion', enabled: 'Activer la vue grille', sourceCode: 'Code source disponible sur GitHub', screenCaptureMode: "Activer le mode capture d'écran", screenCaptureModeDescription: "Force l'affichage 16:9, désactive les noms, vérrouille les positions des vidéos", unauthorizedWarning: "ATTENTION : Il s'agit d'une extension non autorisée. Installez la version officielle en cliquant ici.", hideParticipant: 'Cacher le participant', showParticipant: 'Afficher le participant', }, hr: { showOnlyVideo: 'Prikaži samo sudionike sa kamerom', highlightSpeaker: 'Naglasi govornike', includeOwnVideo: 'Uključi sebe u mrežnom prikazu', }, id: { showOnlyVideo: 'Hanya tampilkan peserta dengan video', highlightSpeaker: 'Utamakan pembicara', includeOwnVideo: 'Masukkan dirimu di grid', autoEnable: 'Aktifkan grid dari awal', notRunning: 'Grid View tidak aktif pada laman ini', noMeeting: 'Grid View tidak akan aktif sampai kamu bergabung ke Meet', enabled: 'Aktifkan Grid View', sourceCode: 'Source code ada di GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Aktifkan Screen Capture Mode', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Paksa 16:9, Nonaktifkan nama, kunci video pada tempatnya', unauthorizedWarning: 'PERINGATAN: Ini adalah ekstensi yang tidak resmi. Silakan pasang rilis resmi dengan mengklik di sini.', hideParticipant: 'Sembunyikan Peserta', showParticipant: 'Tampilkan Peserta', }, it: { showOnlyVideo: 'Mostra solo i partecipanti con videocamera', highlightSpeaker: 'Evidenzia sta parlando', includeOwnVideo: 'Includi te stesso nella griglia', autoEnable: 'Attiva sempre la vista a griglia', notRunning: 'Grid View non è in esecuzione su questa pagina', noMeeting: 'Grid View non funzionerà finché non entrerai nella riunione', enabled: 'Attiva Grid View', sourceCode: 'Codice sorgente disponibile su GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Attiva la modalità di cattura dello schermo', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Forza il 16:9, nasconde i nomi e blocca i video nella loro posizione attuale', unauthorizedWarning: "ATTENZIONE: Questa è un'estenzione non autorizzata. Per favore, installa la versione ufficiale cliccando qui.", duplicateWarning: 'Sono state rilevate diverse estenzioni Grid View. Per favore, rimuovi i duplicati.', hideParticipant: 'Nascondi partecipante', showParticipant: 'Mostra partecipante', advancedSettingsLink: 'Impostazioni avanzate', advancedSettingsTitle: 'Impostazioni avanzate di Google Meet Grid View', bottomToolbarBehavior: 'Comportamento della barra inferiore', btbNative: 'Copri la griglia mentre la barra è visibile', btbResize: 'Ridimensiona la griglia mentre la barra è visibile', btbForce: 'Mostra sempre la barra ridimensionando la griglia', rightToolbarBehavior: 'Comportamento della chat', rtbNative: 'Copri la griglia mentre la chat è visibile', rtbResize: 'Ridimensiona la griglia mentre la chat è visibile', ownVideoBehavior: 'Comportamento del proprio video nella griglia', ovbNative: 'Tieni il video capovolto', ovbFlip: 'Capovolgi il video per renderlo uguale a come viene visto dagli altri', presentationBehavior: 'Comportamento della propria presentazione', pbNever: 'Non mostrare mai la propria presentazione nella griglia', pbOwnVideo: 'Mostra la presentazione quando "Includi te stesso nella griglia" è attivo', pbAlways: 'Mostra sempre la propria presentazione nella griglia', modifyNames: 'Modifica il nome dei partecipanti', mnNative: 'Nessuna modifica ("Alfa Bravo Charlie")', mnFirstSpace: 'Sposta la prima parola alla fine ("Bravo Charlie, Alfa")', mnLastSpace: 'Sposta l\'ultima parola all\'inizio ("Charlie, Alfa Bravo")', }, ja: { showOnlyVideo: 'カメラをオンにしている参加者のみ', highlightSpeaker: '発言者をハイライト', includeOwnVideo: '自分を含める', autoEnable: '初期状態でグリッド表示を有効化', screenCaptureMode: '画面キャプチャモードを有効化', screenCaptureModeDescription: '画面比率を16:9, 名前を非表示, ビデオの位置を固定にします。', }, nl: { showOnlyVideo: 'Toon alleen deelnemers met video', highlightSpeaker: 'Highlight sprekers', includeOwnVideo: 'Toon jezelf in het raster', autoEnable: 'Raster automatisch inschakelen', notRunning: 'Het raster staat niet aan op deze pagina', noMeeting: 'Het raster is pas zichtbaar als er aan een meeting wordt deelgenomen', enabled: 'Zet het raster aan', sourceCode: 'Broncode is beschikbaar op GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Zet Screen Capture Mode aan', screenCaptureModeDescription: "Forceer 16:9, Schakel namen uit, Zet video's vast op hun plek", unauthorizedWarning: 'LET OP: dit is geen geautoriseerde extensie. Installeer de officiele versie door hier te klikken.', hideParticipant: 'Verberg deelnemer', showParticipant: 'Toon deelnemer', advancedSettingsLink: 'Toon de geavanceerde instellingen', advancedSettingsTitle: 'Geavanceerde Instellingen van Google Meet Grid View', bottomToolbarBehavior: 'De balk aan de onderkant', btbNative: 'Toon de balk gedeeltelijk over het raster', btbResize: 'Verklein het raster als de balk zichtbaar is', btbForce: 'Verklein het raster en toon de balk continu', rightToolbarBehavior: 'De Chat/Mensen zijbalk', rtbNative: 'Toon de zijbalk gedeeltelijk over het raster', rtbResize: 'Verklein het raster als de zijbalk zichtbaar is', ownVideoBehavior: 'Je eigen video in het raster', ovbNative: 'Hou de video gespiegeld', ovbFlip: 'Spiegeling weer ongedaan maken, gelijk met wat de rest ziet', modifyNames: 'Deelnemersnamen aanpassen', mnNative: 'Niet aanpassen ("Jantje van de Berg")', mnFirstSpace: 'Eerste woord als laatste ("van de Berg, Jantje")', mnLastSpace: 'Laatste woord als eerste ("Berg, Jantje van de")', }, pl: { showOnlyVideo: 'Pokaż tylko uczestników z wideo', highlightSpeaker: 'Wyróżnij osobę prezentującą', includeOwnVideo: 'Uwzględnij siebie', }, pt: { showOnlyVideo: 'Mostrar apenas participantes com vídeo', highlightSpeaker: 'Realçar quem está a falar', includeOwnVideo: 'Incluir o meu vídeo na grelha', autoEnable: 'Ativar visualização em grelha por defeito', notRunning: 'Visualização em grelha não está activada nesta página', noMeeting: 'Visualização em grelha não funciona até que entre numa conferência', enabled: 'Ativar visualização em grelha', sourceCode: 'Código fonte disponível no GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Ativar captura de ecrã', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Forçar aspeto 16:9, Remover nomes, Parar posição dos vídeos', unauthorizedWarning: 'ATENÇÃO: Esta é uma extensão não autorizada. Por favor, clique aqui para instalar a versão oficial.', }, 'pt-BR': { showOnlyVideo: 'Mostrar somente participantes com vídeo', highlightSpeaker: 'Destacar quem está falando', includeOwnVideo: 'Incluir meu vídeo no grid', autoEnable: 'Habilitar visualização em grid por padrão', notRunning: 'Visualização em grid não está habilitado nesta página', noMeeting: 'Visualização em grid não funciona até que você entre em uma conferência', enabled: 'Habilitar visualização em grid', sourceCode: 'Código fonte disponível no GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Habilitar captura de tela', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Forçar aspecto 16:9, Desabilitar nomes, Travar posição dos vídeos', unauthorizedWarning: 'ATENÇÃO: Esta é uma extensão não autorizada. Por favor, instale a versão oficial clicando aqui.', duplicateWarning: 'Detectadas várias extensões "Multiple Grid View". Desinstale as duplicatas.', hideParticipant: 'Ocultar participante', showParticipant: 'Mostrar participante', advancedSettingsLink: 'Exibir configurações avançadas', advancedSettingsTitle: 'Configurações avançadas do Google Meet Grid View', bottomToolbarBehavior: 'Comportamento da barra de ferramentas inferior', btbNative: 'Ocultar grid quando a barra de ferramentas está sendo exibida', btbResize: 'Redimensionar o grid quando a barra de ferramentas estiver sendo exibida', btbForce: 'Sempre mostrar a barra de ferramentas e redimensionar o grid', rightToolbarBehavior: 'Bate-papo e comportamento das pessoas', rtbNative: 'Ocultar grid quando o bate-papo está sendo exibido', rtbResize: 'Redimensionar grid quando o bate-papo está sendo exibido', ownVideoBehavior: 'Seu vídeo no grid', ovbNative: 'Manter o vídeo espelhado', ovbFlip: 'Girar vídeo para combinar com o que os outros veem', presentationBehavior: 'Comportamento da própria apresentação', pbNever: 'Nunca mostrar apresentação no grid', pbOwnVideo: 'Mostrar apresentação no grid quando "Incluir-se na grade" está habilitado', pbAlways: 'Sempre mostrar a apresentação no grid', modifyNames: 'Modificar nomes de participantes', mnNative: 'Nenhuma modificação ("Alpha Bravo Charlie")', mnFirstSpace: 'Mover o primeiro nome para o final ("Bravo Charlie, Alpha")', mnLastSpace: 'Mover o último nome para o início ("Charlie, Alpha Bravo")', }, ru: { showOnlyVideo: 'Показывать участников только с видео', highlightSpeaker: 'Подсвечивать участника со звуком', includeOwnVideo: 'Включить себя в сетку', autoEnable: 'Разрешить вид сетки по умолчанию', notRunning: 'Сетка не работает на этой странице', noMeeting: 'Сетка не будет работать пока вы не подключитесь к конференции', enabled: 'Включить вид сетки', sourceCode: 'Исходный код доступен на GitHub', unauthorizedWarning: 'ВНИМАНИЕ: Это не авторизированное расширение. Пожалуйста, установите оффициальную версию тут.', hideParticipant: 'Скрыть участника', showParticipant: 'Показать участника', }, sv: { showOnlyVideo: 'Visa endast deltagare med video', highlightSpeaker: 'Markera/följ talare', includeOwnVideo: 'Inkludera mig i rutnätet', autoEnable: 'Använd rutnätet som standard', notRunning: 'Rutnätet körs inte på denna sidan', noMeeting: 'Grid View körs inte till dess att du har gått med i mötet', enabled: 'Slå på rutnätet', sourceCode: 'Källkod tillgänglig på GitHub', screenCaptureMode: 'Slå på skärminspelnings läge', screenCaptureModeDescription: 'Tvingar 16:9, Inaktiverar namn, Låser videor på plats', unauthorizedWarning: 'VARNING: Detta är inte ett auktoriserat tillägg. Installera det officiella tillägget genom att klicka här.', }, uk: { showOnlyVideo: 'Показати лише учасників з відео', highlightSpeaker: 'Виділити ведучого', includeOwnVideo: 'Включити себе', }, zh: { showOnlyVideo: '仅显示有视讯的与会者', highlightSpeaker: '强调发言者', includeOwnVideo: '将自己的视讯显示于网格中', }, 'zh-TW': { showOnlyVideo: '僅顯示有視訊的與會者', highlightSpeaker: '強調發言者', includeOwnVideo: '將自己的視訊顯示於網格中', }, }

const T = key =>
    .map(l => (translations[l] && translations[l][key]) || (translations[l.split('-')[0]] && translations[l.split('-')[0]][key]))
    .find(t => t)

return T


function Main() { const T = TranslationFactory()

// SVGs
const gridOff =
  '<path fill="currentColor" d="M0,2.77L1.28,1.5L22.5,22.72L21.23,24L19.23,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4.77L0,2.77M10,4V7.68L8,5.68V4H6.32L4.32,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V19.7L20,17.7V16H18.32L16.32,14H20V10H16V13.68L14,11.68V10H12.32L10.32,8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,20H17.23L16,18.77V20M4,8H5.23L4,6.77V8M10,14H11.23L10,12.77V14M14,20V16.77L13.23,16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10.77L7.23,10H4V14H8Z" />'
const gridOn =
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const visibilityOff =
  '<path fill="currentColor" d="M11.83,9L15,12.16C15,12.11 15,12.05 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9C11.94,9 11.89,9 11.83,9M7.53,9.8L9.08,11.35C9.03,11.56 9,11.77 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15C12.22,15 12.44,14.97 12.65,14.92L14.2,16.47C13.53,16.8 12.79,17 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,11.21 7.2,10.47 7.53,9.8M2,4.27L4.28,6.55L4.73,7C3.08,8.3 1.78,10 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C13.55,19.5 15.03,19.2 16.38,18.66L16.81,19.08L19.73,22L21,20.73L3.27,3M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,12.64 16.87,13.26 16.64,13.82L19.57,16.75C21.07,15.5 22.27,13.86 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5C10.6,4.5 9.26,4.75 8,5.2L10.17,7.35C10.74,7.13 11.35,7 12,7Z" />'
const visibilityOn =
  '<path fill="currentColor" d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C17,19.5 21.27,16.39 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5Z" />'
const close = '<path fill="currentColor" d="M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z" />'
const alert = '<path fill="currentColor" d="M13,14H11V10H13M13,18H11V16H13M1,21H23L12,2L1,21Z" />'

// Create the styles we need
const s = document.createElement('style')
s.innerHTML = `
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  height: 1px;
  background: #f1f3f4;
.__gmgv-button .__gmgv-source-code {
  line-height: 16px;
.__gmgv-button .__gmgv-source-code small {
  border-right: 0.5px solid #f1f3f4;
  padding-right: 5px;
  margin-right: 2px;
.__gmgv-button .__gmgv-source-code a {
  font-size: 12px;
.__gmgv-button > div > a {
  display: inline-block;
  line-height: 20px;

.__gmgv-hide svg,
.__gmgv-show-hide svg {
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
.__gmgv-hide > div {
  margin: 0 0 0 3px;
  color: #e8eaed;
  display: none;
.__gmgv-vid-container .__gmgv-hide > div,
.__gmgv-show-hide > div {
  display: flex;
.__gmgv-hide > div,
.__gmgv-show-hide > div {
  position: relative;
  overflow: visible;
  justify-content: center;
.__gmgv-hide > div > div,
.__gmgv-show-hide > div > div {
  position: absolute;
  border-radius: 2px;
  background-color: rgba(95,99,104,0.9);
  color: #ffffff;
  pointer-events: none;
  font-size: 10px;
  font-weight: 500;
  padding: 5px 8px 6px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0.3s;
  top: 31px;
  opacity: 0;
.__gmgv-hide:hover > div > div,
.__gmgv-show-hide:hover > div > div {
  top: 46px;
  opacity: 1;

.__gmgv-settings {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: 6000;
  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
.__gmgv-settings > div {
  max-height: 70vh;
  max-width: 80vw;
  overflow: auto;
  background: white;
  border-radius: 8px;
  padding: 24px;
.__gmgv-settings > div > div {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 500;
.__gmgv-settings > div > div > span:first-child {
  flex: 1 1 auto;
  margin-right: 20px;
.__gmgv-settings .__gmgv-close {
  line-height: 0;
  cursor: pointer;
  position: relative;
.__gmgv-settings .__gmgv-close svg {
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
.__gmgv-settings .__gmgv-close:before {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: -12px;
  left: -12px;
  width: 48px;
  height: 48px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  transition: background 300ms;
.__gmgv-settings .__gmgv-close:hover:before {
  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.12);
.__gmgv-settings label {
  display: block;
  margin-top: 24px;
.__gmgv-settings label > span {
  display: block;
  color: #00796b;
  font-size: 14px;
  line-height: 20px;
  font-weight: 500;
.__gmgv-settings label > select {
  display: block;
  height: 36px;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 8px 0;
  border: 0;
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.12);
  font-family: inherit;
  font-size: 14px;
  line-height: 20px;
  font-weight: 500;
.__gmgv-settings label option {
  padding: 0;
  font-size: 14px;
  line-height: 20px;
  font-weight: 500;

` document.body.append(s)

// Variables
let container = null
let toggleButton = null
let settingsOverlay = null
let forceReflow = () => {}
let lastStyles = []
let screenCaptureModeAllocations = new Map() // participantID -> order index
let screenCaptureModeLookup = new Map() // `${name}|${presentation}|${dedupeID}` -> {id,active,order}
let hiddenIDs = new Set()
let ownID = null
let sizingFuncOverwritten = false
let settings = {
  enabled: false,
  'show-settings-overlay': false,
  'show-only-video': localStorage.getItem('gmgv-show-only-video') === 'true',
  'highlight-speaker': localStorage.getItem('gmgv-highlight-speaker') === 'true',
  'include-own-video': localStorage.getItem('gmgv-include-own-video') === 'true',
  'auto-enable': localStorage.getItem('gmgv-auto-enable') === 'true',
  'screen-capture-mode': localStorage.getItem('gmgv-screen-capture-mode') === 'true',
  'bottom-toolbar': ['native', 'resize', 'force'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-bottom-toolbar')) || 'resize',
  'right-toolbar': ['native', 'resize'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-right-toolbar')) || 'resize',
  'own-video': ['native', 'flip'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-own-video')) || 'native',
  presentation: ['never', 'own-video', 'always'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-presentation')) || 'never',
  names: ['native', 'first-space', 'last-space'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-names')) || 'native',
  'force-quality': ['auto', '2', '3', '4', '5'].find(v => v === localStorage.getItem('gmgv-force-quality')) || 'auto',

// Make the button to perform the toggle
// This runs on a loop since you can join/leave the meeting repeatedly without changing the page
const authorized =
  (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src === 'chrome-extension://kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip/grid.user.js') || // Chrome
  (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src === 'chrome-extension://ogbbehbkcmdciebilbkpjgopohnpfolj/grid.user.js') || // Microsoft
  (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src.startsWith('moz-extension://')) || // Firefox regenerates the URL for each browser, so we can't detect if it's valid :(
  (typeof GM !== 'undefined' && GM && GM.info && GM.info.script && GM.info.script.namespace === 'https://fugi.tech/') || // user script
  (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src.startsWith('blob:')) // recursive user script
const performDuplicateCheck = document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src === 'chrome-extension://kklailfgofogmmdlhgmjgenehkjoioip/grid.user.js'
const version =
  (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.dataset.version) || (typeof GM !== 'undefined' && GM && GM.info && GM.info.script && GM.info.script.version) || '?.?.?'
let firstRun = true
setInterval(() => {
  // Find the UI elements we need to modify. If they don't exist we haven't entered the meeting yet and will try again later
  const participantVideo = document.querySelector('[data-allocation-index]')
  const _container = participantVideo && participantVideo.parentElement
  if (_container && _container !== container) {
    container = _container
    updateSetting('enabled', settings['enabled']) // When someone starts a presentation `container` will change under us, so we need to restart the grid

  if (_container && !settingsOverlay) {
    settingsOverlay = document.createElement('div')
    settingsOverlay.innerHTML = `
          <span class="__gmgv-close"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">${close}</svg></span>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="bottom-toolbar">
            <option value="native">${T('btbNative')}</option>
            <option value="resize">${T('btbResize')}</option>
            <option value="force">${T('btbForce')}</option>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="right-toolbar">
            <option value="native">${T('rtbNative')}</option>
            <option value="resize">${T('rtbResize')}</option>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="own-video">
            <option value="native">${T('ovbNative')}</option>
            <option value="flip">${T('ovbFlip')}</option>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="presentation">
            <option value="never">${T('pbNever')}</option>
            <option value="own-video">${T('pbOwnVideo')}</option>
            <option value="always">${T('pbAlways')}</option>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="names">
            <option value="native">${T('mnNative')}</option>
            <option value="first-space">${T('mnFirstSpace')}</option>
            <option value="last-space">${T('mnLastSpace')}</option>
          <select data-gmgv-setting="force-quality">
            <option value="auto">${T('fqAuto')}</option>
            <option value="2">${T('fqGood')}</option>
            <option value="3">${T('fqMediocre')}</option>
            <option value="4">${T('fqBad')}</option>
            <option value="5">${T('fqWorst')}</option>
    settingsOverlay.onclick = () => updateSetting('show-settings-overlay', false)
    settingsOverlay.querySelector('div').onclick = e => e.stopPropagation()
    settingsOverlay.querySelector('.__gmgv-close').onclick = () => updateSetting('show-settings-overlay', false)
    settingsOverlay.querySelectorAll('select').forEach(el => {
      const settingName = el.dataset.gmgvSetting
      el.value = settings[settingName]
      el.onchange = e => updateSetting(settingName, e.target.value)

  const ownVideoPreview = document.querySelector('[data-fps-request-screencast-cap]')
  const buttons = ownVideoPreview && ownVideoPreview.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
  // If user has other grid view extensions installed, warn them
  if (buttons && !buttons.__grid_ran2) {
    buttons.__grid_ran2 = true

    const hasDuplicates = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('script'))
      .map(s => s.src)
      .filter(src =>
    if (performDuplicateCheck && hasDuplicates.length > 0) {
      console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Duplicates detected', hasDuplicates)
      const duplicateWarning = document.createElement('div')
      duplicateWarning.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">${alert}</svg><span>${T('duplicateWarning')}</span>`
  if (buttons && !buttons.__grid_ran) {
    buttons.__grid_ran = true
    buttons.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.style.zIndex = 10 // Prevent options getting cut off by pin/mute overlay or speaker overlay

    // Find the button container element and copy the divider

    // Add our button to to enable/disable the grid
    toggleButton = document.createElement('div')
    toggleButton.classList = buttons.children[1].classList
    toggleButton.onclick = () => {
      updateSetting('enabled', !settings['enabled'])

    toggleButton.innerHTML = `
      <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">${gridOff}</svg>
        <label><input data-gmgv-setting="show-only-video" type="checkbox" /> ${T('showOnlyVideo')}</label>
        <label><input data-gmgv-setting="highlight-speaker" type="checkbox" /> ${T('highlightSpeaker')}</label>
        <label><input data-gmgv-setting="include-own-video" type="checkbox" /> ${T('includeOwnVideo')}</label>
        <label><input data-gmgv-setting="auto-enable" type="checkbox" /> ${T('autoEnable')}</label>
        <label><input data-gmgv-setting="screen-capture-mode" type="checkbox" /> ${T('screenCaptureMode')}</label>
        <a href="#">${T('advancedSettingsLink')}</a>
        <div class="__gmgv-source-code">
          <a href="https://github.com/Fugiman/google-meet-grid-view" target="_blank">${T('sourceCode')}</a>
            ? ''
            : `
        <a href="https://github.com/Fugiman/google-meet-grid-view#official-releases" target="_blank">${T('unauthorizedWarning')}</a>

    toggleButton.querySelector('div').onclick = e => e.stopPropagation()
    toggleButton.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(el => {
      const settingName = el.dataset.gmgvSetting
      el.checked = !!settings[settingName]
      el.onchange = e => updateSetting(settingName, e.target.checked)
    toggleButton.querySelector('a').onclick = e => {
      updateSetting('show-settings-overlay', true)

    updateSetting('screen-capture-mode', settings['screen-capture-mode'])

  // Find the functions inside google meets code that we need to override for our functionality
  // Notably we're looking for the function that handles video layout, and the function that detects volume
  // This code is fairly hairy but basically just iterates through all the exposed functions until we find the
  // ones that roughly match the code we're looking for by running regexs on the function source code.
  // We can then parse that code to get variable names out and use javascript Proxys to override them.
  if (window.default_MeetingsUi) {
    let m
    for (let [_k, v] of Object.entries(window.default_MeetingsUi)) {
      if (v && v.prototype) {
        for (let k of Object.keys(v.prototype)) {
          const p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(v.prototype, k)
          if (p && p.value && !v.prototype[k].__grid_ran) {
            // this.XX.get(_).YY(this._)
            m = /this\.([A-Za-z]+)\.get\([A-Za-z]+\)\.([A-Za-z]+)\(this\.[A-Za-z]+\)/.exec(p.value.toString())
            if (m) {
              console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into rendering pipeline', v.prototype[k])
              const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], RefreshVideoProxyHandler(m[1], m[2]))
              p.__grid_ran = true
              v.prototype[k] = p

            // this.XX.getVolume()
            m = /this\.([A-Za-z]+)\.getVolume\(\)/.exec(p.value.toString())
            if (m) {
              console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into volume detection', v.prototype[k])
              const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], VolumeDetectionProxyHandler(m[1]))
              p.__grid_ran = true
              v.prototype[k] = p

            // reflow()
            m = /=arguments;.*\(this\)/.exec(p.value.toString())
            if (m) {
              console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into reflow trigger', v.prototype[k])
              const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], ReflowProxyHandler())
              p.__grid_ran = true
              v.prototype[k] = p

            m = /function\(a\){return .*\.appendChild\(/.exec(p.value.toString())
            if (m) {
              console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into append handler', v.prototype[k])
              const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], AppendProxyHandler())
              p.__grid_ran = true
              v.prototype[k] = p
      if (v && typeof v === 'function' && !v.__grid_ran) {
        m = /function\(a,b,c\){return!0===c\?/.exec(v.toString())
        if (m) {
          console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into chat/bottom-bar toggle', v)
          const p = new Proxy(v, ToggleProxyHandler())
          p.__grid_ran = true
          window.default_MeetingsUi[_k] = p

        m = /function\(a,b\){a\.style\.display=b\?/.exec(v.toString())
        if (m) {
          console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into caption toggle', v)
          const p = new Proxy(v, CaptionProxyHandler())
          p.__grid_ran = true
          window.default_MeetingsUi[_k] = p

        m = /\.([A-Za-z]+)\.get\(.*window\.innerWidth,window\.innerHeight\)\);[A-Za-z]+=[A-Za-z]+\.([A-Za-z]+)\(/.exec(v.toString())
        if (m) {
          console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into rendering pipeline v2', v)
          const p = new Proxy(v, RefreshVideoProxyHandlerV2(m[1], m[2]))
          p.__grid_ran = true
          window.default_MeetingsUi[_k] = p
    if (!window.default_MeetingsUi.__grid_ran) {
      console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into meetings UI')
      const p = new Proxy(window.default_MeetingsUi, MeetingsUIProxyHandler())
      p.__grid_ran = true
      window.default_MeetingsUi = p

  // Auto-enable
  if (firstRun && container && buttons) {
    firstRun = false
    if (settings['auto-enable']) updateSetting('enabled', true)
}, 1000)

// This overrides the function that handles laying out video.
// All we do here is install another proxy on the Map that returns which layout to use
function RefreshVideoProxyHandler(objKey, funcKey) {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      if (!thisArg[objKey].__grid_ran) {
        console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into video layout', thisArg[objKey])
        const p = new Proxy(thisArg[objKey], LayoutVideoProxyHandler(thisArg, funcKey))
        p.__grid_ran = true
        thisArg[objKey] = p
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)
function RefreshVideoProxyHandlerV2(objKey, funcKey) {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      if (!argumentsList[0][objKey].__grid_ran) {
        console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into video layout', argumentsList[0][objKey])
        const p = new Proxy(argumentsList[0][objKey], LayoutVideoProxyHandler(argumentsList[0], funcKey))
        p.__grid_ran = true
        argumentsList[0][objKey] = p
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)
// When this inevitably fails again run the following: Object.values(default_MeetingsUi).filter(v => v && typeof v === 'function' && /this\.([A-Za-z]+)=[A-Za-z]+\(this\)/.test(v.toString()))
function MeetingsUIProxyHandler() {
  return {
    set: function (obj, prop, value) {
      if (value && typeof value === 'function') {
        const m = /\.([A-Za-z]+)\([a-zA-Z,.]+\{[^\x05]*?this\.([A-Za-z]+)=[A-Za-z]+\(this\)/.exec(value.toString())
        if (m) {
          console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into rendering pipeline v3', value)
          value = new Proxy(value, RefreshVideoProxyHandlerV3(m[2], m[1]))
      return Reflect.set(obj, prop, value)
function RefreshVideoProxyHandlerV3(objKey, funcKey) {
  return {
    construct: function (target, argumentsList) {
      const ret = Reflect.construct(target, argumentsList)
      console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into video layout', ret)
      ret[objKey] = new Proxy(ret[objKey], LayoutVideoProxyHandler(ret, funcKey))
      return ret

// This overrides the Map that returns which layout to use, as called by the above Proxy
// If grid view is enabled we always try to call our custom layout function.
// If our layout function errors, or grid view is disabled, we return the actual function.
function LayoutVideoProxyHandler(parent, funcKey) {
  return {
    get: function (target, name) {
      let ret = Reflect.get(target, name)
      if (typeof ret === 'function') {
        ret = ret.bind(target)

      if (name == 'get') {
        return idx => ({
          [funcKey]: (videoOrdering, windowData) => {
            // idx mapping:
            // 2 = tiled?
            // 3 = spotlight
            // 4 = sidebar
            // 5 = auto?
            if (!settings['enabled']) {
              return ret(idx)[funcKey](videoOrdering, windowData)
            try {
              return GridLayout.call(parent, videoOrdering, windowData)
            } catch (e) {
              return ret(idx)[funcKey](videoOrdering, windowData)

      return ret

// This overrides the volume detection code that powers the wiggly bars next to each participant's name
// We still call the underlying function, but if grid view is enabled we also add or remove a class to the
// video container depending on volume level. This allows us to add visual effects like a border.
function VolumeDetectionProxyHandler(objKey) {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      if (!thisArg.isDisposed()) {
        if (!thisArg.__grid_videoElem) {
          for (let v of Object.values(thisArg)) {
            if (v instanceof HTMLElement) {
              thisArg.__grid_videoElem = v.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
        if (thisArg.__grid_videoElem.dataset.allocationIndex) {
          if (thisArg[objKey].getVolume() > 0 && settings['enabled'] && settings['highlight-speaker']) {
          } else {
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

function ToggleProxyHandler() {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      if (argumentsList.length === 3 && container) {
        const elems = Object.values(argumentsList[0])
          .filter(v => Array.isArray(v))
          .filter(v => v instanceof HTMLElement)
        const v = argumentsList[2]
        if (elems.length === 1) {
          const el = elems[0]
          if (el.parentElement === container.parentElement.parentElement && el.clientWidth === 320) {
            container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-chat-enabled', v)
          if (el.parentElement === container.parentElement.parentElement && el.clientHeight === 88) {
            container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-bottombar-enabled', v)
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

function CaptionProxyHandler() {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      if (argumentsList.length === 2 && container) {
        const el = argumentsList[0]
        const v = argumentsList[1]
        if (el.parentElement === container.parentElement.parentElement) {
          container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-captions-enabled', v)
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

function ReflowProxyHandler() {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      forceReflow = () => {
        // reflow.call(this, undefined)
        target.call(thisArg, argumentsList)
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

function AppendProxyHandler() {
  return {
    apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
      // Detect when a participant video is added
      if (argumentsList.length === 1 && argumentsList[0] && argumentsList[0].dataset && argumentsList[0].dataset.allocationIndex) {
        const v = argumentsList[0]
        if (settings['enabled']) {
          const i = +v.dataset.allocationIndex
          if (i < lastStyles.length) {
            lastStyles[i].el = v
      // Detect when participant options are expanded
      const participantOptions = Object.values(thisArg)
        .filter(v => v && v instanceof HTMLElement && v.dataset.sortKey)
      if (participantOptions.length === 1) {
        const v = Object.values(argumentsList[0]).map(Object.values).flat()[0]
        injectShowHideButton(v, participantOptions[0])
      return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

// This is a custom layout function to power grid view.
// Notably it forces every participant to load (or just those with video in only-video mode)
// and consistently sorts by participant name (rather than who has talked last)
function GridLayout(orderingInput) {
  // If we try to run without overwriting Google Meet's video sizing code we'll accidentally cause an infinite loop
  // So ensure we've overwritten it or error (and fall back to original layout) if we haven't
  if (!sizingFuncOverwritten) {
    const [sizeFuncName, sizeFunc] = Object.entries(window.default_MeetingsUi).find(([k, v]) => v && typeof v === 'function' && /bb_/.test(v.toString()))
    const sizeConstructor = Object.values(window.default_MeetingsUi).find(v => v && typeof v === 'function' && /this\.left=a/.test(v.toString()))
    if (!sizeFuncName || !sizeConstructor || !(sizeFuncName in window.default_MeetingsUi)) {
      throw new Error('could not overwrite sizing function')

    window.default_MeetingsUi[sizeFuncName] = new Proxy(sizeFunc, {
      apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        const [a, b, c, d, e] = argumentsList
        if (settings['enabled'] || c > 16) {
          const r = []
          for (let i = 0; i < c; i++) {
            r.push(new sizeConstructor(0, 0, b.width, b.height))
          return r
        return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

    sizingFuncOverwritten = true
    console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully overwrote sizing function')

  // Extract constructors from the Meets code
  const VideoList = orderingInput.constructor
  const VideoElem = Object.values(window.default_MeetingsUi)
    .filter(i => typeof i === 'function')
    .filter(i => i.toString().includes('.attribution'))[0]

  // Figure out what field of VideoElem is used to store the participant data
  const magicKey = Object.entries(new VideoElem(999)).find(e => e[1] === 999)[0]

  // Convert participant data to a VideoElem and add to the list
  // but only if it hasn't already been added. Also run a callback if provided.
  const addUniqueVideoElem = (a, b) => {
    if (b && !a.some(e => e[magicKey] === b)) {
      a.push(new VideoElem(b, { attribution: !settings['screen-capture-mode'] }))

  // Convience function
  const isSpacesStr = i => typeof i === 'string' && i.startsWith('spaces/')

  // This allows us to set values without knowing the property key
  // Important because the keys keep changing but the types don't.
  // magicSet(true) enables the "You're presenting to everyone" screen
  // magicSet(1 || 2) ensures multiple screens can be shown. Unsure the difference between 1 and 2
  const magicSet = val => {
    return elem => {
      for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(elem)) {
        if (typeof v === typeof val && k !== 'attribution') {
          elem[k] = val

  const importantObject = Object.values(this).find(v => v && v.constructor && /listener=new/.test(v.constructor.toString()))
  const videoKeys = Object.values(importantObject).find(v => Array.isArray(v) && v.length && v.every(isSpacesStr)) || []
  const videoMap = Object.values(importantObject).find(v => v instanceof Map && v.size && Array.from(v.keys()).every(isSpacesStr))
  const ownVideo =
      .filter(v => v && typeof v === 'object' && v.$goog_Thenable)
      .map(v => videoMap.get(Object.values(v).find(isSpacesStr)))
      .find(v => v) || null
  ownID = ownVideo.id

  // Use the map & map keys we found earlier to add every participant
  let ret = []
  for (const v of videoKeys) {
    addUniqueVideoElem(ret, videoMap.get(v))
  if (settings['include-own-video']) {
    addUniqueVideoElem(ret, ownVideo)
  if (settings['presentation'] === 'always' || (settings['presentation'] === 'own-video' && settings['include-own-video'])) {
    if (ownVideo.children && ownVideo.children.length) {
      for (let child of ownVideo.children) {
        addUniqueVideoElem(ret, child)

  // Set special values for later use
  // ret[idx][magicKey].wr.Aa.Aa.Ca.Ea.Ws.Ea.state // mu (no) li (yes)
  const tests = [/\.call\(this\)/, /\.call\(this,.*,"a"\)/, /new Set;this\.\w+=new _/, /new Map.*new Set/, /"un".*"li"/, /new Map/, /Object/]
  ret.forEach(e => {
    let values = [e[magicKey]]
    for (let t of tests) {
      let newValues = []
      for (let v of values) {
        newValues = newValues.concat(Object.values(v).filter(vv => vv && vv.constructor && t.test(vv.constructor.toString())))
      values = newValues
    e.__gmgvHasVideo = values.some(v => v && v.state && v.state === 'li')
    e.__gmgvIsPresentation = values.some(v => v && v.content && v.content === 'sc')

  // If in only-video mode, remove any without video
  if (settings['show-only-video'] && !settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
    ret = ret.filter(e => e.__gmgvHasVideo)

  // Remove all those explicitly hidden
  const activeIDs = new Set(ret.map(v => v[magicKey].id))
  ret = ret.filter(e => !hiddenIDs.has(e[magicKey].id))

  // Allocate slots for screen capture mode
  const hiddenSize = Array.from(screenCaptureModeLookup.values()).filter(v => hiddenIDs.has(v.id)).length
  if (settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
    // Remove gaps caused by hidden elements
    let fullOrdering = []
    screenCaptureModeLookup.forEach(v => {
      v.active = activeIDs.has(v.id)
      v.hidden = hiddenIDs.has(v.id)
      if (!v.hidden) fullOrdering[v.order] = v
    let hiddenOffset = 0
    for (let i = 0; i < fullOrdering.length; i++) {
      if (fullOrdering[i]) {
        fullOrdering[i].order -= hiddenOffset
        screenCaptureModeAllocations.set(fullOrdering[i].id, fullOrdering[i].order)
      } else {

    ret = ret.filter(v => {
      const participant = v[magicKey]
      const id = participant.id
      const name = participant.name
      const presenting = !!participant.parent

      if (screenCaptureModeAllocations.has(id)) return true

      for (let dedupeID = 0; dedupeID <= screenCaptureModeLookup.size; dedupeID++) {
        const key = `${name}|${presenting}|${dedupeID}`
        let l = screenCaptureModeLookup.get(key)
        if (l && l.active && l.id !== id) continue
        if (!l) l = { order: screenCaptureModeLookup.size - hiddenSize }
        l.active = true
        l.id = id
        screenCaptureModeLookup.set(key, l)
        if (l.hidden) {
          return false
        screenCaptureModeAllocations.set(id, l.order)
        return true

    for (let id of screenCaptureModeAllocations.keys()) {
      if (!activeIDs.has(id)) screenCaptureModeAllocations.delete(id)

  // If there are no participants, add ourselves
  if (!ret.length) {
    addUniqueVideoElem(ret, ownVideo)

  // sort by id to avoid google meet swapping elements under us
  ret.sort((a, b) => a[magicKey].id.localeCompare(b[magicKey].id))

  // Transform participant names as requested
  ret.forEach(a => {
    const transform = {
      native: n => n,
      'first-space': n => {
        let p = n.split(' ')
        p[p.length - 1] += ','
        return p.join(' ')
      'last-space': n => {
        let p = n.split(' ')
        p[p.length - 1] += ','
        return p.join(' ')

    a[magicKey].__gmgvName = a[magicKey].__gmgvName || a[magicKey].name
    const name = transform(a[magicKey].__gmgvName)
    for (let v of Object.values(a[magicKey])) {
      if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
        for (let vv of Object.values(v)) {
          if (Array.isArray(vv) && vv.length > 3 && vv[0] === a[magicKey].id && vv[2].includes('googleusercontent.com')) {
            vv[1] = name

  // Calculate actual ordering based on name & id
  const ordering = ret.map(a => ({ name: a[magicKey].name, id: a[magicKey].id }))
  ordering.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name) || a.id.localeCompare(b.id))

  // Set Pinned Index for use in CSS loop. If there is no pin, use the presenter if available
  let pinnedIndex = ret.findIndex(v => v[magicKey].isPinned())
  if (pinnedIndex < 0) {
    pinnedIndex = ret.findIndex(v => v.__gmgvIsPresentation)

  // Set video quality based on estimated video height & number of videos
  // 0=best? 1=_ 2=good 3=ok 4=bad 5=worst
  const numVideo = ret.filter(e => e.__gmgvHasVideo).length
  const size = calculateVideoSize(ret.length, pinnedIndex >= 0)
  let setVideoQuality = magicSet(5)
  if (settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
    setVideoQuality = magicSet(0)
  } else if (settings['force-quality'] !== 'auto') {
    setVideoQuality = magicSet(+settings['force-quality'])
  } else if (size.height >= 300 && numVideo <= 9) {
    setVideoQuality = magicSet(2)
  } else if (size.height >= 200 && numVideo <= 16) {
    setVideoQuality = magicSet(3)
  } else if (size.height >= 100 && numVideo <= 25) {
    setVideoQuality = magicSet(4)
  if (pinnedIndex >= 0) magicSet(0)(ret[pinnedIndex])

  // Build CSS changes
  if (container) {
    let { cols, rows } = size
    if (settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
      cols = rows = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(screenCaptureModeLookup.size - hiddenSize))
      const mul = Math.floor(Math.min((innerWidth - 327) / (cols * 16), (innerHeight - 140) / (cols * 9)))
      container.style.marginLeft = `${innerWidth - 325 - mul * cols * 16}px`
      container.style.marginTop = `${innerHeight - 140 - mul * cols * 9}px`
    } else {
      container.style.marginLeft = ''
      container.style.marginTop = ''
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-screen-capture-mode', settings['screen-capture-mode'])
    container.style.gridTemplateColumns = `repeat(${cols}, 1fr)`
    container.style.gridTemplateRows = settings['screen-capture-mode'] ? `repeat(${rows}, 1fr)` : ''

    const divTests = [/this\.src=/, /Object/, /Array/, /this\.listener=/, /\.model.*\(this\)/, /HTMLDivElement/]
    const children = ret.map(e => {
      let values = [e[magicKey]]
      for (let t of divTests) {
        let newValues = []
        for (let v of values) {
          newValues = newValues.concat(Object.values(v).filter(vv => vv && vv.constructor && t.test(vv.constructor.toString())))
        values = newValues
      return values.filter(v => v.parentElement === container)[0]

    lastStyles = []
    for (let i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
      const v = (lastStyles[i] = { el: children[i], name: ret[i][magicKey].name })
      if (settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
        const idx = screenCaptureModeAllocations.get(ret[i][magicKey].id)
        v.order = ''
        v.gridArea = `${1 + Math.floor(idx / cols)} / ${1 + (idx % cols)}` // row / column
      } else if (i === pinnedIndex) {
        v.order = -1
        v.gridArea = `span ${size.pinnedRows} / span ${size.pinnedCols}`
      } else {
        v.order = ordering.findIndex(o => o.id === ret[i][magicKey].id)
        v.gridArea = ''


  // Build a video list from the ordered output
  return new VideoList(ret)

function calculateVideoSize(n, hasPin) {
  let sizes = []
  const iw = innerWidth - 4
  const ih = innerHeight - 52
  const w = iw / 14 // width normalized to 14/9
  const h = ih / 9 // height normalized to 14/9
  for (let cols = 1; cols <= 30; cols++) {
    let rows = Math.ceil(n / cols)
    let pinnedCols = 1
    let pinnedRows = 1
    if (hasPin) {
      // We want the pinned area to be 1/4th the screen but a 16/9 ratio
      const pinnedArea = (iw * ih) / 4
      const pw = Math.sqrt(pinnedArea * (16 / 9))
      const ph = (9 / 16) * pw
      pinnedCols = Math.ceil((cols * pw) / iw)
      for (let canFit = false; !canFit; rows++) {
        pinnedRows = Math.ceil((rows * ph) / ih)
        canFit = rows * cols >= pinnedRows * pinnedCols + n - 1
    const size = Math.min(w / cols, h / rows)
      height: ih / rows,
  return sizes.reduce((a, b) => (a.size >= b.size ? a : b), {})

function applyStyles({ el, order, gridArea, name }) {
  if (!el) return
  el.style.order = order
  el.style.gridArea = gridArea
  el.querySelectorAll('[data-self-name]').forEach(d => {
    d.innerText = name

function injectHideButton(el) {
  const buttons = el.lastChild.firstChild
  const refButton = buttons.firstChild.firstChild
  const b = document.createElement('div')
  b.classList = '__gmgv-hide'
  b.innerHTML = `
    <div class="${refButton.classList}">
      <span class="${refButton.children[1].classList}">
        <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">${visibilityOn}</svg>
  b.onmousedown = e => e.stopPropagation()
  b.onclick = e => {
    const id = el.dataset.requestedParticipantId
    if (id === ownID) {
      updateSetting('include-own-video', false)
    } else {
  buttons.insertBefore(b, buttons.lastChild)

function injectShowHideButton(el, parent) {
  const id = parent.dataset.participantId
  const hidden = hiddenIDs.has(id)
  const refButton = el.lastChild.children[0]
  parent.parentElement.parentElement.style.overflow = 'visible'
  el.style.overflow = 'visible'
  const b = document.createElement('div')
  b.classList = '__gmgv-show-hide'
  b.style.display = settings['enabled'] ? '' : 'none'
  b.innerHTML = `
  <div class="${refButton.classList}">
    <span class="${refButton.children[1].classList}">
      <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">${hidden ? visibilityOff : visibilityOn}</svg>
    <div>${hidden ? T('showParticipant') : T('hideParticipant')}</div>
  b.onclick = e => {
    if (hiddenIDs.has(id)) {
    } else {
  b._refresh = () => {
    const hidden = hiddenIDs.has(id)
    b.querySelector('.__gmgv-show-hide > div > div').innerHTML = hidden ? T('showParticipant') : T('hideParticipant')
    b.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = hidden ? visibilityOff : visibilityOn
  el.insertBefore(b, el.lastChild)

function updateSetting(name, value) {
  settings[name] = value
  localStorage.setItem('gmgv-' + name, value)

  // Update the menu CSS
  if (toggleButton) {
    toggleButton.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = settings['enabled'] ? gridOn : gridOff
    const i = toggleButton.querySelector(`input[data-gmgv-setting="${name}"]`)
    if (i) i.checked = value

    const showOnlyVideo = toggleButton.querySelector('input[data-gmgv-setting="show-only-video"]')
    showOnlyVideo.checked = settings['show-only-video'] && !settings['screen-capture-mode']
    showOnlyVideo.disabled = settings['screen-capture-mode']
    showOnlyVideo.parentElement.classList.toggle('disabled', settings['screen-capture-mode'])

    const highlightSpeaker = toggleButton.querySelector('input[data-gmgv-setting="highlight-speaker"]')
    highlightSpeaker.checked = settings['highlight-speaker'] && !settings['screen-capture-mode']
    highlightSpeaker.disabled = settings['screen-capture-mode']
    highlightSpeaker.parentElement.classList.toggle('disabled', settings['screen-capture-mode'])

  // Update container CSS
  if (container) {
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-vid-container', settings['enabled'])
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-btb-resize', settings['bottom-toolbar'] === 'resize')
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-btb-force', settings['bottom-toolbar'] === 'force')
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-rtb-resize', settings['right-toolbar'] === 'resize')
    container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-flip-self', settings['own-video'] === 'flip')
    if (!settings['enabled']) {
      container.style.marginLeft = ''
      container.style.marginTop = ''

    const bottomBar = Array.from(container.parentElement.parentElement.children).find(el => el.clientHeight === 88)
    bottomBar.style.transform = settings['enabled'] && settings['bottom-toolbar'] === 'force' ? 'translateY(0)' : ''

  // Update settings CSS
  if (settingsOverlay) {
    settingsOverlay.style.display = settings['show-settings-overlay'] ? 'flex' : ''

  // Update participant menu CSS
  document.querySelectorAll('.__gmgv-show-hide').forEach(el => {
    el.style.display = settings['enabled'] ? '' : 'none'

  // Reset the screen capture mappings to reduce clutter on toggle
  if (!settings['screen-capture-mode']) {
    screenCaptureModeAllocations = new Map()
    screenCaptureModeLookup = new Map()
  if (!settings['enabled']) {
    hiddenIDs = new Set()

  // Force a reflow to pick up the new settings

// Extension communication
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if (event.source !== window) return // Only accept messages from ourselves
  if (event.data.sender !== 'gmgv_content') return
  try {
    switch (event.data.type) {
      case 'getState':
          id: event.data.id,
          sender: 'gmgv_user',
          inMeeting: !!container,
      case 'updateSetting':
        updateSetting(event.data.name, event.data.value)
          id: event.data.id,
          sender: 'gmgv_user',
          success: true,
          id: event.data.id,
          sender: 'gmgv_user',
          error: 'unknown message',
  } catch (error) {
      id: event.data.id,
      sender: 'gmgv_user',

} })()

ponbell commented 4 years ago

there are 130 error shown my program how can i solve it.

Eagle-Man commented 4 years ago

What sorts of errors? What lines? What browser? How you are running it? If it's 130 errors in a script that's known to work, it's probably a missing bracket or semicolon somewhere.

grant commented 4 years ago

Why did you @grant me? 😕

henrik242 commented 4 years ago
