FugiTech / kaet

Chat bot for twitch.tv/kate
MIT License
7 stars 5 forks source link

Feature request: call out new subs #5

Open rakslice opened 7 years ago

rakslice commented 7 years ago

Kate was talking about the idea of the bot calling out new subs in chat, like the mods are doing now.

Related APIs:

rakslice commented 7 years ago

Not sure if the general twitch user wrath for bot greetings would extend to sub messages: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/2hvw97/how_do_i_make_nightbot_welcome_people_to_stream/

rakslice commented 7 years ago

I've put together a PoC of this in https://github.com/rakslice/kaet/tree/on_sub_message.

Suggestions appreciated:


Set sub message:

<delta__vee> !seteventmessage newsub Hi {{.Username}}! Welcome to the channel! You are sub #{{NumberOfSubs}}!
<@ee__vee> ​Message for newsub set.


<@ee__vee> ​Hi testuser! Welcome to the channel! You are sub #42!

Test sub message:

<delta__vee> !testeventmessage newsub joebat
<@ee__vee> ​hi joebat! welcome to the channel

Remove sub message

<delta__vee> !removeeventmessage newsub
<@ee__vee> ​Message for newsub removed.

Useful error messages

<delta__vee> !seteventmessage foo hello world
<@ee__vee> ​There's no event 'foo'. Available events: newsub
<delta__vee> !removeeventmessage foo
<@ee__vee> ​There is already no message for foo
<delta__vee> !seteventmessage newsub {{test}}
<@ee__vee> ​Template error: template: newsub:1: function "test" not defined
<delta__vee> !seteventmessage newsub {{{what}}
<@ee__vee> ​Template error: template: newsub:1: unexpected "{" in command