Fuhrerreich / FR

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ita.14 refers to members of 'The France' when it should refer to members of 'The Entente' #204

Open maxice8 opened 4 years ago

maxice8 commented 4 years ago


maxice8 commented 4 years ago
diff --git a/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml b/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
index 5b2ffe9..9952c8e 100644
--- a/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
+++ b/localisation/FR_Italy_l_english.yml
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ ita.13.d:0 "As the PPI adopts more socially conscious policies many moderate soc
 ita.13.a:0 "We will embrace them with open arms"
 ita.14.t:0 "The Foreign Policy question"
-ita.14.d:0 "The first issue brought up in Parliament is the direction of our foreign policy. Conservative delegate, Alcide de Gasperi, argued that Italy should pursue a closer relation with members of the France. Palmiro Togliatti of the Communist Party alternatively stated that the Italian nation should leave the reactionary Entente and instead should align itself with the Soviet Union however his statement was not supported by the more moderate Socialists. The Liberals insisted that Italy should realign herself with Britain whose economy Italy is dependent on. Finally the Nationalists have argued that Italy is too dependent of foreign alliances and must cement herself as the ruler of the Mediterranean"
+ita.14.d:0 "The first issue brought up in Parliament is the direction of our foreign policy. Conservative delegate, Alcide de Gasperi, argued that Italy should pursue a closer relation with members of the Entente. Palmiro Togliatti of the Communist Party alternatively stated that the Italian nation should leave the reactionary Entente and instead should align itself with the Soviet Union however his statement was not supported by the more moderate Socialists. The Liberals insisted that Italy should realign herself with Britain whose economy Italy is dependent on. Finally the Nationalists have argued that Italy is too dependent of foreign alliances and must cement herself as the ruler of the Mediterranean"
 ita.14.a:0 "The USSR is the core of the Revolution, we should support them."
 ita.14.b:0 "Togliatti is a fool, but he isn't completely wrong..."
 ita.14.c:0 "The Liberals are right, Britain is a more sensible ally."