FujiHeatPump / esphome-fujitsu

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Boot loops #14

Open aceycv8 opened 8 months ago

aceycv8 commented 8 months ago

Hi Guys,

just a heads up if your experiencing bootloops and you've tried the single core version as well. it's Home assistant not liking the pinned to core value in the "FujitsuClimate.cpp" file the line needs to be modified too

xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(serialTask, "FujiTask", 10000, (void *)this, 1, &(this->taskHandle), 1);

Thanks to Jirm in the home assistant post for this information https://community.home-assistant.io/t/fujitsu-ac-heat-pump-integration-via-esphome-esp32/407610/99

i thought i'd share here if someone hasn't stumbled across the post yet

MarcojMarinelli commented 8 months ago

Thankyou! had not found elsewhere... Was struggling with this. This resolved the boot-loop issue on my Firebeetle ESP32