FujiHeatPump / esphome-fujitsu

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Make a "normal" esphome component configurable via YAML #7

Open dgrnbrg opened 1 year ago

dgrnbrg commented 1 year ago

This makes the system configurable via YAML.

I don't think I did the remote temperature sensor logic correctly--please help me fix that before merging.

Also, LMK if there's other things that should be configurable.

depuits commented 9 months ago

This pr looks great for simplifying the usage by using the external components. Would be nice if this could be merged.

rabbit-aaron commented 6 months ago

sorry for the late reply, just recently got a bit of time to look at this repo. Buddy I don't have much experience with this, if you think it's good you can merge it in, you should have full access.
