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hardcoded fliquidator address in isValidVault NFTGame.sol #392

Closed 0xdcota closed 2 years ago

0xdcota commented 2 years ago

The functionsbatchLiquidate(), flashBatchLiquidate(), andflashclose(), in the FliquidatorFTM.sol are not updating the state of the NFTGame.sol, after previous fixes due to game.isValidVault(address(this)) conditional below:


Since FliquidatorFTM.sol address does not return true when called by isValidVault(address) in the NFTGame.sol show below: https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji/blob/f126f2b4ffb28f44a3e31d1e8ad8520483b5ce13/packages/hardhat/contracts/fantom/nft-bonds/NFTGame.sol#L405-L415