Fujicracy / fuji-v2

Cross-chain money market aggregator
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Manage position #288

Closed ferostabio closed 1 year ago

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

References issue https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/issues/41

Adding some particularly important items that need to be taken into account when tackling this task

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Please test this PR on: https://v2-staging-288-dot-fuji-306908.ey.r.appspot.com

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

Hey @ferostar, I implemented the function and actually renamed it to viewFuturePosition. I was able to calculate in there all the values I think you may need in this overview dashboard and is all returned in a Position type. Now, I think your approach idea was a bit different, and the calculation meant to be done once for "collateral" and another for "debt". However, let me know what you think on my proposal. Completely understand if this is not how you want to handle it and happy to split it in the whichever way you desire.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Hey @ferostar, I implemented the function and actually renamed it to viewFuturePosition. I was able to calculate in there all the values I think you may need in this overview dashboard and is all returned in a Position type. Now, I think your approach idea was a bit different, and the calculation meant to be done once for "collateral" and another for "debt". However, let me know what you think on my proposal. Completely understand if this is not how you want to handle it and happy to split it in the whichever way you desire.

Hey @DaigaroCota I still have to separate the structure somehow, but what you did is great 🙌. I'll just create another function to do it. Thanks!

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@DaigaroCota I have a problem using the function.

If you go to /my-positions and select one, it will take you to [pid] which will grab the query URLs and pass the data to /borrow/Wrapper. There I grab the right position from positions and call the viewFuturePosition function, but this is what I get.

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-24 a la(s) 10 57 05
0xdcota commented 1 year ago

@DaigaroCota I have a problem using the function.

If you to /my-positions and select one, it will take you to [pid] which will grab the query URLs and pass the data to /borrow/Wrapper. There I grab the right position from positions and call the viewFuturePosition function, but this is what I get.

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-24 a la(s) 10 57 05

I think I know why, and is probably because I defined that as a getter instead of a property. Let me look into this.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

I think there's another issue @DaigaroCota . Say the user has 5usd as debt. Througout the app, the AssetMeta for it will be { amount: 5, usdValue: 1 }. But the position returned in my positions call has { amount: 5, usdValue: 5 } so it shows that the debt is 25 instead of 5.

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

I think there's another issue @DaigaroCota . Say the user has 5usd as debt. Througout the app, the AssetMeta for it will be { amount: 5, usdValue: 1 }. But the position returned in my positions call has { amount: 5, usdValue: 5 } so it shows that the debt is 25 instead of 5.

Oh ok I think this is an interpretation issue on what is usdValue, and I was thinking, since working on positions, that we will have this issue at some point. I was interpreting usdValue as the total value in dollars of the collateral/debt. Otherwise I would had name that "price" or usdPrice. So I think we have to align in wether this usdValue is = to price or the dollar value of the collateral/debt.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

The flow is (pretty much) done. Next step is to take care of some remaining inconsistencies with the returned positions. And testing everything and bug fixing, of course.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Fixed a zillion bugs already, going to keep at it.

@brozorec some notes:

brozorec commented 1 year ago

@ferostar great job so far :clap: I quickly tested it, and stumbled upon some cases that weren't well spec'ed out.

  1. The user needs to sign a permit only when there's a borrow or a withdrawal action
  2. When managing a position, the routes returned by the SDK are not correct. I had to fix that. For ex.: the user has a position on Polygon, and they want to deposit+borrow from Optimism. In that case, there should be only one available route: bridge from Optimism and deposit+borrow on Polygon. Let me double-check and confirm that, but I think that allowing the user to choose a route should be available only when they open the position, i.e only on the borrow page. That would mean that when calling the preview methods of the sdk, we have to define a new param (is a new position or an existing one).
  3. I suggest the following changes in wording that will make things clearer on "Remove position": "Collateral from" becomes "Withdraw to" and "Borrow to" becomes "Payback from".
  4. I also think it makes more sense to swap the collateral and the debt inputs when we are on "Remove position", i.e. first comes the "Payback from" (debt) and than "Withdraw to" (collateral). Logically, we first repay and then withdraw.
  5. When the user is managing a position and they choose a 3-chain operation, we need to display a message that those operations are not available yet. For ex: the position is on Polygon and they select to deposit from Arbitrum and to borrow to Optimism.
  6. When repaying, remove error "Debt amount too low".
  7. When on "Remove position", the selected chain should match the chain of the borrowed asset.

Regarding the points, you brought up:

When previewing borrow, the first step returns no token (is needed and returned in other cases, even if it’s the same token)

Let me check that.

We need to handle allowance diffs for all operations.

Agree; we talked about it the week before and said we wanted to handle that after the big refactoring of the borrow store.

We shouldn't forget that "borrow limit" is still hardcoded

I said I'll check that and I haven't yet, sorry :pray:

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bringing up all this points @brozorec ! Super helpful, I've been playing by ear when there weren't specs, just making progress until having some feedback, so everything you say makes sense. Routes/previews are the most complicated from the batch it seems, we can discuss them next week.

brozorec commented 1 year ago

Regarding point 1. from the list above. The SDK exposes a static method Sdk.needSignature(actions) that will return if there's a need to sign a permit. I can see in the borrow store that we already make use of it.

The issues on point 2. turned out to be easier handled than I thought yesterday. With #356 I suggested how to manage that, let me know if this approach works for you.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

1) You're right, we're saving the result of the needSignature call in the needPermit state variable, but we're not using that at all. It's never read. It'll be a matter of checking the value before calling sign.

2) formType is another variable that wasn't used at all, anywhere. I was just saving the manage vs borrow boolean in the local state, but I didn't realize it was going to be needed. So your solution works but only if we update the borrow state's formType property from the BorrowWrapper component. But in order to do it right, I'll get rid of the managePosition property I pass to subcomponents and use this formType from the global state instead. I'll do that on Monday and merge.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Did all of the mentioned points above but wanted to add a note about 5, preventing 3-chain operations: instead of showing an error I simply prevented the user from changing the chains when managing a position.

Now... @brozorec @DaigaroCota please test the hell out of everything. There are a lot of points that weren't in the specs, already found a lot of bugs but I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things (and introduced a couple of bugs in the meantime 😅) but I'm not even sure. Need a lot of feedback, @brozorec points above were wonderful.

brozorec commented 1 year ago

Hey @ferostar glad my comments helped :) I have limited capacity to test today and tomorrow, here some more comments:

instead of showing an error I simply prevented the user from changing the chains when managing a position.

The main value proposition of the v2 is "deposit, borrow and repay your debt positions from any chain" so we need to enable at least the 2-chain interactions when user wants to manage their position.

The general rules for managing positions should be:

I'll get rid of the managePosition property I pass to subcomponents and use this formType from the global state instead.

I didn't know about managePosition property, if that's what you want to use to diff between "only-borrow" and "manage", I'm good :+1:

Regarding the allowance when repaying, should we create a new ticket and PR or we do it here?

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

@ferostar Some feedback on test on the front-end

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

The general rules for managing positions should be:

Got it, I'll disable changing chains according to those rules.

Regarding the allowance when repaying, should we create a new ticket and PR or we do it here?

I would create a new ticket/PR and base it in this branch. If you do it here, the conversation will turn into a nightmare. We should keep this one for bugs.

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

@brozorec did we remove the relayer fee from here? If we are sponsoring it, at least we should notify user we are sponsoring. This with the idea that user knows there is a sponsored fee, and there is no "rug" feeling later on.


ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@brozorec changing chain requires a lot more thought. It's not trivial to implement. Just one example:

At the same time, and regardless of the token change, the user might type a collateral amount (so it is possible to choose chains everywhere) and then clears the collateral, so we're in only borrowing mode and the user already is in a different chain.

We need to handle all different cases/possibilities and how to treat each.

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

@brozorec @ferostar, one of the potential vulnerabilities identified by Macro and Hats competition is giving infinite erc-20- approval to the router contract. Lets please comment out the infinite approval from the front end for private beta. image

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Now implementing https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/issues/363

brozorec commented 1 year ago

Got to test the manage position page and here are my findings:

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@brozorec crash happens because preview.withdraw returns a step without a token. So far, in all cases, steps have a token property, but not in this case. Is this a bug in the sdk or is the frontend is wrong about the assumption?

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-14 a la(s) 15 08 58
ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@brozorec double checked the code and the app always expects to have values both in the start and end steps. They're used for the icon and the symbol, both required. Without any of them, of course, the app crashes. But I saw the code and it's pretty clear in that the start token isn't even sent.

How should the frontend handle it? Just to be clear, it's the routing card that needs it. No way to render it, as it stands, without start/end step's token.

brozorec commented 1 year ago

@ferostar In the case of only borrow or only withdraw, the start step doesn't include a token. As you pointed out as well, we can see the first step as some sort of "request": withdraw or borrow and no token is to be transferred from the user. I suggest the routing card displays a generic image instead of the token with a msg "Request". Do you that could work?

Another point, I see you have changed the content of the allowance modal, however, the address is not the one of the router but of the vault and the chain needs to be the source chain. You can get the router address from the sdk by importing CONNEXT_ROUTER_ADDRESS[srcChainId].

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@ferostar In the case of only borrow or only withdraw, the start step doesn't include a token. As you pointed out as well, we can see the first step as some sort of "request": withdraw or borrow and no token is to be transferred from the user. I suggest the routing card displays a generic image instead of the token with a msg "Request". Do you that could work?

I believe so, but we also need to change the text since we won't have the token symbol and it would just make no sense. We need:

Another point, I see you have changed the content of the allowance modal, however, the address is not the one of the router but of the vault and the chain needs to be the source chain. You can get the router address from the sdk by importing CONNEXT_ROUTER_ADDRESS[srcChainId].

I was 51% sure the vault's address was the wrong one but didn't know about this one 👍.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

A couple of notes @brozorec


Missing things… am I right? Anything missing?

brozorec commented 1 year ago

Button title for the case when the user is attempting to payback more than the position amount

Payback more than amount due

Button title for the case when the user is attempting to withdraw more than the position amount

Withdraw more than allowed

In overview, when managing a position, when “…below current price”we’re supposed to change the amount color when… exactly? Depending on the recommended ltv?

We follow the same logic as in "my-positions". If not possible, let's keep it simple: when x < 20% display in red, otherwise in green.

Borrow limit

We calculate it as follows: collateral amount collateral price maxLtv

Gas fees

Maybe we handle the gas fees and the other fees in a separate PR. I think we have to add in the Est. cost the expected slippage as well but let's talk about it tomorrow.

Show deposit APR in Overview


Figured out that when on "Remove position" the route should inverted. For ex. my position below is on Polygon and I'm operating from Polygon so the route should be Polygon > Optimism.


ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@brozorec solved all issues plus some. We can do another round of testing and tackle gas fees on another PR.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

@NikolaiYurchenko we already merged slippage here, so please have a look at this one:

57:6 Warning: React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'slippage'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. Mutable values like 'textInput.current' aren't valid dependencies because mutating them doesn't re-render the component. react-hooks/exhaustive-deps.

This thread about it is pretty interesting.

ferostabio commented 1 year ago

Already fixed the above, we shouldn't use useRef like that anymore. @brozorec please test slippage once more please!