Fujicracy / fuji-v2

Cross-chain money market aggregator
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Attacker can withdraw asset without burning any shares #293

Closed trungore closed 1 year ago

trungore commented 1 year ago


Attacker can withdraw asset without burning any shares

Affected smart contract



Function BaseVault.withdraw() is implemented as follows:

/// url = https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/blob/1b939ec84af137db430fc2aa1b4c6f15e5254003/packages/protocol/src/abstracts/BaseVault.sol#L396-L422
  function withdraw(
    uint256 assets,
    address receiver,
    address owner
    returns (uint256)
    if (assets == 0 || receiver == address(0) || owner == address(0)) {
      revert BaseVault__withdraw_invalidInput();

    if (assets > maxWithdraw(owner)) {
      revert BaseVault__withdraw_moreThanMax();

    address caller = _msgSender();
    if (caller != owner) {
      _spendAllowance(owner, caller, receiver, convertToShares(assets));

    /// [$audit-high] vulnerable here  
    uint256 shares = previewWithdraw(assets);
    _withdraw(caller, receiver, owner, assets, shares);

    return shares;

After a lot of checks, function withdraw() calls to the previewWithdraw(assets) to get the shares coressponding to the amount of assets that the user want to withdraw. The vulnerability of this calculation is previewWithdraw() use the round-down instead of round-up.

/// url = https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/blob/1b939ec84af137db430fc2aa1b4c6f15e5254003/packages/protocol/src/abstracts/BaseVault.sol#L270-L272
  function previewWithdraw(uint256 assets) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _convertToShares(assets, Math.Rounding.Down);

/// url = https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/blob/1b939ec84af137db430fc2aa1b4c6f15e5254003/packages/protocol/src/abstracts/BaseVault.sol#L492-L503
  function _convertToShares(
    uint256 assets,
    Math.Rounding rounding
    returns (uint256 shares)
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    return (assets == 0 || supply == 0) ? assets : assets.mulDiv(supply, totalAssets(), rounding);

In case the assets * supply < totalAssets(), the shares will get the value 0. It creates a big flaw for the attacker to steal the tokens of the vault. See the section below for more details of the attacks.

Attack scenario

We shall assume the state of vault as follows:

Attacker call BaseVault.withdraw(1, attacker_address, attacker_address). The corresponding shares to be burned is 1 * 100 / 1000 = 0. After the call, the attacker will get 1 asset tokens without burn any shares of him. The attacker can keep doing this until totalSupply() < totalAssets() and get a lot of money.

The PR to the attack test: https://github.com/Fujicracy/fuji-v2/pull/299


Calculate the burnedShares by using round-up instead of round-down calculation

function previewWithdraw(uint256 assets) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return _convertToShares(assets, Math.Rounding.Up);
0xdcota commented 1 year ago

This issue is addressed in pull request #487.