Fujicracy / fuji-v2

Cross-chain money market aggregator
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vaults can be unable to pause or unpause due to DoS gas limit #309

Closed rajatbeladiya closed 1 year ago

rajatbeladiya commented 1 year ago



Affected Smart Contracts



pauseForceAllVaults(), unpauseForceAllVaults(), pauseActionInAllVaults(), and upauseActionInAllVaults() function used to pause and unpause the vaults. this function internally calls _changePauseState() function to execute action.


_changePauseState() method loops over all the vaults to change their pause state. If there are a large number of vaults, this method may exceed the gas limit and fail to execute.

as similar to this setSafetyRating() is internally used _checkValidVault() function and it also loop over the _vaults. as mentioned above setSafeRating() is also will not able to execute. if setSafetyRating() will not work then deployVault() will not work because it depends on it.



in future if there is a bug and there is a need of pause the contract, if _vaults array will be large enough then it cannot pause the contracts and it can be harmful for the protocol because there is no method for the pause vaults individually as well.

Attack scenario

deployVault() can be able to deploy and push vaults 1.permissionlessDeployments is there to deploy the vaults by anyone. if permissionlessDeployments = true

  1. then attacker can deploy as many vaults as it can stop the other functionalities as mentioned in the description.


add limit to _vaults and add functionality to pause _vaults individually.

0xdcota commented 1 year ago

This issue was addressed in commit