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Fix Incorrect requesterCallData for Flashloan inside router #409

Closed pedrovalido closed 1 year ago

pedrovalido commented 1 year ago

[H-7] Incorrect handling of requesterCallData for Flashloan action inside _getBeneficiaryFromCalldataof the router


When a Flashloan action is executed, the requesterCallData parameter is extracted from the calldata and passed to the _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata function again. (Decode B in the following code)

function _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata(bytes memory callData)
    returns (address beneficiary)
    // Decode A
  (Action[] memory actions, bytes[] memory args,) =
      abi.decode(callData, (Action[], bytes[], uint256));
    } else if (actions[0] == Action.Flashloan) {
            // Decode B
      (,,,, bytes memory requestorCalldata) =
        abi.decode(args[0], (IFlasher, address, uint256, address, bytes));
      beneficiary = _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata(requestorCalldata);

To decode the requesterCallData into actions and arguments inside this second _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata call, the following encoding would be used at Decoding A.

(Action[] memory actions, bytes[] memory args,) = 
abi.decode(callData, (Action[], bytes[], uint256));

However, the requesterCallData of the Flasher has a different format than (Action[], bytes[], uint256) , it is:

(BaseRouter.xBundle.selector, Actions[], bytes[])

This means that the decoding process would fail at point A, and the router would not be able to bridge calldata with Flashloan as its first position.

This is problematic because having Flashloan as the first action is necessary for some of Fuji's use cases, such as closing a position with Flashloan.


Consider refactoring _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata to accommodate the Flashloan action.

One way of doing so is

         decode calldata into actions and args 

(Action[] memory actions, bytes[] memory args)
    -- FlashloanCase
      (,,,, bytes memory requestorCalldata) =
        abi.decode(args[0], (IFlasher, address, uint256, address, bytes));

            (, Action[] memory actions, bytes[] memory args) =
      abi.decode(requestorCalldata, (BaseRouter.xBundle.selector, Actions[], bytes[]));
      beneficiary = _getBeneficiaryFromCalldata(actions, args);