Fujicracy / fuji-v2

Cross-chain money market aggregator
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Adding more vaults and param updates #723

Open 0xdcota opened 8 months ago

0xdcota commented 8 months ago

This pull requests addresses issue with rebalancer which fixed the eth-mainnet vaults with morpho as a provider.

In addition, the following vaults were deployed:

Ethereum: WETH-USDT with Morphos as providers WETH-DAI with Spark and Morphos

Arbitrum: WETH-USDT with AaveV3 and DForce

Gnosis: WETH-DAI with Agave WBTC-DAI with Agave WBTC-USDC with Agave

Optimism: WETH-USDT with Dforce and Aave

Polygon WETH-USDT with AaveV2, AaveV3 and DForce All of below with AaveV3 STMATIC-WMATIC STMATIC-MATICX MATICX-WMATIC

vercel[bot] commented 8 months ago

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1 Ignored Deployment | Name | Status | Preview | Comments | Updated (UTC) | | :--- | :----- | :------ | :------- | :------ | | **fuji-v2-frontend** | ⬜️ Ignored ([Inspect](https://vercel.com/fuji-finance/fuji-v2-frontend/HbX9sggUvtTRw5BsZ6hDYsBu9RkS)) | [Visit Preview](https://fuji-v2-frontend-git-protocol-featmore-vaul-21b615-fuji-finance.vercel.app) | | Aug 28, 2023 1:55pm |
0xdcota commented 8 months ago

@ferostabio could you please help me check what I am doing wrong, I try to compile front-end to visualize the new vaults and it is throwing error: error - Error: Invariant failed: Missing address! which I found where it is but don't really understand why is affecting.

ferostabio commented 8 months ago

@ferostabio could you please help me check what I am doing wrong, I try to compile front-end to visualize the new vaults and it is throwing error: error - Error: Invariant failed: Missing address! which I found where it is but don't really understand why is affecting.

Fixed :). You were treating xDai as a token, when its a native currency -there's a clear disctintion between the two of them in the sdk: tokens can't have address zero, but native currencies do.

ferostabio commented 8 months ago

@DaigaroCota we should probably ask @Markoyw for all assets before he takes time off !

0xdcota commented 8 months ago

I will follow up on this tomorrow.