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PRD Local Event ERROR on Event - Oracle apps cs sr ServiceRequest updated **SR 3-27090385569 : Local Event ERROR : #108

Closed hamiltonmark closed 2 years ago

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Instance Name Instance: ppqs1i

Responsibility Name Responsibility:

Navigation Navigation:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

See word doc with screenshots and explanation. Possible solution given in word doc.

Local Event ERROR Oracle apps cs sr ServiceRequest updated.docx

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago


We will look into this and keep you posted.

Thanks Vinay

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

FYI The main issues are:

  1. Received 200+ emails on Day one.
  2. Event is erroring and probably needs turned off THanks


vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago

@ashoksnapfj: Could you please look into this and work with DBA team during your shift.

Thanks Vinay

SomuSundaramM commented 2 years ago

Hi Mark,

Its done in PROD.


Thanks, Somu

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Thanks Som I will need to enter an SR for this. We are still receiving Event emails ....


SomuSundaramM commented 2 years ago

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the update.

Regards, Som

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago

Just an update....Mark has uploaded 'Diagnostics: Apps Check' report output to Oracle support.

Thanks Vinay

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Latest update from SR references this note...

Hi Mark, Thanks for the update. Could you refer the note below & disable the subscription listed there? Notifications Being Send: Local Event ERROR : ( Doc ID 2318402.1 ) Regards,

Notifications Being Send Local Event ERROR Oracle apps cs sr ServiceRequest statuschanged Doc ID 2318402_1.pdf

SomuSundaramM commented 2 years ago

Hi Mark,

i have disabled the below one as per doc id,


Thanks, Somu

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Thanks Som I checked this morning. We are still receiving event emails for this.

Below shows latest list. In addition - included one of the emails.


Action Required Local Event ERROR )

TinaGriffin commented 2 years ago

Was the bounce done. According to "FYI Notification To SYSADMIN User: Error ORA-01403 EAM_SRAPPROVAL_PVT After Creating Or Updating Service Request (Doc ID 2495125.1)"


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

  1. Go into the responsibility: Workflow Administrator Web Applications

  2. Navigate to Business Events

  3. ENABLE the Business Events: and

4.Click on the Subscription link for each of these events.

5.For Business Event: , DISABLE the subscription EAM_SRAPPROVAL_PVT.service_request_updated and also isc_fs_event_log_etl_pkg.log_sr

6.Bounce mid tier and database

  1. Retest the issue.

  2. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago


Thanks Vinay

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago


After Tina or you update the existing service request then let us know. Then, Hanmant will perform the steps that are mentioned by Tina in todays comments in INT 12.2.10 instance.

Thanks Vinay

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

SR Analyst asked for below 2 SQLs run in Prod....

SQL Script Results.xlsx

In addition - Tina and I attempted to test in INT today without any results. No email was sent to our email box.

We verified events were enabled. Need to verify WF Background engine is running. SERVEREQ JTFTASK Once verified - Tina will need to update a Service Request. Then check for business event sending email notif.

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago


Thanks Vinay

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

SR Analyst response.... Hi Mark,

Thank you for your update.

Seems like you have disabled the Events and Subscriptions however they are not reflected in the tables. Just to confirm that these Events/Subscription are disabled using:

(R) Workflow Administrator -> Business Events (R) Workflow Administrator -> Subscriptions

They also show as disabled here.


hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Mark's response.... Used - Workflow Administrator Web (New) - responsibility. See uploaded doc for screenshots.

Screenshots showing events.docx

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

I updated the SR with the attached and following to finally verify what needs disabled....

Clinton I uploaded Screenshots asking what to disable... Can you please review and let me know? I will disable them and test. If needed - we can sched a bounce.

Appreciate it. Mark Screenshots asking what to Disable.docx

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

I have been using this responsibility for years to perform workflow administration:

Workflow Administrator Web (New)

Navigation: Administrator Workflow > Business Events

I’ve attempted numerous times to disable these 2 business events using this responsibility – without success. I’ve made the change and clicked apply but after re-querying the event it still is enabled.

Decided to try a different responsibility:

Workflow Administrator Web Applications

Same Navigation: Administrator Workflow > Business Events

It worked in STG… but still cannot disable in PROD using either responsibility.

In STG - it returns a green message saying it was successful. In PRD - it returns nothing after hit apply.

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Used an old Vinay trick and tried a different browser... success!

Was able to disable these events in Prod using Edge....



vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your update Mark.

hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

Even though the events have been disabled... we are still receiving email alerts. Probably need the Mid Tier and DB Bounced.... but I am not going to schedule it. We will wait until the next time we need a bounce for something else... or possibly in a few weeks when the upgrade dust settles.


hamiltonmark commented 2 years ago

We have a Plan to bounce the next time there is a need to bounce Mid Tier and DB. This ticket can be closed. In addition the SR can be closed as well.

vinaytalasila commented 2 years ago

Mark - Thank you for your update.

Thanks Vinay