Fullaxx / biglybt

An Ubuntu docker image running BiglyBT with openvpn
MIT License
9 stars 6 forks source link

add option to define user and group #2

Closed CWempe closed 5 years ago

CWempe commented 5 years ago

The files created inside the volumes are owned by root.

It would be better if you could define the User/UID.

I don't know wich method is the best:

I am not sure I can change this myself, because I think it will be complicated to change the image to run BiglyBT as non-root. But I will try.

@Fullaxx Is this something you could and would do? :)

Anyway. Thanks for the work.

Fullaxx commented 5 years ago

I am not opposed to the idea, although I am very new to docker and still learning. I'll do some research on this. Thanks for for spending time on my little project!

CWempe commented 5 years ago

I am no expert either. 😄

Maybe I find some time the next days to tackle this issue.

CWempe commented 5 years ago

I think I will try this: https://boxboat.com/2017/07/25/fixuid-change-docker-container-uid-gid/

Fullaxx commented 5 years ago

ok, let me make sure I understand the problem that we are attempting to solve: The files in the output directory are owned as root? and there should be a more convenient way to interact with completed files on the host with your host user?

CWempe commented 5 years ago


the container saves the downloaded files as root:root in the /out folder. My Host is sharing this folder via samba. Having files as root:root in a samba share does not work great in my experience.

A dirty work around would be to chown/chmod the files via cronjob. 😄

I think the hardest part of this issue is to run the vnc server as non-root if that is even possible. Or to run vnc server as root but BiglyBT as non-root in the correct vnc session.

Fullaxx commented 5 years ago

After talking with a friend of mine (who is much more knowledgeable on docker than myself) he suggested creating a user in the container to run VNC/OpenBox/BiglyBT and using ENV variables to map that container user to a host user. I will look into this over the next couple days.

CWempe commented 5 years ago

Just a quick update.

I am successfully running BiglyBT as another user and can see it via vnc. :)

diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 3c04035..700c5a9 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ MAINTAINER Brett Kuskie <fullaxx@gmail.com>
 # Set environment variables
 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Install openjdk-8 and clean up
@@ -23,26 +25,33 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/tmp/* /tmp/*

+RUN groupadd -g 1000 ${BIGLYBT_USER} && \
+    useradd -rm -d /home/${BIGLYBT_USER} -s /bin/bash -u 1000 -g 1000 ${BIGLYBT_USER}
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Install BiglyBT
 RUN wget -q https://files.biglybt.com/installer/BiglyBT_Installer.sh \
-      -O /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh && chmod +x /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh && \
-    USER="root" app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/" /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh -q && \
+      -O /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh && \
+    chmod +x /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh && \
+    chown ${BIGLYBT_USER}:${BIGLYBT_USER} /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh && \
+    echo "su biglybt -c '/usr/local/biglybt/biglybt' &" >> /root/.config/openbox/autostart && \
     echo >> /root/.config/openbox/autostart && \
-    echo "/usr/local/biglybt/biglybt &" >> /root/.config/openbox/autostart && \
+    USER="${BIGLYBT_USER}" app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/" /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh -q && \
     rm /app/BiglyBT_Installer.sh

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Provide default BiglyBT config
 COPY conf/biglybt.config /usr/share/biglybt/biglybt.config.default
+RUN chown ${BIGLYBT_USER}:${BIGLYBT_USER} /usr/share/biglybt/biglybt.config.default

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Install startup scripts
 COPY app/*.sh /app/

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Identify Volumes
-VOLUME /root/.biglybt
+VOLUME /home/${BIGLYBT_USER}/.biglybt
 VOLUME /out
diff --git a/app/biglybtcheck.sh b/app/biglybtcheck.sh
index 7b62b7c..034486d 100755
--- a/app/biglybtcheck.sh
+++ b/app/biglybtcheck.sh
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ mkdir -p /out/torrents
 mkdir -p /out/complete
 mkdir -p /out/processing

-mkdir -p /root/.biglybt
+mkdir -p /home/${BIGLYBT_USER}/.biglybt

 # if we have a new BiglyBT config file (/config/biglybt.config) use it
 if [ -r /config/biglybt.config ]; then
-  cp /config/biglybt.config /root/.biglybt/
+  cp /config/biglybt.config /home/${BIGLYBT_USER}/.biglybt/

 # if we have no config, use the default
-if [ ! -r /root/.biglybt/biglybt.config ]; then
-  cp /usr/share/biglybt/biglybt.config.default /root/.biglybt/biglybt.config
+if [ ! -r /home/${BIGLYBT_USER}/.biglybt/biglybt.config ]; then
+  cp /usr/share/biglybt/biglybt.config.default /home/${BIGLYBT_USER}/.biglybt/biglybt.config
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/tiger.sh b/app/tiger.sh
index 5316c16..3e1daef 100755
--- a/app/tiger.sh
+++ b/app/tiger.sh
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ fi
 /etc/init.d/x11-common start
 /etc/init.d/dbus start

+su biglybt -c "/app/biglybtcheck.sh"
 /app/openvpn.sh || bail "openvpn startup failed!"

 exec tigervncserver -fg -localhost no ${VNCAUTH} \

Open issues:

Fullaxx commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this! I incorporated some into the base image and some into this image. Let me know if you seen any issues.